Knee Joints Pain-Free! Complete Taping Methods & Techniques
Knee Joints Pain-Free! Complete Taping Methods & Techniques, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4, with 27 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 20 reviews, and has 620 subscribers.
You will learn about You should be able to describe the Elite Taping Concept. Over 24 hours of content! You will get a direct contact with the Taping Instructor Experience, who has taught this course all over the world, throughout the USA, UK, Europe, South Africa, UAE, and Egypt. We are confident that you will be able to find at least a few techniques and methods in this book that sound good to you and to your clients or players. It is our sincere hope that you get a lot out of this course, and that you take this course benefits to your daily practice and towards a better health for your clients. Taping Techniques are safe, easy, and scientifically proven method to relief pain and support muscles and joints. The major benefits of the Elite Taping Method for the Healthcare Professionals is the fast and effective results they can get by using this technique with their clients. In addition, it will accelerate the rehabilitation time of the sports professional players and send them back to the game like express. In this course any clinical or non-clinical practitioner as well as in private practice will learn what Taping is: how Taping works; uses of Taping; comprehensive hand and Taping placements for working with clients, and much more. You will learn in this comprehensive Taping techniques particularly designed for Healthcare providers that Taping is a non-invasive method, natural system of healing thus provides Pain-relief, pain management, deep muscles relaxation and balance without medication or traditional medical applications. The Taping Techniques knowledge in this course will help you, your family, your patients to live healthier and happier. This Taping course is a natural extension of your knowledge and skills (if you are in healthcare or sports fields) and can have a powerful impact on your clients’ recovery after injury or trauma. You will learn and experience the benefits of Taping Methods into relaxation techniques of muscles tension and spasm. Learn the trigger points locations and effects of Taping to release the painful spots. This course is providing you with a new concept of pain management. Recognize the principals of Elite Taping Techniques and Methods Demonstrate application skills and the ability to apply various Elite Taping Techniques for treatment of unique KNEE PAIN conditions using the concepts and principals of the Elite Taping Technique. To restore the 9 systems imbalance in an effective and efficient way, by using the Elite Taping Methods and Techniques. This course is ideal for individuals who are Physical therapist, Massage therapist, Orthopaedic doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Kinesiologist, Sports performers or professional athletes, and most importantly YOU. or This course is for anyone who wants to learn the Elite Taping Techniques for self-healing It is particularly useful for Physical therapist, Massage therapist, Orthopaedic doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Kinesiologist, Sports performers or professional athletes, and most importantly YOU. or This course is for anyone who wants to learn the Elite Taping Techniques for self-healing.
Enroll now: Knee Joints Pain-Free! Complete Taping Methods & Techniques
Title: Knee Joints Pain-Free! Complete Taping Methods & Techniques
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 27
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 27
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 39
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You should be able to describe the Elite Taping Concept.
- Over 24 hours of content! You will get a direct contact with the Taping Instructor Experience, who has taught this course all over the world, throughout the USA, UK, Europe, South Africa, UAE, and Egypt. We are confident that you will be able to find at least a few techniques and methods in this book that sound good to you and to your clients or players.
- It is our sincere hope that you get a lot out of this course, and that you take this course benefits to your daily practice and towards a better health for your clients. Taping Techniques are safe, easy, and scientifically proven method to relief pain and support muscles and joints.
- The major benefits of the Elite Taping Method for the Healthcare Professionals is the fast and effective results they can get by using this technique with their clients. In addition, it will accelerate the rehabilitation time of the sports professional players and send them back to the game like express.
- In this course any clinical or non-clinical practitioner as well as in private practice will learn what Taping is: how Taping works; uses of Taping; comprehensive hand and Taping placements for working with clients, and much more.
- You will learn in this comprehensive Taping techniques particularly designed for Healthcare providers that Taping is a non-invasive method, natural system of healing thus provides Pain-relief, pain management, deep muscles relaxation and balance without medication or traditional medical applications.
- The Taping Techniques knowledge in this course will help you, your family, your patients to live healthier and happier.
- This Taping course is a natural extension of your knowledge and skills (if you are in healthcare or sports fields) and can have a powerful impact on your clients’ recovery after injury or trauma.
- You will learn and experience the benefits of Taping Methods into relaxation techniques of muscles tension and spasm.
- Learn the trigger points locations and effects of Taping to release the painful spots. This course is providing you with a new concept of pain management.
- Recognize the principals of Elite Taping Techniques and Methods
- Demonstrate application skills and the ability to apply various Elite Taping Techniques for treatment of unique KNEE PAIN conditions using the concepts and principals of the Elite Taping Technique.
- To restore the 9 systems imbalance in an effective and efficient way, by using the Elite Taping Methods and Techniques.
Who Should Attend
- Physical therapist, Massage therapist, Orthopaedic doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Kinesiologist, Sports performers or professional athletes, and most importantly YOU.
- This course is for anyone who wants to learn the Elite Taping Techniques for self-healing
Target Audiences
- Physical therapist, Massage therapist, Orthopaedic doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Kinesiologist, Sports performers or professional athletes, and most importantly YOU.
- This course is for anyone who wants to learn the Elite Taping Techniques for self-healing
At the end of this course, YOU will be able to:
֍ Choose the Right Tape for your Muscles and Joints Pain.
֍ Apply the right skills of taping on your KNEE PAIN.
֍ Use the taping concept to relief your Knee joint and muscles pain instantly.
֍ Discover the magic effects of a piece of tape on your knee pain.
Learn Taping, A Physiological Treatment Method that has been used successfully all over the world for decades to treat muscle-skeletal imbalances and reduce pain. In this course, you will learn how to perform Taping on yourself and others. This book is designed for the Healthcare, Sports, and Fitness Professional to help their clients to reduce pain, muscles spasm, and imbalance. In addition, this book is designed to help in the rehabilitation programs of the sports professional players before and after games in the unstable joints, ligaments, swelling soft tissue structures and more. This book is done by offering integrative skills that can be offered in professional settings and at home. These techniques may also be used for education purpose only.
You will receive this comprehensive course as well as a complete guide for the Elite Taping Techniques and Methods. You will receive this manual from your Taping Instructor, who has been in the healthcare and Sports industry for nearly 17 years. He offers international experience, traveling all over the world and collecting the most tangible knowledge in the Taping techniques. He is able to give Healthcare Professionals power over their daily practice. Helping their clients with accelerating the healing process.
This course designed to teach you how to use this magical tool to relive muscle-skeletal pain and reduce soft tissue pain, swelling, or dysfunction after trauma or injury. This tool is known for years as Kinesio Taping, Kinesiology Taping, Kinesio tape, KT tape. However, this course will challenge you and gets you the most up-to-date Techniques and methods. The magical effects of applying this tape on your clients’ skin is a remarkable science.
This tape is one of the safest and easy ways to learn to reduce muscles pain with a piece of tape in less than few minutes. Some the patients use to call it the magic tape, others called it the miracle I call it simple science! If you never heard about this magical method to relief pain this is your chance to do so. As a matter of fact, I doubt if someone out there yet does not come across this magical technique even by chance. If you are a football fan, then the tape will be on one of your favorites players arm, leg, or even wrist. If you are not a fan of any sports, then you must have watched the last Olympics games, and you get the chance to see it on the cyclists or swimmers body. However, if that is not the case and you never watch sports then one of your friends, or neighbors went to visit chiropractic, physical therapy, or orthopedic clinic. And they shared with you how this tape was very helpful in their muscles or joints pain.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcoming Introduction
Lecture 1: Fundamentals
Lecture 2: How Taping helped so many people around the world?
Lecture 3: How to choose the right tape?
Lecture 4: Forms of tape cutting
Lecture 5: What exercises can you do after taping?
Chapter 2: Course Outline & The Visual Learning Methodology
Lecture 1: Course Contents
Lecture 2: What do you need to have before starting this course?
Lecture 3: who might benefit from this course
Lecture 4: Can you learn this Taping techniques online?
Chapter 3: Performing Taping session
Lecture 1: Biomechanical Adjustment
Lecture 2: Biomechanical Adjustment – Second Technique
Lecture 3: Fascia Adjustment
Lecture 4: Synovial Gap Adjustment
Lecture 5: Ligament Adjustment
Lecture 6: Tendon Adjustment
Lecture 7: Functional Adjustment
Lecture 8: Circulatory / Lymphatic Adjustment
Lecture 9: Muscles adjustment
Lecture 10: Skin Adjustment
Lecture 11: Nerve Adjustment
Lecture 12: Before taping start
Chapter 4: Hands on practice – Most Important & Common Sports Injury
Lecture 1: Facilitation and Inhibition Techniques
Lecture 2: ACL Taping and more
Lecture 3: MCL Taping and More
Lecture 4: TFL Taping and more
Chapter 5: Appreciation and Graduation
Lecture 1: Appreciation and Graduation
Lecture 2: See you in the next course
Dr. Ezzat Moghazy
Author/Clinical Hypnotherapist/Integrative Medical Doctor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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