The Complete Guide to Professional Trading with Elliott Wave
The Complete Guide to Professional Trading with Elliott Wave, available at $199.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 63 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 314 reviews, and has 1613 subscribers.
You will learn about How I made Intraday PROFITS: 120% (Section 12: Victories of a Day) How we predicted the COVID-19 induced Stock Market CRASH of 2020 in advance (Watch Section 10: Case Studies) How we predicted LUNA CRASH, right at the TURNING POINT (Watch Section 10: Case Studies) How we caught GOLD's 700+ points rally, the multi-year forecast made in 2017 (Watch Section 10: Case Studies) How to achieve and maintain 80% plus accuracy in your trading and analysis, like I have for 6 consecutive years. Know how the Professional Traders, Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund managers look at the markets. Understand Elliott Wave Principles and use them for Intraday Trading, Swing Trading and Investment. Have a long-term view of GOLD, S&P 500, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Nifty 50, RTSI (Russian Stock Market) and other instruments. Will be able to predict Market movements – Stocks, Forex, Commodities precisely with live analysis and examples presented in the course. Practical use of Fibonacci levels in taking trades and placing stop loss orders. Deduce high probability and low risk trades by following the deductive approach for Day Trading, Swing Trading and Investment. Take Intraday and Swing trades with huge confidence. Trading Psychology aspects that will allow you to keep the right mindset during Live Trading. This course is ideal for individuals who are Intraday Traders or Swing Traders or Investors or Those who want to learn trading from a real trader with actual publicly verifiable track record. or Those who want to learn secrets to achieve 80% plus accuracy in there trading and analysis. or Those who believe in scientific and deductive approach to Day trading, Swing Trading and Investing. or Those who want to learn practical application of Elliott Wave Principles. It is particularly useful for Intraday Traders or Swing Traders or Investors or Those who want to learn trading from a real trader with actual publicly verifiable track record. or Those who want to learn secrets to achieve 80% plus accuracy in there trading and analysis. or Those who believe in scientific and deductive approach to Day trading, Swing Trading and Investing. or Those who want to learn practical application of Elliott Wave Principles.
Enroll now: The Complete Guide to Professional Trading with Elliott Wave
Title: The Complete Guide to Professional Trading with Elliott Wave
Price: $199.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 68
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How I made Intraday PROFITS: 120% (Section 12: Victories of a Day)
- How we predicted the COVID-19 induced Stock Market CRASH of 2020 in advance (Watch Section 10: Case Studies)
- How we predicted LUNA CRASH, right at the TURNING POINT (Watch Section 10: Case Studies)
- How we caught GOLD's 700+ points rally, the multi-year forecast made in 2017 (Watch Section 10: Case Studies)
- How to achieve and maintain 80% plus accuracy in your trading and analysis, like I have for 6 consecutive years.
- Know how the Professional Traders, Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund managers look at the markets.
- Understand Elliott Wave Principles and use them for Intraday Trading, Swing Trading and Investment.
- Have a long-term view of GOLD, S&P 500, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Nifty 50, RTSI (Russian Stock Market) and other instruments.
- Will be able to predict Market movements – Stocks, Forex, Commodities precisely with live analysis and examples presented in the course.
- Practical use of Fibonacci levels in taking trades and placing stop loss orders.
- Deduce high probability and low risk trades by following the deductive approach for Day Trading, Swing Trading and Investment.
- Take Intraday and Swing trades with huge confidence.
- Trading Psychology aspects that will allow you to keep the right mindset during Live Trading.
Who Should Attend
- Intraday Traders
- Swing Traders
- Investors
- Those who want to learn trading from a real trader with actual publicly verifiable track record.
- Those who want to learn secrets to achieve 80% plus accuracy in there trading and analysis.
- Those who believe in scientific and deductive approach to Day trading, Swing Trading and Investing.
- Those who want to learn practical application of Elliott Wave Principles.
Target Audiences
- Intraday Traders
- Swing Traders
- Investors
- Those who want to learn trading from a real trader with actual publicly verifiable track record.
- Those who want to learn secrets to achieve 80% plus accuracy in there trading and analysis.
- Those who believe in scientific and deductive approach to Day trading, Swing Trading and Investing.
- Those who want to learn practical application of Elliott Wave Principles.
Before I start off with the details of the course and how it will enable to achieve your speculative and financial endeavors, below is a list of few of the big moves that I have caught, live in front of thousands of my students over the years:
2022: LUNA Cryptocurrency Crash: Caught precisely at the turning point. (Watch free preview in Module 10: Case Studies)
2016 – 2021: On SPX: In June 2016, while recording lectures for this course I used live charts of SPX and forecasted upside movement from 2100 level, with extended target of 4169, which was achieved in April, 2021. (Watch free preview in Module 9: Predicting the future)
2017 – 2020: On GOLD: In Feb. 2017 when GOLD was trading around $1250, I made a public forecast of the upcoming bull trend with targets of 2000 plus, after 3 years in August, 2020 the market achieved the upside target. (Watch free preview in Module 10: Case Studies)
2018: On BITCOIN: When BTCUSD was trading around 6200 level in October, my analysis suggested possibility of move down till 3000 level. By December 2018, BTC had given a strong fall and reversed around 3122 level as per analysis.
2019: Multiple short-term moves captured on Crude Oil, Gold, Silver, BTC, EURUSD SPX, Nifty, NYSE Stocks, NSE Stocks in the Monthly webinar series called, “Applied Elliott Wave Webinars.”
2020: On CRUDE OIL: In the webinar conducted on 22nd March, 2020; I discussed the possibility of possible Negative prices in Crude as per my analysis with a possible target as low as -59$, it was relegated as at that time negative prices were not allowed.
However, in April, 2020, CME Group announced that they will allow Negative Price Trading. And what later transpired was something in a league of its own, as Crude Oil achieved the Negative Price level of -37.63$. It is worth noting here that I was ofcourse not aware that CME was going to allow Negative Price trading beforehand, and neither was I aware that the market will go so very close to the Hypothetical and previously impossible negative target of -59$.
All combined till 2023: Till date, out of the 241 Analysis published publicly, 206 have played out as per analysis, making the accuracy of my analysis and forecasts stand at 85.48% for 6 consecutive years.
It is worth noting here that in the forecasting industry where even an accuracy of even 60% in a year is considered high, I have achieved and maintained 80% plus track record.
That too in a way that is publicly verifiable by anyone, as all webinars are public and the Track record sheet containing links of all the webinars is available in: Section 1 – Lecture 2,accessible to everyone without even enrolling in the course.
What have I achieved and what you can?
Before you go ahead and read more about the course and what’s special about it, I would like to bring your attention towards ‘Sections 12: Victories of a Day.”
In this section I have discussed a single trading session, where I made 120% PROFITS trading Intraday.
While this is not the highest percentage return I have made in a day, but the overall huge number or trades in this single session (1995) and the twists and turns present a unique learning opportunity and hence I have chosen it.
This section cements the fact, that you are learning from an actual trader and also allows me with an opportunity to show off, what I have achieved and what awaits you, should you choose to master the concepts presented here.
My extreme emphasis on Credibility and Track Record
Popular brokers and independent researchers claim the number of successful traders to be anywhere b/w 5% to 3% of the total number of participants.
In this extremely difficulty business, it become even more important that I’m upfront about my own credibility.
I firmly believe that real credibility can only be known from something that is done in public eyes. And can be checked by anyone at any point in time, while in the past I have shared yearly Broker statements of P&L via Private webinars, those are never made public as they contain sensitive personal information.
Hence you see my emphasis and highlight of the 6-year consecutive Track Record sheet.
It is the first thing I have talked in the course as well as here in the Course Description.
Your responsibility as a learner
If you learn trading from someone, who does not know how to trade themselves, you will come out to be an even bigger looser.
Hence, it is your responsibility to check the credibility and verify the records before learning from me or from anyone else.
Just remember, it is your money on the line.
Now that I have said, what I wanted to, lets discuss what is this course all about and what you are going to learn here.
What is this course about?
This course is about the practical application of Elliott Wave Theory, developed by Sir Ralph Nelson Elliott, according to which the prices in the stock market reflect the crowd psychology of humans, which being repetitive forms patterns. These patterns being recognizable on the chart give us predictive power.
In this course you will learn all about these patterns from the point of application in Day Trading, Swing Trading and Investment,also you will see how we can use the concept of Fibonacci Ratios and the concept of Channeling along with some other concepts to add more predictive power to our analysis.
Who are you learning from?
Hello, this is your instructor, Neerav Yadav, founder of 50 Eyes Market Analysis.
I’m primarily a trader who started trading in Crude Oil Futures. In my progression as a trader, I have traded and tracked all major markets, including but not limited to:
Indices: SPX, DAX, NDX, DOW, NIFTY among others.
Commodities: Gold, Silver, Copper, Natural Gas and Crude Oil.
Forex Pairs: EURUSD, EURCAD, USDJPY, USDCHF and other major pairs.
Cryptocurrencies: BTC, Ethereum, Luna, Ripple among others.
Stocks listed on: NYSE (US Stock Market), NSE (Indian Stock Market) and MOEX (Russian Stock Market).
Apart from this, over the last 7+ years I have also worked personally with a great variety of Institution as well as trader. Including Dubai based Hedge Fund, retail traders who entered markets during Bitcoins massive bull runs, as well as Prop. Traders managing multimillion dollar portfolios.
What is special about this course?
Other than trading and training other traders over the years, I have also been conducting my own Private Research, on how to easily spot patterns in live market and simplify and analyze complex scenarios.
Pragmatic Approach: This is a PRACTICAL COURSE (on Elliott Wave Principles), that is I have explained all the concepts on live charts rather than a meaningless slide shows.
Your trading style included:I have included various case scenarios throughout the course, some chart discussions depict Intraday Trade analysis, some depict Swing Case scenario while others discuss long term prospects from an Investors point of view.
Systematic breakdown: Throughout the course I have discussed the basic thought process in a systematic manner so that viewers can understand the complete application part.
In Section 7:Step by Step Deduction you will find the mention of the concept of Point of Reference, a concept that I first coined and introduced when I was on my quest to make complex Elliott Wave structures simple.
In Section 10, 11 and 12:I have shared some of the techniques that I have developed for spotting trades early on.
Specifically in Section 12: “Victories of a day – 120% profits from a single day’s scalps”, which I consider the most important and most practical part of the course, I have shared my methods to spot strength and weakness as well as the psychological limitations and how to overcome them in live trading environment.
I would like to make it very clear that, the Private Research I have shared here is only a small fraction of the complete body of work, however it is ample enough to speed up your trading journey by 2 years, if not more.
Final words
With all that being said, do note that Elliott Wave is no easy subject matter.
While I have done everything possible to simplify the concepts, it is required that you go through the course atleast 3 times or more to be able to make the most out of it.
Remember that everytime you repeat the course, your knowledge will build up and you will discover new things.
Ofcourse, after learning the contents here, a proper practice routine will be required to sterilize the knowledge.
For that you can refer to the second last lecture of Section 12, where I have shared how my routine which allowed me to practice and apply Elliott Wave for 20,000+ hours and how you can achieve the same.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: About me and about the course
Lecture 2: 80% + Forecast accuracy: Check my 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 Record
Lecture 3: Disclaimer
Lecture 4: Extremely Important: What kind of returns to expect + Your motivation to finish
Chapter 2: Charting Platform + How to use the course
Lecture 1: Charting Platform
Lecture 2: Update: Charting Platform to use
Lecture 3: How to use the Course
Lecture 4: Catch Live Trading Opportunities with me
Chapter 3: The Basic Concepts
Lecture 1: Elliott Wave Basics : The 5 Wave Structure
Lecture 2: Elliott Wave Basics : The 3 Rules
Lecture 3: Elliott Wave Basics : The Cycle of 8 and the Fractal Nature of Waves
Lecture 4: Important Note – Regarding the next two modules
Chapter 4: Motive Waves
Lecture 1: Elliott Wave Patterns : Types of Motive Waves
Lecture 2: Elliott Wave Patterns : Extensions
Lecture 3: Elliott Wave Patterns : Truncations
Lecture 4: Elliott Wave Patterns : Ending and Leading Diagonal
Chapter 5: Corrective Waves
Lecture 1: Elliott Wave Patterns : Types of Corrective Waves
Lecture 2: Elliott Wave Patterns : Zig Zag Corrections
Lecture 3: Elliott Wave Patterns : Flat Corrections
Lecture 4: Elliott Wave Patterns : Triangles
Lecture 5: Elliott Wave Patterns : Combinations
Chapter 6: Guidelines that give us Clues
Lecture 1: Guideline of Equality
Lecture 2: Guideline of Alternation
Chapter 7: Step by Step Deduction
Lecture 1: The Start
Lecture 2: In Depth : Fractal Nature of Waves
Lecture 3: Point of Reference : Moving to 15 minute charts + Live Market Analysis
Lecture 4: PROOF of CONCEPT : Outcome of Analysis
Lecture 5: Conclusion : Concept of Point of Reference
Chapter 8: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups
Lecture 1: Things you will learn in this module
Lecture 2: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave 2
Lecture 3: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave 3
Lecture 4: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave 4
Lecture 5: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave 5
Lecture 6: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave B in Zig Zag
Lecture 7: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave C in Zig Zag
Lecture 8: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave B in Flat
Lecture 9: Fibonacci Ratios + Trade Setups : Wave C in Flat
Chapter 9: Predicting the Future
Lecture 1: Predicting Future of S&P 500 Part – 1
Lecture 2: Predicting Future of S&P 500 Part – 2
Lecture 3: SPX achieves the mentioned Target (A look back after 5 years)
Lecture 4: Point of Invalidation
Lecture 5: S&P 500 Bearish Alternate Wave Count + Sure Shot Trading Opportunities
Chapter 10: Case Studies
Lecture 1: Catching LUNA CRASH, at the TURNING POINT
Lecture 2: Case Study : SPX (Analyzing Wave 4)
Lecture 3: Case Study : Nifty 50 (Index of Indian Stock Market)
Lecture 4: Case Study : Gold detailed analysis and Long Term forecast using Elliott Wave
Lecture 5: Follow Up : Gold surpasses all targets (After 3 years)
Lecture 6: Case Study : RTS Index (Russian Stock Market)
Lecture 7: Follow Up : RTS : Predicting COVID-19 induced Stock Market Crash
Chapter 11: From the Trades + Strategy Formation
Lecture 1: About this section
Lecture 2: The Importance of Risk to Reward : When to take and when to leave a trade
Lecture 3: Scaling In (Counter Trend Trades)
Chapter 12: Victories of a day: 120% Profits from a single day's scalps
Lecture 1: 120% profits in a day
Lecture 2: Breakdown of executions and details of Option Contracts
Lecture 3: Context from Larger Time Frame
Lecture 4: Block 1 trades: $700 Profits [The downside confluence]
Lecture 5: Block 2 trades: $1212 Profits [First sign of weakness]
Lecture 6: Block 3 & 4 trades: $2125 Loss [Losing the battle to win the war]
Lecture 7: Block 6 trades: $5000 Profits [Biggest Win]
Lecture 8: Block 8 & 9 trades: $662.5 Profits [Saving myself from Euphoria]
Lecture 9: Block 10 to 12 trades: $1825 Profits [Until proven otherwise]
Lecture 10: My journey to success and your path
Lecture 11: Bonus Lecture
Neerav Yadav
Professional Trader, Founder of
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 100 votes
- 5 stars: 186 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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