Lose Weight and Tone Up For Anyone Over 30- (10 Mins a Day)
Lose Weight and Tone Up For Anyone Over 30- (10 Mins a Day), available at Free, has an average rating of 5, with 33 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 467 subscribers.
You will learn about If you have struggled with losing weight like I did, I will show you not only how I lost this weight in less than 3 weeks but how you will too! If you have struggled with building muscle, getting definition and toned like I did, I will show you why you couldn't and how I made major gains in 3 weeks If you want to finally be stronger like I did, you need to understand the reasons that you have been failing like I did for so many years and what to do This course will teach you how I made major changes in a few weeks, based in science, and how you can do EXACTLY THE SAME with this information This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for anyone that has been fighting to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle and wants to know how to finally win the battle like I did using light exercise and light weights. If you want to make these changes based on evidence and science you will be given these studies within the course. Once you understand that trying to fight against nature is futile (which is why we find it so incredibly difficult to lose weight and build muscle or get toned as we age) and how we can bio-hack our systems with this proven method that can have incredible results quickly like you see with my results in just 3-4 weeks. It is particularly useful for This course is for anyone that has been fighting to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle and wants to know how to finally win the battle like I did using light exercise and light weights. If you want to make these changes based on evidence and science you will be given these studies within the course. Once you understand that trying to fight against nature is futile (which is why we find it so incredibly difficult to lose weight and build muscle or get toned as we age) and how we can bio-hack our systems with this proven method that can have incredible results quickly like you see with my results in just 3-4 weeks.
Enroll now: Lose Weight and Tone Up For Anyone Over 30- (10 Mins a Day)
Title: Lose Weight and Tone Up For Anyone Over 30- (10 Mins a Day)
Price: Free
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 33
Number of Published Lectures: 33
Number of Curriculum Items: 33
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 33
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- If you have struggled with losing weight like I did, I will show you not only how I lost this weight in less than 3 weeks but how you will too!
- If you have struggled with building muscle, getting definition and toned like I did, I will show you why you couldn't and how I made major gains in 3 weeks
- If you want to finally be stronger like I did, you need to understand the reasons that you have been failing like I did for so many years and what to do
- This course will teach you how I made major changes in a few weeks, based in science, and how you can do EXACTLY THE SAME with this information
Who Should Attend
- This course is for anyone that has been fighting to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle and wants to know how to finally win the battle like I did using light exercise and light weights. If you want to make these changes based on evidence and science you will be given these studies within the course. Once you understand that trying to fight against nature is futile (which is why we find it so incredibly difficult to lose weight and build muscle or get toned as we age) and how we can bio-hack our systems with this proven method that can have incredible results quickly like you see with my results in just 3-4 weeks.
Target Audiences
- This course is for anyone that has been fighting to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle and wants to know how to finally win the battle like I did using light exercise and light weights. If you want to make these changes based on evidence and science you will be given these studies within the course. Once you understand that trying to fight against nature is futile (which is why we find it so incredibly difficult to lose weight and build muscle or get toned as we age) and how we can bio-hack our systems with this proven method that can have incredible results quickly like you see with my results in just 3-4 weeks.
See My 3 Week Transformation! You Will See the Same Results Too!
It’s called BFR training and I am going to teach you all about it!
Please note that you will need to get the BFR bands for this course and can find them from as little as $20.00. However, you can watch the course first to understand what is happening.
In this course, you will see how I lost my belly fat and got real muscle definition in just 3 weeks after struggling for years with NO RESULTS and you will too. You will see the before and after photos. Thats right-real proof! And you will too!
This is all evidence based and you will be provided with the studies in the course. If you are like me, you want to see the evidence.
So, here’s what happened..the advertisement said:
“It has never been this easy to BURN FAT and LOSE WEIGHT. Build MUSCLE, Get STRONG & NEVER BE SORE.”
“Just 10 minutes a day get into the best shape of your life. Feel 10, 20 or even 30 years younger. Lose weight, build muscle, perform better at a sport and improve endurance.”
Sounds too good to be true right? Thats what I thought.
Well, guess what-it is true!
I have photographic PROOF of my incredible results as you will see in the course.
Also, I did this in my house with no heavy weights, no high intensity exercise and no change of diet. No supplements. No synthetic hormones, pills or steroids.
You will see how I lost my belly fat in 3 weeks and gained real muscle definition when I couldn’t make any changes at all by going to the gym 3 times per week for 15 months and walking every day for a minimum of 5 miles per day and you will too.
Does this sound familiar to you? Nothing works?
If you have struggled with weight loss, building muscle and strength, getting toned and more defined like I did (thats right, I used past tense), I will show you exactly how I finally lost my belly fat and made real gains in finally building muscle, strength and definition after years of NO RESULTS in just 15 minutes per day maximum.
And I have to say, I do feel younger. No joke. In fact, I mention in the course that I have noticed how much easier it is to squat down to reach into the back of the cupboards when before it was difficult. Because my legs are so much stronger-in less than a month.
You will see my before and after shots and the major differences I have made in less than a month and you will too!
You will be taught in the course why we struggle to lose weight and gain muscle or get toned just like me and how we can bio-hack our bodies and finally stop the struggle. You will see the differences that I have made first hand and you will too.
Lose weight like I did. Get toned like I did. Build muscle and strength like I did.
Thats right! I did this with just 15 minutes exercise per day-maximum.
Take the 30 day challenge-remember that you have a 30 day money back guarantee with Udemy so you have nothing to lose-except excess weight- and everything to gain.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: I will never exercise the old way again-anyone can do this
Lecture 2: Full Disclaimer-no change in diet, lifestyle or supplements
Lecture 3: A heads up-you will need to buy these to do what I teach
Lecture 4: If I am under 30 can I do this course? YES!
Lecture 5: How I have laid out this course-don't skip lectures
Lecture 6: Your 30 day challenge-you will see results quickly like I did
Chapter 2: So let's now take a look at how we will bio-hack your body!
Lecture 1: So, how does this all work?
Lecture 2: But I did get a burn, why no results still?
Lecture 3: This is why you are not getting results!
Lecture 4: The big weight loss AND thyroid problems that no-one ever told you!
Lecture 5: So here is the breakthrough that will change the way you exercise forever!
Lecture 6: A word about the burn-there is a big difference for me.
Chapter 3: The Basics of the training
Lecture 1: Download your Ebooks and safety considerations
Lecture 2: It's Time! Ok, now we will get into the practicalities of how to do this!
Lecture 3: Now we will start looking at the reps, sets and other protocols
Lecture 4: How many days a week?
Lecture 5: A summary of what you need to do to get maximum benefits
Lecture 6: So now lets look at some workouts
Lecture 7: Let's now do an upper body workout!
Lecture 8: Let's now do a lower body workout!
Lecture 9: What to look for when doing cardio for weight loss
Lecture 10: How to know if you are overdoing it
Lecture 11: If you really want to get even better results more quickly, do this
Lecture 12: What about the core muscles, butt and chest and back? This is what's going on.
Lecture 13: Energy Burst and Pain Relief from nitric oxide release!
Lecture 14: You will also get stronger bones by doing this-the studies are also in on this.
Lecture 15: Varicose veins and cardiovascular changes as well!
Lecture 16: There are many other incredible health benefits to doing this as well!
Chapter 4: Which Bands should you choose?
Lecture 1: Which should you choose? Here is what I first tried.
Lecture 2: The second option that I tried- cheaper option that works well
Lecture 3: The third option that I tried-more expensive but excellent
Lecture 4: Congratulations
Lecture 5: BONUS
Mark Perren-Jones
Certified Aromatherapist, Spa Owner, Masseur, 250K Students
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- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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