Beginner`s guide to birdwatching: Finding birds & happiness
Beginner`s guide to birdwatching: Finding birds & happiness, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 31 lectures, based on 79 reviews, and has 275 subscribers.
You will learn about You will have a better awareness of the general well being bird watching can bring to your lives. You will also get to know the 4 keys for bird identification anywhere in the world. For this, we have created an easy to follow framework to guide you You will learn to apply and take action on individual and creative practices to protect birds in your own home. Additionally, you will learn 4 practices that will help you get out more and explore nature. Finding more birds and the associated mental benefits You will be able to identify general groups of birds species. You will learn a clear step by step process that will guide you to the first bird ID *Psst We also made a bonus lecture called Bird Watching in Costa Rica , detailing bird hot spots to visit, and our list of the top species to see! This course is ideal for individuals who are If you can differentiate between a peregrine falcon and a red tail hawk in flight, that's amazing! but… this course is not for you. My course is for you, students, professionals and non-professionals who want to start bird watching, but don`t know where to start and for those who are looking for ways to restore their body and mind from everyday stress and pressures. Simply put, this course is for all those who aim to benefit from the outdoors while discovering birds and learning about them. It is particularly useful for If you can differentiate between a peregrine falcon and a red tail hawk in flight, that's amazing! but… this course is not for you. My course is for you, students, professionals and non-professionals who want to start bird watching, but don`t know where to start and for those who are looking for ways to restore their body and mind from everyday stress and pressures. Simply put, this course is for all those who aim to benefit from the outdoors while discovering birds and learning about them.
Enroll now: Beginner`s guide to birdwatching: Finding birds & happiness
Title: Beginner`s guide to birdwatching: Finding birds & happiness
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will have a better awareness of the general well being bird watching can bring to your lives.
- You will also get to know the 4 keys for bird identification anywhere in the world. For this, we have created an easy to follow framework to guide you
- You will learn to apply and take action on individual and creative practices to protect birds in your own home.
- Additionally, you will learn 4 practices that will help you get out more and explore nature. Finding more birds and the associated mental benefits
- You will be able to identify general groups of birds species. You will learn a clear step by step process that will guide you to the first bird ID
- *Psst We also made a bonus lecture called Bird Watching in Costa Rica , detailing bird hot spots to visit, and our list of the top species to see!
Who Should Attend
- If you can differentiate between a peregrine falcon and a red tail hawk in flight, that's amazing! but… this course is not for you. My course is for you, students, professionals and non-professionals who want to start bird watching, but don`t know where to start and for those who are looking for ways to restore their body and mind from everyday stress and pressures. Simply put, this course is for all those who aim to benefit from the outdoors while discovering birds and learning about them.
Target Audiences
- If you can differentiate between a peregrine falcon and a red tail hawk in flight, that's amazing! but… this course is not for you. My course is for you, students, professionals and non-professionals who want to start bird watching, but don`t know where to start and for those who are looking for ways to restore their body and mind from everyday stress and pressures. Simply put, this course is for all those who aim to benefit from the outdoors while discovering birds and learning about them.
Medical professionals agree that exposure to nature is necessary for our good health. If you are looking for more natural ways to reduce stress, restore cognitive fatigue or simply have a happier and healthier life, this course is for you.
And what a better way to receive these benefits than by learning more about our surroundings and the birds that visit us every day (even if we haven’t quite noticed these mysterious visitors yet). As you learn more about birds you’ll start feeling curious and they will inspire you to travel, looking for more species with fascinating behaviours and striking colours.
When you begin to identify birds with the personalized framework we have created and start applying the practices to attract birds to your own backyard; you might find your days far more enjoyable and will find that it is just what you need before getting into rush hour, or that complicated meeting with a client, or having that report delivered on time.
We encourage you to share every insight you learn; the birds certainly need it, and our planet needs it. As bird populations are decreasing, you can shift the situation by taking simple and enjoyable actions with the practices we will show you, and create deeper connections with nature and people all around us.
Creators: Carolina Ramírez and Andrés Jiménez
Special thanks to:
Jorge Eduardo Ramírez Conejo for supporting the course with over 200 bird photos.
Junaid Khan for course videography, content edition, and for shooting over 30 bird videos.
José More for the stunning composition of the music.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: What you will learn
Lecture 3: Our history with birds
Lecture 4: What is birdwatching?
Chapter 2: Three Practices to get more out of nature
Lecture 1: Plan your trip
Lecture 2: Bring all your senses into the forest
Lecture 3: Leave your stress behind
Chapter 3: Bird Basics
Lecture 1: What is a bird?
Lecture 2: The body parts
Lecture 3: The four keys to bird identification
Lecture 4: How to choose a field guide
Chapter 4: Size and Shape
Lecture 1: Introduction to size and shape
Lecture 2: Size basics
Lecture 3: Estimating bird size
Lecture 4: Size and body parts
Lecture 5: Shape basics
Chapter 5: Color
Lecture 1: Introduction to Color
Lecture 2: How to use color location and pattern
Chapter 6: Distribution
Lecture 1: Introduction to distribution
Lecture 2: Level
Lecture 3: Habitat
Lecture 4: Range
Chapter 7: Behavior
Lecture 1: Introduction to behavior
Lecture 2: The birds most common behaviors
Chapter 8: Getting familiarized with groups
Lecture 1: Non-Passerines (Non bird-like)
Lecture 2: Passerines (Bird-like)
Chapter 9: 4 ways you can help migratory birds complete their journey
Lecture 1: Make your windows visible to birds
Lecture 2: Protect birds from our dearest pets
Lecture 3: Bed and breakfast for birds
Lecture 4: Ethics in birding
Chapter 10: Bonus Lecture: Birdwatching in Costa Rica
Lecture 1: Birdwatching in Costa Rica
Andrés Jiménez Monge
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 32 votes
- 5 stars: 41 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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