Golf Fitness Masterclass
Golf Fitness Masterclass, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 202 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 27 reviews, and has 242 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn about multifaceted training and why it needs to be part of your golf program. Learn what causes your swing faults and how you can swing the club more efficiently. Learn to how to properly design a progressive golf specific fitness plan. Learn how about body composition testing and how to take measurements. Learn different static, objective and movement assessments to get a fitness baseline. Learn and apply specific golf fitness exercises to improve flexibility, mobility, strength and power. This course is ideal for individuals who are Golfers or Golf Instructors or Personal Trainers or Golf Coaches It is particularly useful for Golfers or Golf Instructors or Personal Trainers or Golf Coaches.
Enroll now: Golf Fitness Masterclass
Title: Golf Fitness Masterclass
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 202
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 202
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 211
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 211
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn about multifaceted training and why it needs to be part of your golf program.
- Learn what causes your swing faults and how you can swing the club more efficiently.
- Learn to how to properly design a progressive golf specific fitness plan.
- Learn how about body composition testing and how to take measurements.
- Learn different static, objective and movement assessments to get a fitness baseline.
- Learn and apply specific golf fitness exercises to improve flexibility, mobility, strength and power.
Who Should Attend
- Golfers
- Golf Instructors
- Personal Trainers
- Golf Coaches
Target Audiences
- Golfers
- Golf Instructors
- Personal Trainers
- Golf Coaches
If you are looking for a complete golf fitness course to show and teach you how to become fit for golf, you are in the right spot! Through application and knowledge you will learn how to get in golf shape to play at your highest level without injury.
Thebenefits of fitness will not only help your golf performance, but will help you feel better overall. A golfer at any level will see increased performance on the course if they put in a moderate amount of effort each week doing the right kind of exercises.
I want to do everything I can to help you in this journey. Let me help you improve your fitness so you can swing that club faster and send the ball further.
support and answer to all your questions
lifetime access to the course and updates
Udemy certificate of completion
30 day 100% money back guarantee
importance of golf fitness
multifaceted training
swing mechanics
training principles
objective assessments
static assessments
movement assessments
performance assessments
body composition
taking skinfold and girth measurements
specific types of training
golf periodization
pre-round warmup
how to design a golf fitness program
21 weeks golf fitness plan, and
exercise workouts and tutorials
lower handicap
increased flexibility
improved stability
improved mobility
more strength
better balance
improved power
increased club head speed
increased ball speed
increased driving distance
improved swing mechanics
reduce chance of injury, and
improved overall health and fitness
The knowledge gained in this course is going to be invaluable to you and your game. Get to that next level in your personal game and jump in right now and try the course out. Knowinghow to properly train for golf is important to improve on course performance. What golfer doesn’t want lower scores and feel great?
So enroll now and start improving your golf game today!I’ll see you in lesson 1!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to Golf Fitness Masterclass
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Demands of Golf
Lecture 3: Why Golf Specific Training?
Lecture 4: 6 Exercises Any Golfer Can Do Right Now
Lecture 5: Multifaceted Training
Lecture 6: OPTIONAL: Planes of Motion
Chapter 2: The Golf Swing
Lecture 1: Biomechanics of the Golf Swing
Lecture 2: Phases of the Golf Swing
Chapter 3: Initial Fitness Assessments
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fitness Assessments
Lecture 2: Objective Assessments
Lecture 3: Static Assessments
Chapter 4: Movement Assessments
Lecture 1: Introduction to Movement Assessments
Lecture 2: Upper Extremity Movement Assessments
Lecture 3: Hip/Trunk Movement Assessments
Lecture 4: Lower Extremity Movement Assessments
Chapter 5: Performance Assessments
Lecture 1: Muscular Strength and Endurance Assessments
Lecture 2: Power Assessments
Lecture 3: OPTIONAL: Bench Press
Lecture 4: OPTIONAL: Back Squats
Chapter 6: Body Composition
Lecture 1: Body Composition Assessments
Lecture 2: OPTIONAL: Skinfold Assessments
Lecture 3: OPTIONAL: Girth Measurements
Lecture 4: OPTIONAL: Body Mass Index (BMI)
Chapter 7: Types of Golf Fitness Training
Lecture 1: Flexibility/Mobility Training
Lecture 2: Self-Myofascial Release
Lecture 3: Balance Training
Lecture 4: Core Training
Lecture 5: Strength Training
Lecture 6: Cardio Training
Chapter 8: Cardio Training Specifics
Lecture 1: Interval Training
Lecture 2: Best Cardio Activities
Lecture 3: Cardio Intensity
Chapter 9: Periodization
Lecture 1: Explaining Golf Periodization
Lecture 2: Program Design: Macrocycles
Lecture 3: Program Design: Mesocycles
Lecture 4: Program Design: Microcycles
Chapter 10: Nutrition
Lecture 1: Nutrition Introduction
Lecture 2: Hydration Guidelines
Lecture 3: Effects of Dehydration on Performance
Lecture 4: Sport Drinks
Lecture 5: Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat
Lecture 6: Pre-Round Nutrition
Lecture 7: Nutrition During Your Round
Lecture 8: Post-Round Nutrition
Chapter 11: Golf Fitness Plan Overview
Lecture 1: Annual Plan Introduction
Lecture 2: Three Major Mesocycles
Chapter 12: Week 1
Lecture 1: Week 1 Overview
Lecture 2: Printable Resource: Exercise Log
Lecture 3: Flexibility/Mobility Exercises
Lecture 4: Self-Myofascial Release Exercises
Lecture 5: Balance Exercises
Lecture 6: Shoulder Exercises
Lecture 7: Leg Exercises
Lecture 8: Chest and Triceps Exercises
Lecture 9: Back and Biceps Exercises
Lecture 10: Core Exercises
Lecture 11: Example Cardio Workout
Chapter 13: Week 2
Lecture 1: Week 2 Overview
Lecture 2: Flexibility/Mobility Exercises
Lecture 3: Self-Myofascial Release Exercises
Lecture 4: Balance Exercises
Lecture 5: Shoulder Exercises
Lecture 6: Leg Exercises
Lecture 7: Chest and Triceps Exercises
Lecture 8: Back and Biceps Exercises
Lecture 9: Core Exercises
Lecture 10: Example Cardio Workout
Chapter 14: Week 3
Lecture 1: Week 3 Overview
Lecture 2: Flexibility/Mobility Exercises
Lecture 3: Self-Myofascial Release Exercises
Lecture 4: Balance Exercises
Lecture 5: Shoulder Exercises
Lecture 6: Leg Exercises
Lecture 7: Chest and Triceps Exercises
Lecture 8: Back and Biceps Exercises
Lecture 9: Core Exercises
Lecture 10: Example Cardio Workout
Jen Puzio
Fitness Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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