Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition
Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition, available at $129.99, has an average rating of 4.51, with 100 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 11675 reviews, and has 60515 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what the Macronutrients are and the role they play in our bodies Understand the role Micronutrients, Fiber, Probiotics & Water play in our bodies Understand Energy Balance. Figure out easy ways to determine BMR, TDEE Learn the Top Carbohydrates/Proteins/Fat sources and figure out their estimated daily requirements This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthy and understand the fundamentals of nutritional science or Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their clients with general nutrition tips/guidelines It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthy and understand the fundamentals of nutritional science or Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their clients with general nutrition tips/guidelines.
Enroll now: Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition
Title: Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition
Price: $129.99
Average Rating: 4.51
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 98
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 105
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what the Macronutrients are and the role they play in our bodies
- Understand the role Micronutrients, Fiber, Probiotics & Water play in our bodies
- Understand Energy Balance. Figure out easy ways to determine BMR, TDEE
- Learn the Top Carbohydrates/Proteins/Fat sources and figure out their estimated daily requirements
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthy and understand the fundamentals of nutritional science
- Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their clients with general nutrition tips/guidelines
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthy and understand the fundamentals of nutritional science
- Health & Fitness Professionals who want to help their clients with general nutrition tips/guidelines
Updated: Nov 2022
Edited ALL Lectures for Better Engagement
Add 20% more content.
Added a few more accreditation authorities that has approved this course. Please see details below.
Updated: Nov 2021
A Nutrition Career Guide (50 Pages) to help anyone wanting to start their Nutrition Career.
Updated: Nov 20
Newly Created Audio and Video Presentation for a more engaging experience
20% more content added especially related to the Micronutrient Content.
Updated: Nov. 19
-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes
-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists
-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)
Now earn your Internationally Accredited Certificate in Nutrition in less than 4 weeks!
This Speciality Certificate is Internationally Accredited by the following organizations:
-The CPD Standards for 15 CPD Hours
-NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) for 1.9 CEUs
-AFAA (Athletic & Fitness Association of America) for 15 CEUs
-IOATH (The International Association of Therapists). The IAOTH has approved all our courses. Once you graduate from this course, you can apply to become a member with them as a Therapist.
In addition, Fabulous Body Inc. is proudly affiliated with the following:
-AHHA (American Holistic Health Association). Being Holistic is one of the core values of Fabulous Body. We are proudly affiliated with AHHA as one of their honored members.
-ANA (American Nutrition Association). Akash, the course creator and Founder of Fabulous Body Inc., is a professional member of the ANA as he strongly believes in their core principle, i.e., Nutrition is the core element of our health.
Pass Mark: 70% to secure your Certificate!
Course Pre-requisite: None
Course Duration: 2-4 weeks
Course Lectures:
See Below.
Quizzes & Graded Exam:
Graded Exam
Internationally Accredited with all the relevant logos on the Certificate as applicable.
Course & Exam Location: Online
Course Details :
We are facing an obesity epidemic where almost 2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and 650 million are obese.
This hugely contributes to a significant increase in chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes and heart-related conditions. However, these chronic ailments are largely preventable by following a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
This Certificate in Nutrition will greatly interest all learners and healthcare professionals who would like to learn the fundamentals of nutrition science.
It provides an in-depth look into macronutrients and micronutrients and understands how they are essential for our bodies to grow and remain healthy.
Module 1: Introduction to Nutrition will start by discussing nutrition and nutrients. You will understand the concept of Energy Balance, BMR [Basal Metabolic Rate], and TDEE [Total Daily Energy Expenditure] and figure out how to calculate them using certain equations and formulas.
Module 2: Macronutrients will dive deep into three macronutrients, i.e., carbohydrates, proteins and fats. We will learn everything about them, including their classifications, types, food sources, functions, and requirements.
Module 3: Micronutrientswill discuss fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins and macro & micro minerals.
We will do an in-depth discussion on the essential functions that these micronutrients play in the human body, their best food sources and symptoms that may occur in case a respective nutrient is deficient in our diet.
Module 4: Special Compounds will discuss fiber, probiotics, and water in detail.
Module 5: Nutrition Myths & Facts. As the name suggests, in this module, I will bust the most common nutrition myths still prevalent today. Further, the Nutrition facts will help you deepen your understanding of various trending topics in the field of Nutrition.
Module 6: Superfoods will give you an idea of the best food items that are nutrient-dense in their respective categories, like fruits, vegetables, other carbohydrates, proteins, fats and more.
Along with visually pleasing lecture slides, you will find a voiceover presentation that explains all the slides in detail plus, you will find the accompanying script in case you want to read [Helpful for people who are hearing impaired].
We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy’s Certificate of Completion.
If you want your Internationally Accredited Certificate from us, you are required to get in touch with us. The process to obtain your certificate is explained in the course.
Your details will remain confidential with us.
Who is the course for?
Nutrition Professional. You already work in the Nutrition Industry. You want to improve your services and attain certification to increase your credibility.
Fitness Professional. You can be a Personal Trainer, Fitness Trainer, Zumba Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor, or any other fitness professional who wants to learn Nutrition Science to optimize your client’s results.
Health & Fitness Enthusiasts. You could be a housewife wanting to learn about the fundamentals of nutrition & diet planning so that you can feed your family healthy food. You can be overweight or even an obese individual willing to take control of your health and have realized that Nutrition is the bedrock of one’s health and the key to losing weight effectively. You may be working in another industry and want to build your career in the health & fitness industry either part-time/full-time.
By the end of this course, what will you Learn?
Master the Science of Macro & Micro Nutrients.
Become a Pro at calculating all components of TDEE- BMR, TEF, TEA and understanding the foundational concept of Energy Balance.
Solve the Mystery of Common Nutrition Myths that refuse to go away!
Learn about 101 Superfoods and how they positively affect our bodies
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Starters Pack
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Who is this course for?
Lecture 3: What will you gain out of this course?
Lecture 4: The L.P.A. Model Part 1
Lecture 5: The L.P.A. Model Part 2
Lecture 6: Fabulous Body's Accreditations & Recognitions
Lecture 7: Fabulous Body's Affliations & CPD Definition
Lecture 8: The Mystery Behind the Use of Titles in the Health & Fitness Industry-1
Lecture 9: The Mystery Behind the Use of Titles in the Health & Fitness Industry-2
Lecture 10: The Fabulous Body Code of Ethics & Scope of Practice
Lecture 11: Meet Your Teacher- About Me
Lecture 12: Understanding the Udemy Platform like a PRO
Lecture 13: Disclaimer
Chapter 2: Master Nutrition Manual
Lecture 1: Master Nutrition Manual
Lecture 2: Resource Manual 1
Lecture 3: Resource Manual 2
Lecture 4: Resource Manual 3
Lecture 5: Resource Manual 4
Lecture 6: Resource Manual 5
Lecture 7: Resource Manual 6
Lecture 8: [NEW] Nutrition Career Guide
Chapter 3: Module 1: Introduction to Nutrition
Lecture 1: What is Nutrition?
Lecture 2: Self Assignment #1
Lecture 3: Calories & Energy Balance: Energy Intake
Lecture 4: Self Assignment #2
Lecture 5: Energy Balance: Energy Expenditure: BMR |TEF
Lecture 6: Self Assignment #3
Lecture 7: Energy Balance: Energy Expenditure: TEA |TDEE
Chapter 4: Module 2: Macronutrients
Lecture 1: Carbohydrates: Definition, Functions, Classifications
Lecture 2: Self Assignment #4
Lecture 3: Glycemic Index
Lecture 4: Self Assignment #5
Lecture 5: Proteins: Definition, Functions, Classifications
Lecture 6: Protein Requirements
Lecture 7: Self Assignment #6
Lecture 8: Fats: Definition, Functions, Classifications
Lecture 9: How to Determine Your Optimal Macro Ratio
Chapter 5: Module 3: Micronutrients
Lecture 1: Fat-Soluble Vitamins: A & D
Lecture 2: Fat-Soluble Vitamin E & K
Lecture 3: Self Assignment #7
Lecture 4: Water-soluble Vitamins: Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6
Lecture 5: Water-soluble Vitamins: Vitamin B7, B9, B12, & C
Lecture 6: Self Assignment #8
Lecture 7: Macro-minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium
Lecture 8: Macro-minerals: Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Sulfur
Lecture 9: Micro-minerals: Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese
Lecture 10: Self Assignment #9
Lecture 11: Micro-minerals: Selenium, Chromium, Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt
Lecture 12: RDA's And AI Values For Vitamins & Minerals
Chapter 6: Module 4: Special Compounds
Lecture 1: Fiber : Definition, Types & Health Benefits
Lecture 2: Self Assignment #10
Lecture 3: Fiber : Optimal Fiber Intake, Foods High in Fiber
Lecture 4: Probiotics : Definition, Health Benefits & Top Foods
Lecture 5: Self Assignment #11
Lecture 6: Water : Health Benefits & Optimal Water Intake
Lecture 7: Self Assignment #12
Chapter 7: Module 5: Nutrition Myths & Facts
Lecture 1: Nutrition Myth No #1
Lecture 2: Nutrition Myth No #2
Lecture 3: Nutrition Myth No #3
Lecture 4: Nutrition Myth No #4
Lecture 5: Nutrition Myth No #5
Lecture 6: Nutrition Fact No #1
Lecture 7: Nutrition Fact No #2
Lecture 8: Nutrition Fact No #3
Lecture 9: Nutrition Fact No #4
Lecture 10: Nutrition Fact No #5
Chapter 8: Module 6: Superfoods
Lecture 1: Superfoods: Fruits: An Introduction
Lecture 2: Superfoods: Fruits: Berries
Lecture 3: Superfoods: Fruits: Avocados
Lecture 4: Superfoods: Fruits: Other Superfruits
Lecture 5: Superfoods: Vegetables: Garlic, Onions & Ginger
Lecture 6: Superfoods: Vegetables: Cruciferous Vegetables
Lecture 7: Superfoods: Vegetables: Green Leafy Vegetables
Lecture 8: Superfoods: Vegetables: Other Vegetables
Lecture 9: Superfoods: Carbohydrates: Legumes
Lecture 10: Superfoods: Carbohydrates: Oats
Lecture 11: Superfoods: Carbohydrates: Other Whole Grains
Lecture 12: Superfoods: Proteins: Whole Eggs
Lecture 13: Superfoods: Proteins: Grass-fed Dairy: Raw Milk, Buttermilk
Lecture 14: Superfoods: Proteins: Grass-fed Dairy: Yogurt, Paneer
Lecture 15: Superfoods: Proteins: Grass-fed Meat & Wild-caught Seafood
Lecture 16: Superfoods: Fats: Healthy Oils
Lecture 17: Superfoods: Fats: Nuts
Lecture 18: Superfoods: Beverages: Green Tea
Lecture 19: Superfoods: Beverages: Matcha Tea
Lecture 20: Superfoods: Beverages: Moringa Tea
Lecture 21: Superfoods: Beverages: Coconut Water
Lecture 22: Superfoods: Beverages: Kombucha
Akash Sehrawat
Fabulousbody Founder & International Best-Selling Instructor -
Fabulous Body
Educating & Empowering the World through Courses & Articles -
Teaching Assistant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 110 votes
- 2 stars: 201 votes
- 3 stars: 1261 votes
- 4 stars: 3976 votes
- 5 stars: 6127 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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