A Beginner's Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
A Beginner's Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 51 lectures, based on 954 reviews, and has 5037 subscribers.
You will learn about How to analyze, evaluate, and compare major ideas from cognitive psychology. Perception isn’t reality – even though most people inaccurately assume that it is. Applying knowledge in cognitive psychology to everyday events and challenges. The course will deal with the study of both general traits and individual differences. Self-awareness as a prerequisite for all personal growth and social effectiveness. Cognitive flexibility and the human ability to interpret life experiences differently. Goal setting for the purposes of positive thinking and purpose-orientated living. A practical framework for mind management and effective emotional regulation. The most effective ways to share what you learn in this course with other people. And much, much more. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students with an interest in general psychology will find this course particularly interesting. or People in roles of social or occupational influence, such as parents, managers/leaders. or Individuals who want to increase in self-awareness and are inspired by personal growth. or Experienced CBT practitioners or psychologists who want to broaden their perspective. or The course can be taken independently or in tandem with another Achology training. or People all over the world will benefit from the lessons and wisdom presented in this course. It is particularly useful for Students with an interest in general psychology will find this course particularly interesting. or People in roles of social or occupational influence, such as parents, managers/leaders. or Individuals who want to increase in self-awareness and are inspired by personal growth. or Experienced CBT practitioners or psychologists who want to broaden their perspective. or The course can be taken independently or in tandem with another Achology training. or People all over the world will benefit from the lessons and wisdom presented in this course.
Enroll now: A Beginner's Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Title: A Beginner's Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 48
Original Price: £99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to analyze, evaluate, and compare major ideas from cognitive psychology.
- Perception isn’t reality – even though most people inaccurately assume that it is.
- Applying knowledge in cognitive psychology to everyday events and challenges.
- The course will deal with the study of both general traits and individual differences.
- Self-awareness as a prerequisite for all personal growth and social effectiveness.
- Cognitive flexibility and the human ability to interpret life experiences differently.
- Goal setting for the purposes of positive thinking and purpose-orientated living.
- A practical framework for mind management and effective emotional regulation.
- The most effective ways to share what you learn in this course with other people.
- And much, much more.
Who Should Attend
- Students with an interest in general psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
- People in roles of social or occupational influence, such as parents, managers/leaders.
- Individuals who want to increase in self-awareness and are inspired by personal growth.
- Experienced CBT practitioners or psychologists who want to broaden their perspective.
- The course can be taken independently or in tandem with another Achology training.
- People all over the world will benefit from the lessons and wisdom presented in this course.
Target Audiences
- Students with an interest in general psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
- People in roles of social or occupational influence, such as parents, managers/leaders.
- Individuals who want to increase in self-awareness and are inspired by personal growth.
- Experienced CBT practitioners or psychologists who want to broaden their perspective.
- The course can be taken independently or in tandem with another Achology training.
- People all over the world will benefit from the lessons and wisdom presented in this course.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a fascinating psychology-based personal development discipline that offers thought-provoking insights into the relationship between emotions, habits, perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of the human mind.
Cognitive psychology is the study of how we perceive and interpret information from the world around us, combine that information with prior experience and decide how to react to a changing environment. As well as introducing you to the study of the human mind, this course will also give you a sense of the central role cognition plays in our everyday lives.
This Beginner’s Guide to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a foundational training that’s firmly rooted in time established cognitive psychology. In this course, you will explore logically how the mind works, and you will be given the opportunity to enhance your self-awareness, enable inner resilience, and contribute to your overall mental wellbeing.
All of the major concepts in cognitive psychology will be covered, including perception, mind management, decision making, and more. You will learn how CBT can help with stress, confidence, motivation and life transitions. By blending cognitive psychology with valuable life principles, this course offers important insights into the intricacies of human nature.
This course provides students with a healthy foundation for self-definition where they can evaluate their general outlook on life. Additionally, this training will introduce you to a range of other psychological ideas that can contribute to your personal growth and effectiveness as you learn how to make wise decisions regarding how you allocate your time and resources.
The following are some of the topics you will learn during this course:
How to analyze, evaluate, and compare major ideas from cognitive psychology.
The course will deal with the study of both general traits and individual differences.
Applying knowledge in cognitive psychology to everyday events and challenges.
Perception isn’t reality – even though most people inaccurately assume that it is.
Self-awareness is the prerequisite for all personal growth and social effectiveness.
Cognitive flexibility and the human ability to interpret life experiences differently.
Goal setting for the purposes of positive thinking and purpose-orientated living.
And much, much more.
Cognitive psychology is relevant across the entire range of human knowledge, perception, activity, problem-solving, personal development and mental resilience. Students will receive knowledge about the most important concepts and themes in modern cognitive psychology, such as the human tendency to interpret, explain, and give meaning to life’s experiences.
The course consists of over 14.5 hours of formal instruction and experiential discussion. The sections with the course each contain elements of practical life skills, theoretical knowledge and cultivating self-awareness, which includes elements of self-reflection throughout. Your instructor has over 10 years experience in teaching CBT and modern applied psychology.
Throughout this training course, the curriculum is varied in depth, and incorporates multiple established psychology-based frameworks (including some models that are exclusive to this training). Enrolling on this on-demand eLearning experience will provide you with all the knowledge you need to incorporate the key teachings into every aspect of your life.
We will provide you with bite-sized modules in this course that are easy to understand and apply. The flexibility to learn anywhere, anytime, on any device means you are in total control. The course is endorsed by the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology and includes all the relevant topics to ensure you gain a clear comprehension of the topic.
“The course is on a precise set up and with great learning concepts. It is easy to understand and I strongly recommend it for those who want to learn cognitive psychology.” – Jacqueline N. Stobbart
This training is part of a larger curriculum of professional development training resources, designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd, and hosted within the Achology community peer-learning environment. The training course is accompanied by a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you’re not happy with the format, you can get your money back – no questions asked.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Foundational Ideas of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Lecture 1: Introduction Video
Lecture 2: Course Support and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Lecture 3: Join the FREE Achology ‘Principles into Practice’ Discussion Group
Lecture 4: What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Lecture 5: The Three Spheres of Human Cognition
Lecture 6: Neisser's Levels of Self-Awareness (Part 1)
Lecture 7: Neisser's Levels of Self-Awareness (Part 2)
Lecture 8: Evaluating Your Cognitive Flexibility
Lecture 9: A Contrastive Analysis: Fixed and Growth Mindsets (Part 1)
Lecture 10: A Contrastive Analysis: Fixed and Growth Mindsets (Part 2)
Lecture 11: Further Unpacking the Fixed Mindset
Lecture 12: Further Unpacking the Growth Mindset
Lecture 13: The CBT Communication Framework
Lecture 14: A Cognitive Dissection of the Human Experience
Lecture 15: Questions to Warm-Up Your Mind
Lecture 16: Moving from Current to Ideal Conditions
Lecture 17: Circle of Concern Versus Circle of Control
Lecture 18: Eleven Approaches to Handling Problems
Lecture 19: End of Section One Check-In
Chapter 2: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Personal Effectiveness
Lecture 1: The Foundational Assumptions of CBT
Lecture 2: A Basis for Accurate Self-Definition
Lecture 3: Three Levels of Consciousness
Lecture 4: Exploring the Unconscious: A Practical Exercise
Lecture 5: The Foundations of Cognition (where ideas come from)
Lecture 6: The Five Categories of Belief
Lecture 7: The Pygmalion Effect (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy)
Lecture 8: Differentiating Between Perception and Reality
Lecture 9: The Battlefield of the Human Mind
Lecture 10: Cognitive Behavioural ‘Emotional’ Time-Travel
Lecture 11: Patterns of Unhelpful Cognition (Part 1)
Lecture 12: Patterns of Unhelpful Cognition (Part 2)
Lecture 13: Evaluating the Accuracy of our Thinking
Lecture 14: The Basis of Emotional Stability
Lecture 15: How Strong is Your Relationship with Honesty?
Lecture 16: Unpacking Albert Ellis' Ideology
Lecture 17: End of Section Two Check In
Chapter 3: Applications & Implications of Improved Self-Awareness
Lecture 1: Seven Levels of Personal Awareness (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Seven Levels of Personal Awareness (Part 2)
Lecture 3: The Choices of Maturity and Character
Lecture 4: Questions for Thoughtful Self-Reflection
Lecture 5: An Understanding of Cognitive Bias (Part 1)
Lecture 6: An Understanding of Cognitive Bias (Part 2)
Lecture 7: A Framework for Goal Setting
Lecture 8: Framing Goals in the Positive
Lecture 9: Solution Focussed Questioning
Lecture 10: Anything Can Be Learned (with the right strategy)
Lecture 11: End of Section Three Check In
Lecture 12: Recommended Reading List & Closing Thoughts
Kain Ramsay
Teacher of Modern Applied Psychology & Personal Development -
The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
Leading the Revolution in Online Applied Psychology Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 318 votes
- 5 stars: 545 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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