HEARThrive – Module 3 – Cholesterol and Dubious Statins
HEARThrive – Module 3 – Cholesterol and Dubious Statins, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.65, with 39 lectures, based on 15 reviews, and has 1444 subscribers.
You will learn about When you look at your cholesterol test results, you will know how to assess them in conjunction with other blood tests to decide whether your cholesterol is OK. Armed with your newfound knowledge that cholesterol is carried inside microscopic particles, you can ask your doctor to order advanced tests to measure them. If you want to take a statin, ask your doctor to start you on a lower dose, because it may produce significant results with a lower risk of side effects. Some experts place very little value in statins to lower cardiovascular risk. Give some examples (Lecture 13) to your doctor if you don't want to take a statin. Before blindly accepting your doctor's prescription for a statin, ask him to request a CAC scan first. If your score is low, you don't need a statin drug. Instead of a statin to lower cholesterol, get yourself metabolically healthy by eliminating wheat, sugar and starchy grains in your diet. Use key supplements to support your heart health, including vitamin D, magnesium, fish oil and CoQ10. Always take CoQ10 if you are on a statin drug. A potentially harmful influence on your heart is poor gut health. You can address that by watching HEARThrive Module 9. Cardiologist Dr. Davis says poor thyroid function (often undiagnosed) is a cardiac risk factor. Learn how to optimize your thyroid in HEARThrive Module 12. Before jumping onto the statin bandwagon, explore new possibilities: eating more fat and less carbs and sugar, not snacking, and time-restricted eating. You can track your triglycerides and HDL cholesterol to verify whether your diet is on the right track. The worst combination is having high trigs and low HDL. When you explore the concepts of insulin, insulin resistance, and metabolic health, you'll achieve heart health much faster than by taking a statin drug. Become conscious of how your doctor pays little attention to your triglycerides and HDL. He'll just focus on LDL and push a statin to lower it. You know better. Ignore mainstream dietary advice about lowering cholesterol and reducing saturated fat to achieve heart health. You can now just look the other way. This course is ideal for individuals who are I am targeting students who worry about cholesterol and get concerned when their doctor says they must lower it with statin drugs. It is particularly useful for I am targeting students who worry about cholesterol and get concerned when their doctor says they must lower it with statin drugs.
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Title: HEARThrive – Module 3 – Cholesterol and Dubious Statins
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 39
Number of Published Lectures: 39
Number of Curriculum Items: 39
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- When you look at your cholesterol test results, you will know how to assess them in conjunction with other blood tests to decide whether your cholesterol is OK.
- Armed with your newfound knowledge that cholesterol is carried inside microscopic particles, you can ask your doctor to order advanced tests to measure them.
- If you want to take a statin, ask your doctor to start you on a lower dose, because it may produce significant results with a lower risk of side effects.
- Some experts place very little value in statins to lower cardiovascular risk. Give some examples (Lecture 13) to your doctor if you don't want to take a statin.
- Before blindly accepting your doctor's prescription for a statin, ask him to request a CAC scan first. If your score is low, you don't need a statin drug.
- Instead of a statin to lower cholesterol, get yourself metabolically healthy by eliminating wheat, sugar and starchy grains in your diet.
- Use key supplements to support your heart health, including vitamin D, magnesium, fish oil and CoQ10. Always take CoQ10 if you are on a statin drug.
- A potentially harmful influence on your heart is poor gut health. You can address that by watching HEARThrive Module 9.
- Cardiologist Dr. Davis says poor thyroid function (often undiagnosed) is a cardiac risk factor. Learn how to optimize your thyroid in HEARThrive Module 12.
- Before jumping onto the statin bandwagon, explore new possibilities: eating more fat and less carbs and sugar, not snacking, and time-restricted eating.
- You can track your triglycerides and HDL cholesterol to verify whether your diet is on the right track. The worst combination is having high trigs and low HDL.
- When you explore the concepts of insulin, insulin resistance, and metabolic health, you'll achieve heart health much faster than by taking a statin drug.
- Become conscious of how your doctor pays little attention to your triglycerides and HDL. He'll just focus on LDL and push a statin to lower it. You know better.
- Ignore mainstream dietary advice about lowering cholesterol and reducing saturated fat to achieve heart health. You can now just look the other way.
Who Should Attend
- I am targeting students who worry about cholesterol and get concerned when their doctor says they must lower it with statin drugs.
Target Audiences
- I am targeting students who worry about cholesterol and get concerned when their doctor says they must lower it with statin drugs.
Do you really think you have to lower your cholesterol?
If you are a middle-aged man or woman there’s a very high probability your doctor has prescribed a cholesterol lowering statin drug to you.
The biggest challenge confronting you is whether to take your doctor’s advice or do other things – that you may not even be aware of – that will benefit you far more than popping a statin pill.
Two of the main things you can do are change your diet, as discussed in Module 2, and exercise regularly – as discussed in HEARThrive Module 4 on Exercise.
Many people will get side effects from statin drugs and feel they must simply live with that or believe the way they are feeling is their “new normal” and simply a natural part of aging.
The most common side effects are muscle weakness and soreness.
But statins can also deplete your energy, and when that is combined with your muscle soreness you are not going to feel inclined to exercise.
It’s a classic “Catch-22” problem. Because if you’re not exercising, you’re increasing your heart disease risk and chance of having a heart attack.
GreenMedInfo, a popular website with well-researched information, reports there are 80 studies on muscle soreness from statins. But the drug may be doing a lot more damage than that.
GreenMedInfo says there are 54 studies of nerve damage, 32 studies reporting liver damage, 9 studies showing statins promote cancer, 8 studies that they promote diabetes, and 16 studies of endocrine destruction, i.e., screwing up your hormones.
Oh, I almost forgot, and 15 studies of cardiovascular damage. Yes, the very organ you are supposed to be protecting with a statin drug is getting damaged. Heart failure in particular is a real risk according to some experts.
There has been a long-standing belief that cholesterol in food from your diet raises your heart disease risk. This has absolutely now been taken off the table as a possible worry.
What have I learned about Cholesterol?
After my twin brother’s quadruple heart bypass surgery in 2008, I met with a cardiologist. He of course checked my cholesterol.
The biggest red flag at the time was my low HDL cholesterol value, which was only 34 mg/dL. A healthy value for males is at least 45, and preferably closer to 60.
The doctor of course wanted to put me on a statin to lower my LDL, which at that time was 128 mg/dL, down to 70. I made it perfectly clear – even at that point in my research – that I would not be taking a statin drug.
I had already read the book Overdosed America by Dr. John Abramson, which clearly explained how statistics are reported to make it look like statins have a phenomenal benefit.
The trick is the drug companies report “relative risk,” which is meaningless and deceptive, versus the actual numbers – absolute risk – that showed 1 in 67 people, after 5 years on statin therapy, will be saved from having a heart attack or stroke.
I was able to improve my HDL by changing my diet and exercising more. That’s something that will happen to you automatically with these two lifestyle changes.
If it’s not cholesterol, then what does matter?
Doctors don’t seem to pay much attention to triglycerides, yet more and more this is now being realized as being significant.
My triglycerides have dropped (which is a good thing) from 102 (in 2008), to a recent range of 60 – 75. And my triglyceride to HDL ratio improved from 3.0 in 2008 to a current range of 1.0 – 1.6. Experts say a ratio under 2.0 is what you want, and 1.0 or under is even better.
New research suggests heart disease is absolutely not caused by cholesterol. The correlation is now attributed more to the lipoprotein particles that transport cholesterol.
The particles, if small and numerous, can get into your arteries, and if oxidized can lead to plaque buildup. The plaque is composed of cholesterol but that’s because cholesterol is trying to heal the destructive process. So, cholesterol is found in the arteries but it’s not what is causing the problem.
What is causing the problem in the first place is your crappy diet – especially trans-fat in junk foods, and desserts, too many carbs, too much sugar, too little exercise, too little sleep, and too much belly fat.
Check out the “Me and My Twin” segment in Module 3. I will compare my numbers – based on what I eat and how much I exercise – to my twin brother, who eats more carbs than me, exercises much less, but does take a statin drug. Very interesting.
Now, new knowledge suggests that even gut problems play a role (Covered in Module 9 of HEARThrive). And that may lead to autoimmunity, which leads to inflammation, increasing the risk of heart disease.
Don’t forget about stress. And let’s not even talk about cigarette smoking. If you smoke, you know you are destroying your heart and your health. Compared to cholesterol, learning how to manage stress, which will be covered in detail in HEARThrive Module 11, is of much greater consequence to heart health than cholesterol numbers.
A quick shortcut through the cholesterol myth
If you want to bring your cholesterol numbers down fast, taking a statin will do the trick. But as we discussed, it is not the way to go. Nor is it necessary. Nor is it healthy.
The fastest way to improve the numbers that do matter, which include triglycerides, HDL, particle number and particle size is to change to a diet that is very low in carbohydrates and avoid sugar and of course avoid trans fats.
With less sugar, you will have less glycation and inflammation, both of which contribute to heart disease.
You are going to learn some very empowering information in this very controversial module of HEARThrive. So dig in!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Medical Disclaimer
Lecture 2: Welcome to Module 3
Lecture 3: Course Overview For New Students
Lecture 4: If You Learn Nothing Else, Learn This
Chapter 2: Humor or Thought
Lecture 1: Thinking About Statins?
Lecture 2: The Doctor Said What!
Lecture 3: I Don't Want to Take This
Lecture 4: Statins Ain't Your Friend
Lecture 5: Statins = Garbage
Lecture 6: Take a Statin – Really?
Chapter 3: NOKAFS (No One Knows Anything For Sure)
Lecture 1: Cardiologist Dr. William Davis – A Statin Opinion
Lecture 2: The Role of LDL in Heart Disease
Lecture 3: Not Everyone Likes Statins
Lecture 4: What's a Good LDL Value?
Lecture 5: Are Statins Necessary?
Chapter 4: Me and My Twin
Lecture 1: Comparing Our Cholesterol and Lipoprotein Values
Chapter 5: Stories From the Heart
Lecture 1: Malcolm's Personal Heartfelt Journey
Lecture 2: Cholesterol – 3 Influences On My Diet
Lecture 3: Cholesterol – 5 Diet Mistakes
Lecture 4: Cholesterol – A Shocking Revelation
Lecture 5: Cholesterol – Embrace the Science
Lecture 6: How To Calculate Your Triglyceride/HDL Ratio
Lecture 7: Be Aware of Statin Side Effects
Chapter 6: Step-By-Step What To Do
Lecture 1: Cholesterol – Don't Be Myopic
Lecture 2: Cholesterol and Diet – Introduction
Lecture 3: Cholesterol and Diet – Meat
Lecture 4: Cholesterol and Diet – Dairy
Lecture 5: Cholesterol and Diet – Fruits & Vegetables
Lecture 6: Cholesterol and Diet – Grains
Lecture 7: Cholesterol and Diet – Fats & Oils
Lecture 8: Cholesterol and Diet – Snacks & Desserts
Lecture 9: Cholesterol and Diet – Conclusions
Lecture 10: Cholesterol – Learn On Your Own
Lecture 11: Focus on Your Triglyceride-HDL Ratio
Chapter 7: Summary of Module 3
Lecture 1: Summary of Module 3
Chapter 8: Coming Up Next in Module 4 of HEARThrive
Lecture 1: Exercise – Preview of Module 4
Chapter 9: Transcendence – Yes You Can Do It!
Lecture 1: Transform Your Thoughts About Cholesterol and Heart Disease
Chapter 10: 30-Day TFA – Think, Feel, Act
Lecture 1: Read or Listen to This For 30 Days (Male Voice)
Lecture 2: Read or Listen to This For 30 Days (Female Voice)
Malcolm & Myron Achtman
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- 5 stars: 11 votes
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