Health from Head to Toe- Brain : Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke
Health from Head to Toe- Brain : Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 105 lectures, based on 13 reviews, and has 99 subscribers.
You will learn about In this video course, you will understand better the functions of head & brain and their relationship with the overall body system. Some essential ancient wisdom concepts are explained and these concepts and theories are used to explain many health issues related to the head and brain. We have discussion particularly on Parkinson, Dementia and Stroke. With such explanation, we begin to see more clearly the causes to the many health problems related to the head and brain. Then we can take steps to prevent such health problems. Or for those who are suffering from head and brain related health problems, we discuss the conditioning and balancing methods. This course is ideal for individuals who are Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power. or Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe. or In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total well being. It is particularly useful for Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power. or Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe. or In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total well being.
Enroll now: Health from Head to Toe- Brain : Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke
Title: Health from Head to Toe- Brain : Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 105
Number of Published Lectures: 105
Number of Curriculum Items: 105
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 105
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this video course, you will understand better the functions of head & brain and their relationship with the overall body system.
- Some essential ancient wisdom concepts are explained and these concepts and theories are used to explain many health issues related to the head and brain.
- We have discussion particularly on Parkinson, Dementia and Stroke.
- With such explanation, we begin to see more clearly the causes to the many health problems related to the head and brain.
- Then we can take steps to prevent such health problems.
- Or for those who are suffering from head and brain related health problems, we discuss the conditioning and balancing methods.
Who Should Attend
- Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power.
- Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe.
- In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total well being.
Target Audiences
- Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power.
- Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe.
- In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total well being.
203 years ago, Parkinson was first medically described. Till today, medical scientists conclude “There is no cure for Parkinson. Causes to Parkinson unknown”.
It is a sad affair. Parkinson sufferers continue with life long medication and all sorts of physiotherapy.
What if there is a comprehensive explanation to Parkinson? What if the comprehensive explanation is also the theory to offer Solution Action that you can practice? Would you be open minded and excited to know what is that all about?
This is exactly what the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic has to offer.
This video course : “Health from Head to Toe – Head & Brain : Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke” focuses on Head & Brain, the health aspect of head and brain, and how these are related to the whole body system, and the related diseases often associated with head and brain e.g. Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke and several others like cataracts, hair loss and more.
Human being, a thinking entity, will sure be delighted when there is a comprehensive explanation about their body, mind and emotions, and the unfortunate sickness they suffer, explanation that can be easily related to their daily lifestyle, emotions, personality and the foods they consume.
There is no more X-File to sickness and diseases. There is no need to be bothered with explanation about nervous system, neurons, genetics which you cannot do anything about.
Are you excited to want to find out more?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Ancient Wisdom application on Today Challenges
Lecture 2: What is Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic?
Lecture 3: What is Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic?
Lecture 4: Nice to Meet You
Lecture 5: Teacher's Profile
Chapter 2: Head & Brain and Overall Body System
Lecture 1: Head & Brain – Parkinson, Dementia, Stroke
Lecture 2: The Yin Yang of the Overall Body System
Lecture 3: Matching the Western Science and the Yin Yang Theory
Lecture 4: Body System follows the Rule of Nature
Lecture 5: Concepts of Yin Yang, Qi, Heat and Cold
Lecture 6: Male and Female : Qi and Blood
Lecture 7: Yin & Yang – Heat and Cold : Qi is the Balancing Agent
Lecture 8: Why during winter whole body covered but not the face?
Lecture 9: Thinking on your feet
Lecture 10: Brain and Cholesterol
Chapter 3: Brain Cells Need Nutrition
Lecture 1: Brain cells need nutrition
Lecture 2: Qi has directional movement
Lecture 3: Pure Qi and Impure Qi
Lecture 4: The Concept of Blood
Lecture 5: The Concept of Qi Blood
Chapter 4: Head and the Whole Body System
Lecture 1: Head and the Whole Body System
Lecture 2: Head and the Meridians
Chapter 5: Head : Hair and Beard
Lecture 1: Head : Hair and Beard
Lecture 2: Hair grey and hair drop at young age
Lecture 3: Locations of hair loss problems
Lecture 4: Hair portion and the Meridian
Lecture 5: Hair loss at the sides
Lecture 6: Hair loss at the Meridian locations
Lecture 7: Hair loss at Bladder Meridian area
Lecture 8: Hair loss at Governing Vessel & Triple Warmer Meridian
Lecture 9: Damp and Oily Hair
Lecture 10: Damp and Oily Hair and 5-Element Theory
Lecture 11: Hair loss due to chemotherapy
Chapter 6: Men beard Women breasts
Lecture 1: Men beard Women breasts
Lecture 2: Why old people with white beard?
Lecture 3: Grey beard grey hair
Lecture 4: When beard shaving stops
Lecture 5: Man Beard indicates Personalities
Chapter 7: The Five Sensory Faculties at the Head
Lecture 1: The Five Sensory Faculties at the Head
Lecture 2: Five Sensory Faculties correspond to 5 key organs functionalities
Lecture 3: Five Senses and Five Element Theory
Lecture 4: Eyes are window of the heart
Lecture 5: Eyes and the Five Element Model
Lecture 6: Eyes : Cataract
Lecture 7: Eyes : Glaucoma
Lecture 8: Nose : The Me
Lecture 9: Nose is part of Lungs Functionalities
Lecture 10: Nose and the associated Meridians
Lecture 11: Nose : Smell, Odour and Fragrance
Lecture 12: Nose : Five smell and Five Element theory
Lecture 13: Nose : Nose Bleeding
Lecture 14: Nose : Sensitive Nose
Lecture 15: Mouth and Lips
Lecture 16: Ears
Lecture 17: Ears : Hearing Loss and Aging
Lecture 18: Ears : Medication affects Hearing Loss
Lecture 19: Ears : Meridians associated with Ears
Lecture 20: Ears : Ear is a Hologram
Lecture 21: Tongue
Lecture 22: Talkative, making much complaints
Lecture 23: Tongue and Autism
Lecture 24: Tongue Diagnosis
Chapter 8: Face
Lecture 1: Face – External Manifestation of Internal
Lecture 2: Face and Governing Vessel
Lecture 3: Face and Conception & Penetrating Vessels
Lecture 4: Facial Expression with Yin Yang
Lecture 5: Face and Stomach Meridian
Lecture 6: Why face wrinkle early for female?
Lecture 7: Female 7 Male 8 Developmental Stages
Lecture 8: Teeth – Manifestation of Kidneys Qi
Lecture 9: Teeth – Spleen and Kidneys Relationship
Lecture 10: Teeth for Biting and Chewing
Lecture 11: Bleeding gums
Lecture 12: Cervical vertebrae and Throat
Lecture 13: Long life span of tortoise
Chapter 9: Migraines
Lecture 1: Migraines
Lecture 2: Migraines and Gall Bladder Meridian
Lecture 3: Migraines and Triple Warmer Meridian
Chapter 10: Parkinson's disease
Lecture 1: Parkinson's disease
Lecture 2: 肝风内动 Gān fēng nèi dòng
Lecture 3: The Use of Metaphor
Lecture 4: Liver, Spring & Wind
Lecture 5: What causes uncontrolled movement – an illustration
Lecture 6: 阴虚动风 Yin Deficiency causes Liver Wind movement
Lecture 7: 血虚生风 Blood Deficiency causes Liver Wind movement
Lecture 8: 肝阳化风 Excessive Yang causes Liver Wind Movement
Lecture 9: 热极生风 Extreme Heat causes Liver Wind Movement
Lecture 10: Parkinson : Prevention and Conditioning
Chapter 11: Dementia
Lecture 1: Dementia
Andrew Wong
Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Psychologist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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