Cognitive Psychology for Positive Mental Health and Wellness
Cognitive Psychology for Positive Mental Health and Wellness, available at $99.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 54 lectures, based on 597 reviews, and has 5913 subscribers.
You will learn about Perceptions determine behavior, and behaviours determine perceptions. The application of useful cognitive and behavioural psychology models. A personal improvement methodology that emphasizes self-awareness. How to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your thought processes. A psychology-based approach to making rational and assertive decisions. How to establish goals and objectives that are defined and measurable. Learn how to challenge and improve unhelpful behaviors and attitudes. How to reduce the negative impact of psychological or physical distress. A model for identifying and solving problems that stem from life stressors. And much, much more. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in developing themselves either professionally or personally. or Training for those who want to advance their personal or professional growth. or Students in this course should be motivated to learn about their own psychology. or The course can be taken standalone or in tandem with another Achology training. or The course is open to both men and women, regardless of age, status or ethnicity. or Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in developing themselves either professionally or personally. or Training for those who want to advance their personal or professional growth. or Students in this course should be motivated to learn about their own psychology. or The course can be taken standalone or in tandem with another Achology training. or The course is open to both men and women, regardless of age, status or ethnicity. or Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
Enroll now: Cognitive Psychology for Positive Mental Health and Wellness
Title: Cognitive Psychology for Positive Mental Health and Wellness
Price: $99.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: £109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Perceptions determine behavior, and behaviours determine perceptions.
- The application of useful cognitive and behavioural psychology models.
- A personal improvement methodology that emphasizes self-awareness.
- How to increase the accuracy and efficiency of your thought processes.
- A psychology-based approach to making rational and assertive decisions.
- How to establish goals and objectives that are defined and measurable.
- Learn how to challenge and improve unhelpful behaviors and attitudes.
- How to reduce the negative impact of psychological or physical distress.
- A model for identifying and solving problems that stem from life stressors.
- And much, much more.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in developing themselves either professionally or personally.
- Training for those who want to advance their personal or professional growth.
- Students in this course should be motivated to learn about their own psychology.
- The course can be taken standalone or in tandem with another Achology training.
- The course is open to both men and women, regardless of age, status or ethnicity.
- Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in developing themselves either professionally or personally.
- Training for those who want to advance their personal or professional growth.
- Students in this course should be motivated to learn about their own psychology.
- The course can be taken standalone or in tandem with another Achology training.
- The course is open to both men and women, regardless of age, status or ethnicity.
- Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
A healthy mental state is as important as a healthy physical state. A person is mentally healthy when they are able to recognize their own abilities, efficiently regulate their own behaviour, deal effectively with the stresses resulting from everyday life, and contribute to society. The importance of good mental health cannot be overstated at any stage of life, from childhood to adulthood.
The world system has undergone a profound shift in recent years, with people’s livelihoods and society at large being drastically changed in a variety of ways. The field of Cognitive Behavioural Psychology does not provide people with solutions to the complexities of their everyday lives. But it can provide them with a rationale for initiating significant self-improvement for themselves and also for the communities they belong to.
Most people understand the importance of keeping an open mind. Being open-minded does, however, come with the problem that others will always attempt to impose their ideas upon it. Having an open mind has another inherent problem where some ideas people adopt throughout their lives can sabotage the health of their thoughts, the balance of their emotions, and, as a result, will adversely impact the quality of their lives.
This Cognitive Behavioural Psychology training is not intended to provide you with superficial anecdotes about how you can feel ‘happier’ about how you are currently living your life. The purpose of this training course is to assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, and as a result determine the specific ways in which you can take greater control over your mind, willpower, and how you emotionally manage your life each day.
The following are some of the topics you will learn during this course:
The relationship between perceptions and behaviours.
A range of cognitive and behavioural psychology models.
Self-awareness as a strategy for personal improvement.
Enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of your thinking.
A framework for making smart and assertive decisions.
The role mindset plays in shaping your ability to perform.
In order for the human mind to remain healthy, it needs to be continually exposed to new information and knowledge. Mental wellness is more than the absence of self-defeating beliefs, behaviours, or attitudes: it is fundamental to personal growth. This training is based on a variety of cognitive and behavioural psychology principles, so that you will emerge from the course best prepared to put your new knowledge to good use.
Keeping a healthy mental state is within everyone’s grasp. Throughout life, a person’s mental well-being can change, and it is, therefore, essential to gain a deep understanding of the mind and to develop the discipline needed to manage the challenges of everyday life and achieve meaningful goals. The Cognitive Behaviour Psychology course will help you bring structure to your thinking and self-awareness to all aspects of your life.
In addition to improving your quality of life, this Cognitive Behavioural Psychology (CBP) for Mental Health and Wellness course will also improve your understanding of yourself and the world around you. This unique online training presents a variety of self-improvement strategies for those who want to strengthen how they relate to themselves, eliminate self-doubt, and acquire a renewed ability to interact authentically with other people.
Self-control is an integral component of self-discipline. Therefore, you must be able to control your thoughts before you can positively affect your emotional well-being. It is true that there are many uncontrollable events in life, however, the best years of your life will be those during which you take charge of your own problems. There is no need to blame your government, your economy, or your family. You alone will determine your future.
“The smaller the detail, the greater the value. This course fluctuates between detailed ideas and high-level proposals for heightened states of thinking. I love it!”– Matthew F. Westgarth
This thought-provoking training course is part of a larger curriculum of self-improvement and professional development training courses, designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd, and hosted within the Achology community peer-learning environment. The training course is accompanied by a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you’re not happy with the format, you can get your money back – no questions asked.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Essential Cognitive Psychology Foundations for Mental Health and Wellness
Lecture 1: Welcome to A Cognitive Approach to Mental Health and Wellness
Lecture 2: Course Support and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Lecture 3: Join the FREE Achology ‘Principles into Practice’ Discussion Group
Lecture 4: Cognitive Foundations for a Mentally Healthy Life
Lecture 5: A Journey Towards Heightened Self-Awareness
Lecture 6: What is Cognitive Behavioural Psychology – And Why is it so Useful?
Lecture 7: Developing the Mind of Wisdom
Lecture 8: The ‘Cognitive’ Communication Framework
Lecture 9: Developing Your Cognitive Capacity
Lecture 10: Unpacking the Human Mindset (Part 1)
Lecture 11: Unpacking the Human Mindset (Part 2)
Lecture 12: What You're Really Made Of?
Lecture 13: The Distinction Between Fixed & Growth Mindsets (Part 1)
Lecture 14: The Distinction Between Fixed & Growth Mindsets (Part 2)
Lecture 15: A Closer Look at the Fixed Mindset
Lecture 16: A Closer Look at the Growth Mindset
Lecture 17: Evaluating Your Relationship with the Truth
Lecture 18: Understanding the Mind's Cognitive Process
Lecture 19: Translating your Ideal Scenarios into Tangible Reality
Lecture 20: The Circle of Concern – Vs – The Circle of Control
Lecture 21: End of Section One Check-In.
Chapter 2: Principles of Cognitive Behavior for Active Self-Management
Lecture 1: The Foundational Assumptions of CBP (Part 1)
Lecture 2: The Foundational Assumptions of CBP (Part 2)
Lecture 3: A Foundation for Accurate Self-Definition
Lecture 4: Moving From Experience to Ideas
Lecture 5: Insight: The Four Categories of Truth
Lecture 6: Understanding Cognitive Biases (Part 1)
Lecture 7: Understanding Cognitive Biases (Part 2)
Lecture 8: Inductive Vs. Deductive Thinking Patterns
Lecture 9: The Beliefs and Results Cycle
Lecture 10: Perception: The Map is Not the Territory
Lecture 11: Cognitive Maturity for Accurate Judgement
Lecture 12: The Battlefield of the Human Mind
Lecture 13: Cognitive and Emotional 'Time Travel'
Lecture 14: Patterns of Highly Unhelpful Thinking (Part 1)
Lecture 15: Patterns of Highly Unhelpful Thinking (Part 2)
Lecture 16: The Socratic Sensible Questioning Method
Lecture 17: Solid Grounds for Emotional Stability
Lecture 18: End of Section Two Check-In
Chapter 3: Practical Applications and Implications of Heightened Self-Awareness
Lecture 1: Developing Character and Cognitive Maturity
Lecture 2: Some People Need you to NOT Grow!
Lecture 3: The 7 Levels of Cognitive Growth and Development
Lecture 4: The Eleven Ways of Handling Problems
Lecture 5: The Seven Decisions of Sensible Character
Lecture 6: The Seven Decisions: Self-Reflection Questions
Lecture 7: The Albert Ellis Ideology – Vs – Medical Diagnosis
Lecture 8: Decision Making: The Head, Heart & Gut Approach
Lecture 9: A Useful Model for Goal Setting
Lecture 10: A Guide to Establishing Positively Framed Goals
Lecture 11: A Strategy for (just about) Anything!
Lecture 12: Albert Ellis' Recommended Reflections
Lecture 13: End of Section Three Check In
Lecture 14: For Further Studies: Recommended Book Reading List
Lecture 15: Graduation and Closing Thoughts
Kain Ramsay
Teacher of Modern Applied Psychology & Personal Development -
Life Skills by Achology
Life Skills and Personal Growth Training Courses by Achology -
The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
Leading the Revolution in Online Applied Psychology Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 14 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 60 votes
- 4 stars: 180 votes
- 5 stars: 324 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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