Add More Muscle in Month 2 of Personal Training Masterclass
Add More Muscle in Month 2 of Personal Training Masterclass, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.1, with 50 lectures, based on 47 reviews, and has 5205 subscribers.
You will learn about Identify basic muscle groups and their functions. Identify and perform different exercises for different muscle groups. Assess muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance and personal fitness goals. Assess progress through measurements, photos and fitness improvements. Identify and use a comprehensive fitness program. Understand and experience the importance of clean eating and apply it to your life. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course’s training program was created for the novice to advanced level, and written for individuals who are interested in learning how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness training program which includes healthy food choices. or Previous exercise experience knowledge is not required, although this course will be easier to jump into if you have familiarity with weight training and cardiovascular exercise. or Are you thinking about competing in bodybuilding competitions? This would be a good course for you too! It is particularly useful for This course’s training program was created for the novice to advanced level, and written for individuals who are interested in learning how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness training program which includes healthy food choices. or Previous exercise experience knowledge is not required, although this course will be easier to jump into if you have familiarity with weight training and cardiovascular exercise. or Are you thinking about competing in bodybuilding competitions? This would be a good course for you too!.
Enroll now: Add More Muscle in Month 2 of Personal Training Masterclass
Title: Add More Muscle in Month 2 of Personal Training Masterclass
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 50
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Identify basic muscle groups and their functions.
- Identify and perform different exercises for different muscle groups.
- Assess muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance and personal fitness goals.
- Assess progress through measurements, photos and fitness improvements.
- Identify and use a comprehensive fitness program.
- Understand and experience the importance of clean eating and apply it to your life.
Who Should Attend
- This course’s training program was created for the novice to advanced level, and written for individuals who are interested in learning how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness training program which includes healthy food choices.
- Previous exercise experience knowledge is not required, although this course will be easier to jump into if you have familiarity with weight training and cardiovascular exercise.
- Are you thinking about competing in bodybuilding competitions? This would be a good course for you too!
Target Audiences
- This course’s training program was created for the novice to advanced level, and written for individuals who are interested in learning how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness training program which includes healthy food choices.
- Previous exercise experience knowledge is not required, although this course will be easier to jump into if you have familiarity with weight training and cardiovascular exercise.
- Are you thinking about competing in bodybuilding competitions? This would be a good course for you too!
Welcome to the 2nd month of my Personal Training Masterclass!
For the cost of one 30 minute personal training session, I am giving you ONE MONTH of personal training! That is six days of programs for four weeks!!
This course is MONTH TWO of my full course. In this course you get a month of cardio and strength programming completely FREE! If you like this course and want more get my full FOUR MONTH plan by contacting me!
In this course, I don’t just tell you what to do, I show you how to do it!
Think of me as your personal trainer!
I will be with you every step of the way with every workout. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions/feedback.
Are you asking yourself these questions?
Why am I having trouble losing weight? How can I gain lean muscle mass? I want to eat healthy, but how? This course will address those issues and more to help you obtain the body you have been desiring through a complete fitness program.
Click the green ‘Take This Course’ button above to start your fitness journey today!
This course will cover everything you need to know to earn a lean body including:
A complete one month strength training program
A complete one month cardio fitness program
Strength training demonstrations
Assessing fitness progress
and much more!
COME JOIN ME TODAY! Continue your fitness journey and earn the body you have always wanted!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and Expectations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Month Two
Lecture 2: Real Results
Lecture 3: Disclaimer
Chapter 2: Nutrition
Lecture 1: Eat Healthy for Success
Lecture 2: Healthy Food Choices
Chapter 3: Strength Training
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Strength Training Program: Month Two
Lecture 3: Fitness Log
Chapter 4: Cardio Training
Lecture 1: Cardio Program: Month Two
Lecture 2: Steady State
Lecture 3: Intervals
Lecture 4: Stairmaster Challenge
Lecture 5: HIIT Challenge
Lecture 6: Bodyweight Circuit
Lecture 7: Rowing Workout
Chapter 5: Leg Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Sumo Deadlifts
Lecture 2: Squats
Lecture 3: Seated Calf Raises
Lecture 4: Standing Calf Raises
Lecture 5: One Legged Deadlift
Lecture 6: Walking Lunges
Lecture 7: One Legged Glute Bridge
Chapter 6: Back Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Stability Ball Hyperextension
Lecture 2: Medicine Ball Slam
Lecture 3: Seated Row
Lecture 4: Bent Over Barbell Row
Chapter 7: Shoulder Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Standing Arnold Press
Lecture 2: Cable Lateral Raises
Lecture 3: Dumbbell Uppercuts
Lecture 4: Dumbbell Jabs
Chapter 8: Biceps Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Biceps Cable Curl
Lecture 2: Standing Hammer Curls
Chapter 9: Triceps Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Bench Dips
Lecture 2: Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press
Chapter 10: Bodyweight Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Pushups
Lecture 2: Tuck Jumps
Lecture 3: Inch Worm
Lecture 4: Box Jumps
Lecture 5: Mountain Climbers
Lecture 6: Plank Up/Downs
Chapter 11: Abdominal Exercise Tutorials
Lecture 1: Decline Reverse Crunches
Lecture 2: Hanging Knee Raises
Lecture 3: Bicycle Crunches
Lecture 4: Ball Knee Tucks
Lecture 5: TRX Knee Tucks
Lecture 6: Planks
Lecture 7: TRX Mountain Climbers
Lecture 8: Plank Jacks
Chapter 12: Closing
Lecture 1: Thank You
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture: What's Next For You?
Jen Puzio
Fitness Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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