Learn Vinyasa Flow Yoga – Focus on Breathing and Energy
Learn Vinyasa Flow Yoga – Focus on Breathing and Energy, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 76 lectures, based on 49 reviews, and has 1006 subscribers.
You will learn about Create an own yoga class by using the preconfigured short exercise sequences Understand the main principles of Vinyasa Flow Yoga Develop an individual home workout which can be integrated into your personal day to day schedule Stay evenly balanced throughout your day Personally adjust and reduce your own stress level Find the state of flow while connecting breath, movement and consciousness This course is ideal for individuals who are This Yoga plan is for everybody who actively wants to do something for his/her health, flexibility and endurance or It is for beginners as well as for experienced yogis. Due to the individual set up of the different yoga sequences it will fit for each level or Hobby athletes who want to become better in any of their favorite kind of sports or Employed person, moms and everyone who want to reduce stress or As a requirement you shouldn't have any intense physical restrictions or Pregnant women shouldn't participate without prior notice and permission of their attending gynecologist It is particularly useful for This Yoga plan is for everybody who actively wants to do something for his/her health, flexibility and endurance or It is for beginners as well as for experienced yogis. Due to the individual set up of the different yoga sequences it will fit for each level or Hobby athletes who want to become better in any of their favorite kind of sports or Employed person, moms and everyone who want to reduce stress or As a requirement you shouldn't have any intense physical restrictions or Pregnant women shouldn't participate without prior notice and permission of their attending gynecologist.
Enroll now: Learn Vinyasa Flow Yoga – Focus on Breathing and Energy
Title: Learn Vinyasa Flow Yoga – Focus on Breathing and Energy
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create an own yoga class by using the preconfigured short exercise sequences
- Understand the main principles of Vinyasa Flow Yoga
- Develop an individual home workout which can be integrated into your personal day to day schedule
- Stay evenly balanced throughout your day
- Personally adjust and reduce your own stress level
- Find the state of flow while connecting breath, movement and consciousness
Who Should Attend
- This Yoga plan is for everybody who actively wants to do something for his/her health, flexibility and endurance
- It is for beginners as well as for experienced yogis. Due to the individual set up of the different yoga sequences it will fit for each level
- Hobby athletes who want to become better in any of their favorite kind of sports
- Employed person, moms and everyone who want to reduce stress
- As a requirement you shouldn't have any intense physical restrictions
- Pregnant women shouldn't participate without prior notice and permission of their attending gynecologist
Target Audiences
- This Yoga plan is for everybody who actively wants to do something for his/her health, flexibility and endurance
- It is for beginners as well as for experienced yogis. Due to the individual set up of the different yoga sequences it will fit for each level
- Hobby athletes who want to become better in any of their favorite kind of sports
- Employed person, moms and everyone who want to reduce stress
- As a requirement you shouldn't have any intense physical restrictions
- Pregnant women shouldn't participate without prior notice and permission of their attending gynecologist
This course introduces you to the basic principles of Vinyasa Flow Yoga and gives you the unique experience of an online yoga retreat. Let yourself be carried away by the beautiful atmosphere and natural sounds of Bali. Vinyasa flow yoga leads you through dynamic yoga flows which always combine breath and movement. Every movement has a breath and you will learn how to flow through your practice with each inhalation and exhalation. The „flow“ is a state of mind in which your breath and your movement perfectly interact and leave you with a feeling of ease, happiness and energy. Each lecture contains one flow sequence. This will help you to internalize a sequence first and then practice in your own individual speed and breath.
All in all there are 65 single yoga sequences which are thematically organized in 10 categories which will help you by creating your tailor made yoga class. The single yoga sequences are varying in length and complexity. It fits for beginners as well as for experienced yogis, just pick and combine the fitting lectures. Choose based on your time about one to three lessons of each section and never get bored again. You have now the possibility to create a new yoga class each and every time you practice. Or maybe you just want to go through all single lectures time after time.
As a beginner the course offers you a variety of single yoga videos to start a daily practice. Learn the different yoga postures and especially how to connect your breath within each flow. Experienced yogis can modify the length and complexity of each workout. The setup of this course should encourage you to listen to yourself. Be your own yoga teacher and decide on how long, intense and what kind of sequence you want to practice.
Light & Love
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Intro
Lecture 1: Welcome to Bali Flow Yoga
Lecture 2: Start with an intention (Sanskrit Sankalpa)
Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Pranayama | Breathing Excercises
Lecture 1: Pranayama 1: Ujjaji Breath
Lecture 2: Pranayama 2: Counting The Breath
Lecture 3: Pranayama 3: Threepart In-Breath
Lecture 4: Pranayama 4: Threepart Inhalation and Exhalation
Lecture 5: Pranayama 5: Nadi Shodhana | Alternate Nostril Breathing
Lecture 6: Pranayama 6: Kapalabhati | Rapid Exhalation or The Shining Skull Breathing
Lecture 7: Pranayama 7: Infinity Breath
Lecture 8: Pranayama 8: Moving Light Breath
Lecture 9: Pranayama 9: Beautiful Heart Breath
Lecture 10: Pranayama 10: Abhaya Hridaya | The Fearless Heart
Chapter 3: Warm up: slowly warm up your body
Lecture 1: Warm up 1: Stretch Your Side Body
Lecture 2: Warm up 2: Connect Movement To Breath
Lecture 3: Warm up 3: Stretch Your Neck And Spine
Lecture 4: Warm up 4: Open Your Shoulders
Lecture 5: Warm up 5: Release Tension From Your Neck With Eagle Arms
Lecture 6: Warm up 6: Tabletop Position
Lecture 7: Warm up 7: Open Your Chest and Give Your Shoulderplates A Nice Stretch
Lecture 8: Warm up 8: Cat And Cow
Lecture 9: Warm up 9: Oiling The Hips
Lecture 10: Warm up 10: Childs Pose With Side Body Stretch
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Sun Salutations
Lecture 1: Sun Salutation 1: Classic
Lecture 2: Sun Salutation 2: Variation A
Lecture 3: Sun Salutation 3: Variation B
Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Main Flows
Lecture 1: Main Flow 1: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 2: Main Flow 2: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 3: Main Flow 3: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 4: Main Flow 4: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 5: Main Flow 5: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 6: Main Flow 6: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 7: Main Flow 7: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 8: Main Flow 8: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 9: Main Flow 9: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Lecture 10: Main Flow 10: Guided Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Balancing Flows
Lecture 1: Balance 1: Tree Pose
Lecture 2: Balance 2: Twisted Tree Pose
Lecture 3: Balance 3: Crow Pose
Lecture 4: Balance 4: Guide Flow Including Side Crow Pose With Straight Legs
Lecture 5: Balance 5: Guided Flow Including Halfmoon Pose
Lecture 6: Balance 6: Little Halfmoon Pose
Lecture 7: Balance 7: Guided Flow Inclufing Twisted Halfmoon Pose
Lecture 8: Balance 8: Standing Balance Hand To Big Toe
Lecture 9: Balance 9: Tiptoe Balance
Lecture 10: Balance 10: Side Crow Pose
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Core Work
Lecture 1: Core1: Boat Pose
Lecture 2: Core 2: Boat Pose On Your Forearms
Lecture 3: Core 3: Extended Boat Pose
Lecture 4: Core 4: Wiper Legs
Lecture 5: Core 5: Crunches With Eagle Arms And Legs
Lecture 6: Core 6: Twisted Crunches
Lecture 7: Core 7: Side Plank Pose
Lecture 8: Core 8: Plank Pose On Forearms
Lecture 9: Core 9: Crow Variation
Lecture 10: Core 10: Headstand
Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Cool Down
Lecture 1: Cool Down 1: Sitting Forward Fold With One Bent Leg
Lecture 2: Cool Down 2: Sitting Forward Fold With Straight Legs
Lecture 3: Cool Down 3: Lying Twist and Hip Opener
Lecture 4: Cool Down 4: Bridge Pose
Lecture 5: Cool Down 5: Lying Twist With Bent Knees
Lecture 6: Cool Down 6: Gentle Lying Twist
Lecture 7: Cool Down 7: Legs Up The Wall
Lecture 8: Cool Down 8: Shoulderstand
Lecture 9: Cool Down 9: Happy Baby Pose
Lecture 10: Cool Down 10: Fish Pose
Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Savasana
Lecture 1: Savasana: Final Relaxation
Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Meditation
Lecture 1: Meditation: Guided Meditation
Chapter 11: Bali Flow Yoga full yoga classes
Lecture 1: Welcome to Bali
Lecture 2: Wake Up Call
Lecture 3: Dr. Detox
Lecture 4: Go Balance Yourself
Lecture 5: Surfs Up
Lecture 6: Core, please!
Lecture 7: Power Machine
Lecture 8: Rise and Shine
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: Thank you and Namasté!
Lecture 1: Namaste
Anna Kalhammer
Certified Yoga Teacher and Founder of Bali Flow Yoga
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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