Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide
Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 5, with 68 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 1 reviews, and has 2 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn what money is, what functions it has and what the 6 properties of sound money are. Learn how technology is naturally deflationary and why our broken money has broken our economy. Learn the ins and outs of the current monetary system compared to Bitcoin as a monetary system. Learn the difference between central monetary systems and decentral monetary systems specifically focusing on Bitcoin’s network protocol. Learn how Bitcoin blockchain technology works and why blockchain technology is changing the world of accounting. Explore the idea of economics based around bitcoin. Expect to learn about the adoption of bitcoin and what place it has in our world. Learn how to obtain bitcoin and best practices in storing bitcoin. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is intended for individuals that are outside the box thinkers. This course will be valuable to anyone wanting to venture into the world of bitcoin and understand what exactly bitcoin is. This course aims to challenge many of the worlds common understandings of what money is and introduce new ideas as to how money works. It is particularly useful for This course is intended for individuals that are outside the box thinkers. This course will be valuable to anyone wanting to venture into the world of bitcoin and understand what exactly bitcoin is. This course aims to challenge many of the worlds common understandings of what money is and introduce new ideas as to how money works.
Enroll now: Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide
Title: Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 77
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 77
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn what money is, what functions it has and what the 6 properties of sound money are.
- Learn how technology is naturally deflationary and why our broken money has broken our economy.
- Learn the ins and outs of the current monetary system compared to Bitcoin as a monetary system.
- Learn the difference between central monetary systems and decentral monetary systems specifically focusing on Bitcoin’s network protocol.
- Learn how Bitcoin blockchain technology works and why blockchain technology is changing the world of accounting.
- Explore the idea of economics based around bitcoin. Expect to learn about the adoption of bitcoin and what place it has in our world.
- Learn how to obtain bitcoin and best practices in storing bitcoin.
Who Should Attend
- This course is intended for individuals that are outside the box thinkers. This course will be valuable to anyone wanting to venture into the world of bitcoin and understand what exactly bitcoin is. This course aims to challenge many of the worlds common understandings of what money is and introduce new ideas as to how money works.
Target Audiences
- This course is intended for individuals that are outside the box thinkers. This course will be valuable to anyone wanting to venture into the world of bitcoin and understand what exactly bitcoin is. This course aims to challenge many of the worlds common understandings of what money is and introduce new ideas as to how money works.
Have you ever wondered what Bitcoin is? Are you intrigued by the concept of digital currency and the revolutionary nature of Bitcoin? Look no further than my comprehensive course, “Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide.” This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of what money is, how money evolves and why bitcoin is the next evolution of money that will shape the future of finance and technology.
In this course, you will embark on a fascinating journey into the origins of money, exploring the history of monetary policy. We will cover everything from what money is to how our current monetary system operates and why bitcoin is such a disruptive technology in the traditional banking world. You can expect to learn about the underlying technology of bitcoin and the Indepth details of how it operates. We will cover the key features of Bitcoin, including mining, wallets, transactions, and the role of cryptography in ensuring its integrity.
Through engaging lectures, real-world examples you will gain an in depth understanding of the economic, social and technological implications of Bitcoin. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency, make informed decisions about Bitcoin, and participate in the digital economy with ease.
Whether you’re a novice looking to grasp the basics of Bitcoin or a seasoned Bitcoiner seeking to deepen your knowledge, “Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin: A Step-by-Step Bitcoin guide.” offers a valuable learning experience that will empower you to harness the potential of this groundbreaking digital asset. Join us on this exciting exploration of Bitcoin and unlock the keys to the future of money!
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Chapter 1: "Money Basics"
Lecture 1: Section 1 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Commodity vs Credit Money
Lecture 4: 3 Functions of money
Lecture 5: 6 Properties of sound money
Lecture 6: How functionality of money relies on the 6 Properties of money
Lecture 7: Basic Economy Breakdown
Chapter 2: "Understanding the Evolution of societies, technology, and economies"
Lecture 1: Section 2 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Evolution of money
Lecture 4: Evolution of society and technology
Lecture 5: The invention of the ledger system
Lecture 6: The evolution of fiat currency
Chapter 3: "Understand our current monetary system."
Lecture 1: Section 3 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: The role of Governments and Banks
Lecture 4: Process of new money creation
Lecture 5: History & Creation of the federal reserve
Lecture 6: History & function of world reserve currencies
Lecture 7: Government Spending
Lecture 8: 2008 Financial Crisis
Lecture 9: Stock Market Crash & Great Depression
Lecture 10: 2020 Pandemic financial crisis
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 4: "Bitcoin Basics"
Lecture 1: Section 4 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
Lecture 4: Traditional Banking Network vs Bitcoin Network
Lecture 5: Bitcoin protocol rules
Lecture 6: Public keys & Private keys
Lecture 7: Hash functions & Blockchains
Lecture 8: Bitcoin walkthrough & Proof Of Work
Lecture 9: Why Proof of Work is so important.
Lecture 10: How Bitcoin solves the "Double spend problem"
Lecture 11: Bitcoin as a Currency
Lecture 12: Apples to Apples summary
Chapter 5: "How money scales"
Lecture 1: Section 5 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Money scales in layers
Lecture 4: Layer Visual
Chapter 6: "Check your financial privilege"
Lecture 1: Section 6 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: World economic status
Lecture 4: US economic status
Lecture 5: Debt Clock
Chapter 7: "Bitcoin Adoption"
Lecture 1: Section 7 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Disruptive Technologies
Lecture 4: How do we measure Bitcoin Adoption?
Lecture 5: Supply and Demand with Bitcoin
Chapter 8: "Arguments against Bitcoin answered"
Lecture 1: Section 8 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Argument "Bitcoin uses to much energy."
Lecture 4: Argument "Governments will destroy Bitcoin by banning it."
Lecture 5: Argument " A 51% attack will destroy Bitcoin."
Lecture 6: Argument "Quantum computing will destroy Bitcoin."
Lecture 7: Argument " I don't own Bitcoin because a EMP could destroy it."
Lecture 8: Bundle of smaller arguments
Lecture 9: Argument "Bitcoin will lose to better Cryptocurrencies."
Lecture 10: Hard Forks of Bitcoin
Lecture 11: Argument " They'll just increase the supply from 21 Million."
Chapter 9: "Bitcoin best practices"
Lecture 1: Section 9 Intro
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: Storage Options
Lecture 4: Storage company examples
Lecture 5: Buy strategy's & KYC vs Non KYC
Nick Oliphant
Bitcoin Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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