Gloves-Off Keto Diet for Health & Extraordinary Weight-Loss
Gloves-Off Keto Diet for Health & Extraordinary Weight-Loss, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4, with 43 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 20 reviews, and has 123 subscribers.
You will learn about Identify what contributes to weight gain, the risks associated with it and know how to prevent it. This course is ideal for individuals who are You want to lose weight, are either overweight, at a risk of diabetes or have type 2 diabetes or You're willing to change your eating instead of trying yet just another diet. It is particularly useful for You want to lose weight, are either overweight, at a risk of diabetes or have type 2 diabetes or You're willing to change your eating instead of trying yet just another diet.
Enroll now: Gloves-Off Keto Diet for Health & Extraordinary Weight-Loss
Title: Gloves-Off Keto Diet for Health & Extraordinary Weight-Loss
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Identify what contributes to weight gain, the risks associated with it and know how to prevent it.
Who Should Attend
- You want to lose weight, are either overweight, at a risk of diabetes or have type 2 diabetes
- You're willing to change your eating instead of trying yet just another diet.
Target Audiences
- You want to lose weight, are either overweight, at a risk of diabetes or have type 2 diabetes
- You're willing to change your eating instead of trying yet just another diet.
Whether you’ve tried lots of diets before or are just frustrated about being overweight, Mark brings his experience as a therapist and coach to help you get it sorted. Much more than that he speaks from his own personal experience with the challenges of being overweight and shares what he has done to get it under control and keep it long term. He stresses the need for any long-term solution to be simple and easy to follow and provides easy to follow answers to challenges of the future.
In this course Mark teaches about why we’ve lost our way in regards to eating. He also explains some of the main contributors to the mushrooming crisis faced today by obesity, type 2 diabetes and other life threatening conditions related to being overweight. He reveals his own long term struggles with being overweight and why he thinks it’s important to adopt the ketogenic way of eating as a way of life rather than a diet.
Mark believes that the reason for our rapidly expanding waistlines is much more cynical than us simply not getting enough exercise and how the “powers that be” are, far from providing a solution, actually exacerbating the problem. He explains how abandoning the idea of eating real food for ready-prepared processed foods has led us to a situation where being sick will be the norm and where parents will actually be out-living their offspring.
A therapist and coach with over twenty five years’ experience in helping clients achieve their weight-loss and healthy living goals he stresses the need for taking personal responsibility for taking back control of our lives amidst the fog of conflicting trends, dubious information and downright lies.
Discover how you can lose weight easily, quickly, healthily and all without feeling hungry or tired.
- Understand how what you’ve understood to be healthy has actually been working against you and frustrating your efforts.
- Challenge the “status quo thinking” when you listen to current medical and dietary advise and become a more informed customer when shopping for food.
- See the dieting and fitness magazines for what they are and wise up to all their fads.
- Wake up to the fact that all this obesity and type 2 diabetes disaster is a recent challenge and that the solution isn’t to be found in a powder, pill or gym.
- Learn how your body is telling you about your weight challenges and how to finally succeed long term.
Contents and Overview
You’ll learn how modern life and eating trends are causing an explosion of obesity, type 2 diabetes and many other related diseases.
You’ll realise that the “powers that be” don’t necessarily have your best interests at heart and how greed, profit and shareholder demands are coming way ahead of your dietary requirements.
You’ll understand how many people, even though they may be severely overweight, are undernourished and indeed malnourished.
Discover why many people, even though they succeed with this diet, just don’t manage to keep to it long term because of the outside influences of the vested interests.
You’ll also discover that knowledge is all and that being wise and discerning can keep you permanently on this way of eating.
You’ll gain confidence with every pound you lose and know what to do to blast through any plateau to maintain your body as a fat burning furnace.
You’ll learn how the information we consume is controlled by only a few corporations and what that means for the state of a free press.
Lastly you’ll have access to a therapist and coach who’s not only helped thousands of clients over the last 25 years but has also gone through the same weight and “losing the fat” challenges that you’re probably experiencing right now. He is successfully maintaining that weight loss, going from a 36 inch waist to 32 waist and finding that even the 32 inch waist is now baggy and loose!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Learning by doing.
Lecture 4: Before continuing please read this.
Lecture 5: We're going off the rails!
Lecture 6: Let's call it as it is!
Lecture 7: What is ketosis and why does it work!
Chapter 2: Motivation and Goals.
Lecture 1: Getting motivated.
Lecture 2: What is motivation anyway?
Lecture 3: Goal Setting. If you don't know where you're going all roads lead there!
Chapter 3: Ideal food and eating habits – what can we learn from the past.
Lecture 1: We've lost our way and our bodies are not adapting well.
Lecture 2: A short history of our relationship with food.
Lecture 3: There's a war out there and we're being used to destroy ourselves!
Lecture 4: Sugar and its many guises
Lecture 5: Sugar's many names
Chapter 4: Our life story with food.
Lecture 1: My own story with food. How I got to be where I am today.
Lecture 2: Your own story with food. How you got to be where you are today.
Lecture 3: What's driving your eating emotionally?
Chapter 5: Doing the diet – getting your head screwed on the right way round.
Lecture 1: It's all about changing your behaviour.
Lecture 2: Be a winner not a loser. How our inner dialogue effects us.
Lecture 3: Meditation and Mindfulness – Being present at the plate!
Lecture 4: Eating in the first couple of weeks. Don't go hungry!
Lecture 5: Ketogenic eating on the back of an envelope
Lecture 6: Going shopping. A trip through the supermarket.
Lecture 7: You can't out-train a bad diet. Get your body moving.
Chapter 6: The eating – The food
Lecture 1: Introduction to the ketogenic way of eating
Lecture 2: Insulin: Friend or Foe
Lecture 3: Foods you need to be eating
Lecture 4: What to eliminate from your diet to go into ketosis.
Lecture 5: A typical day in the beginning stages.
Lecture 6: Are your cupboards full of all sorts of temptations.
Lecture 7: The Keto Flu
Lecture 8: Fat Coffee
Lecture 9: Fat Coffee for Fat Loss!
Lecture 10: How do I know I'm in Ketosis?
Chapter 7: How NOT to lose weight.
Lecture 1: Do any of these examples ring a bell for you?
Lecture 2: How not to lose weight – Example 1
Lecture 3: How not to lose weight – Example 2
Lecture 4: How not to lose weight – Example 3
Lecture 5: How not to lose weight – Example 4
Lecture 6: Losing weight is a doddle if you do it right.
Chapter 8: Resources
Lecture 1: Bonus recordings
Lecture 2: Useful Resources
Mark Casey
Coach, Trainer, Therapist, Teacher, Life hacker.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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