Focus Toolkit
Focus Toolkit, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.71, with 28 lectures, based on 1155 reviews, and has 13683 subscribers.
You will learn about Develop the ability to notice emotions in daily life and process them as they occur. Enhance the skill of active listening Gain the ability to be calm when under stress Learn how to observe thoughts as you go about your life Refine the skill of observing the world through senses Improve concentration by learning how to consciously move attention between focusing on sensations from the surrounding world and in the body, and thoughts in the mind This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone who would like an introduction to psychological tools in everyday language or Someone who is struggling to focus or Someone who wants to improve their wellbeing or Someone who is struggling to listen in conversation or Someone who is working in a team where communication is important or Someone who is struggling with anxiety or Someone who is struggling with circular thinking or Someone who is stressed or Someone who struggles with anger management or Someone who wants to learn to meditate while doing activities or A beginner wanting to apply mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (i.e psychological tools) to their life It is particularly useful for Someone who would like an introduction to psychological tools in everyday language or Someone who is struggling to focus or Someone who wants to improve their wellbeing or Someone who is struggling to listen in conversation or Someone who is working in a team where communication is important or Someone who is struggling with anxiety or Someone who is struggling with circular thinking or Someone who is stressed or Someone who struggles with anger management or Someone who wants to learn to meditate while doing activities or A beginner wanting to apply mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (i.e psychological tools) to their life.
Enroll now: Focus Toolkit
Title: Focus Toolkit
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.71
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Develop the ability to notice emotions in daily life and process them as they occur.
- Enhance the skill of active listening
- Gain the ability to be calm when under stress
- Learn how to observe thoughts as you go about your life
- Refine the skill of observing the world through senses
- Improve concentration by learning how to consciously move attention between focusing on sensations from the surrounding world and in the body, and thoughts in the mind
Who Should Attend
- Someone who would like an introduction to psychological tools in everyday language
- Someone who is struggling to focus
- Someone who wants to improve their wellbeing
- Someone who is struggling to listen in conversation
- Someone who is working in a team where communication is important
- Someone who is struggling with anxiety
- Someone who is struggling with circular thinking
- Someone who is stressed
- Someone who struggles with anger management
- Someone who wants to learn to meditate while doing activities
- A beginner wanting to apply mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (i.e psychological tools) to their life
Target Audiences
- Someone who would like an introduction to psychological tools in everyday language
- Someone who is struggling to focus
- Someone who wants to improve their wellbeing
- Someone who is struggling to listen in conversation
- Someone who is working in a team where communication is important
- Someone who is struggling with anxiety
- Someone who is struggling with circular thinking
- Someone who is stressed
- Someone who struggles with anger management
- Someone who wants to learn to meditate while doing activities
- A beginner wanting to apply mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (i.e psychological tools) to their life
This video course taught by Sam O’Sullivan, Clinical Psychologist, brings together the scientifically proven methods of mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to equip you with tools to improve your wellbeing in day to day life. Lectures are designed to make the unnecessarily complicated ideas behind these methods easy to understand, so you quickly experience benefit in applying them.
This course is about learning how to apply the methods in action, such as during a conversation or rock climbing, which differs to more traditional meditation approaches that generally involve sitting practices. The mindfulness aspect guides you to develop the necessary skills to focus on tasks at hand with a calm state of mind, while the CBT aspect teaches you to effectively use your mind when you choose to do so.
You will go on a journey with Sam through your awareness as you explore the wild outdoors of New Zealand in beautifully shot instructional videos, from Waiheke Island to Fox Glacier.
Contents and overview
- Introduction to Sam and an overview of the course.
- The main ideas behind mindfulness and cognitive behaviour therapy.
- Learn the skill of maintaining your attention on one aspect of your experience at a time:
- Sensing your surrounding world.
- The different physical sensations in your body
- Thoughts in your mind
- Applying a feeling of calm when you are focusing your attention.
- Applying the method of calmly focusing your attention on the different points of focus while going about activities and situations.
Target Audience
- The focus toolkit is for someone looking for a practical course, which can immediately improve their wellbeing.
- The course is designed for those who are interested in mindfulness and want a technique that they can apply in their day to day lives.
- The course is ideal for beginners or for those wanting to help others by teaching basic mindfulness and CBT skills.
- Students should have an interest in self-development and personal growth.
- The course is ideal for new managers/leaders who are struggling to communicate effectively with people in their organisations.
- The course is useful to therapists who want a practical course for their clients.
- The focus toolkit is not designed to be therapeutic for significant health problems so if you have any concerns in this regard the it is recommended that you speak to a suitably qualified health practitioner.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Meet Sam & Course Overview
Lecture 2: Course Guidance
Lecture 3: Mindfulness Basics
Lecture 4: Mindfulness Practise
Lecture 5: Worksheet 1: Course Goals
Lecture 6: CBT Basics
Lecture 7: CBT Real World Example
Lecture 8: Worksheet 2: Tracking
Chapter 2: Focus Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Focusing on the surrounding world
Lecture 2: Surrounding World Practice
Lecture 3: Worksheet 3: Surrounding World
Lecture 4: Focusing on Physical Sensations
Lecture 5: Physical Sensations Practise
Lecture 6: Worksheet 4: Physical Sensations
Lecture 7: Focusing on Mind
Lecture 8: Mind Practise
Lecture 9: Worksheet 5: Mind
Lecture 10: Learning to be Calm
Lecture 11: Calm Practise
Lecture 12: Calm Technique
Lecture 13: Worksheet 6: Calm
Chapter 3: Applying the Technique
Lecture 1: Learning to Apply the Technique
Lecture 2: Activity – Rock climbing
Lecture 3: Situation – Listening
Lecture 4: Worksheet 7: Focus Technique
Lecture 5: Congratulations
Lecture 6: Support
Lecture 7: Slide Resources
Sam O'Sullivan
Clinical Psychologist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 26 votes
- 3 stars: 259 votes
- 4 stars: 455 votes
- 5 stars: 403 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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