Losing Weight and Solving Emotional Eating for Women
Losing Weight and Solving Emotional Eating for Women, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.5, with 58 lectures, based on 95 reviews, and has 6284 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain clarity on the causes of the emotional eating Work on the roots of your emotional problems Dealing with emotions in a safe, loving way Raising Mind-body awareness Self-hypnosis for weight loss Let go of some harmful eating habits This course is ideal for individuals who are Women who are stressed and emotional or Women who struggle with cravings and binge eating or Women who feel stuck in their lives or Women who want to have more control or Women who want to have clarity, peace and tranquility or Women who tried all kinds of diets or Women who have had enough of the yo-yo effect or Women who want to get to the root of the problem instead of quick fixes or Women who want to feel cared for, understood and accepted or Women who would like to engage with a loving community or Women who are willing to do the work or Women who want to change their lives It is particularly useful for Women who are stressed and emotional or Women who struggle with cravings and binge eating or Women who feel stuck in their lives or Women who want to have more control or Women who want to have clarity, peace and tranquility or Women who tried all kinds of diets or Women who have had enough of the yo-yo effect or Women who want to get to the root of the problem instead of quick fixes or Women who want to feel cared for, understood and accepted or Women who would like to engage with a loving community or Women who are willing to do the work or Women who want to change their lives.
Enroll now: Losing Weight and Solving Emotional Eating for Women
Title: Losing Weight and Solving Emotional Eating for Women
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Curriculum Items: 58
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 58
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain clarity on the causes of the emotional eating
- Work on the roots of your emotional problems
- Dealing with emotions in a safe, loving way
- Raising Mind-body awareness
- Self-hypnosis for weight loss
- Let go of some harmful eating habits
Who Should Attend
- Women who are stressed and emotional
- Women who struggle with cravings and binge eating
- Women who feel stuck in their lives
- Women who want to have more control
- Women who want to have clarity, peace and tranquility
- Women who tried all kinds of diets
- Women who have had enough of the yo-yo effect
- Women who want to get to the root of the problem instead of quick fixes
- Women who want to feel cared for, understood and accepted
- Women who would like to engage with a loving community
- Women who are willing to do the work
- Women who want to change their lives
Target Audiences
- Women who are stressed and emotional
- Women who struggle with cravings and binge eating
- Women who feel stuck in their lives
- Women who want to have more control
- Women who want to have clarity, peace and tranquility
- Women who tried all kinds of diets
- Women who have had enough of the yo-yo effect
- Women who want to get to the root of the problem instead of quick fixes
- Women who want to feel cared for, understood and accepted
- Women who would like to engage with a loving community
- Women who are willing to do the work
- Women who want to change their lives
This course is for you if you are a woman, who struggles with emotional eating and
you keep gaining your weight back after investing so much time and energy in dieting
you feel frustrated and bad about yourself
you love to care for others but ignore your own needs
you constantly try to please others trying to be a perfect mother, daughter or wife
you feel you have to be strong but inside you are in pain
you keep sabotaging yourself
you can’t let go of the baggage of the past
this course can help you.
Here you will
gain clarity on what’s at the roots of your weight issues, how your brain keeps you overweight and why,
learn techniques to tap into your subconscious mind and use its fantastic resources to solve these issues,
feel more in control and relaxed.
Click join and let’s get you started on your journey to healthy weight and happiness.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let's get started fast
Lecture 1: Who I am and how will I help you
Lecture 2: Join us on Facebook for live trainings here
Lecture 3: What you need
Lecture 4: What to expect
Lecture 5: A bird's eye view
Lecture 6: Where are you now and what's keeping you here?
Lecture 7: Where do you want to be?
Chapter 2: The roots of emotional eating
Lecture 1: Why couldn't you lose weight?
Lecture 2: Will + power
Lecture 3: The subconscious mind
Lecture 4: Self-sabotage
Lecture 5: Weight as a solution to a greater problem
Lecture 6: The mind controls the body
Chapter 3: Connecting with the body
Lecture 1: Developing Body Awareness and Trust
Lecture 2: Breathing exercise
Lecture 3: The lemon exercise
Lecture 4: Glued fingers exercise
Lecture 5: We hypnotize ourselves to feel bad
Lecture 6: Empowering self-hypnosis
Lecture 7: Why do suggestions only help temporarily?
Lecture 8: Eye-catalepsy
Lecture 9: Yes or no fingers
Lecture 10: Learning relaxation: Guided meditation exercise
Lecture 11: Deepening your relaxation: Guided meditation exercise
Lecture 12: How can we stop our thoughts while meditating?
Lecture 13: Understanding the needs and signals of the body
Chapter 4: Connecting with Emotions
Lecture 1: Assessing your emotions
Lecture 2: Where do our negative emotions come from?
Lecture 3: Being afraid of our feelings
Lecture 4: I hate my body – negative self-image
Lecture 5: Self-rejection
Lecture 6: Learning Self-love
Lecture 7: Self-love exercise
Lecture 8: Shame
Lecture 9: Guilt
Lecture 10: Feeling you're not being good enough
Lecture 11: Sense of Safety and Anxiety
Lecture 12: Comfort Eating
Lecture 13: Stress Eating
Lecture 14: Are you ignoring your own needs?
Lecture 15: Which of the feelings resonated within you?
Lecture 16: Emotional Self-healing Training
Chapter 5: Connecting with the mind
Lecture 1: Connecting with the mind
Lecture 2: Becoming aware of the negative beliefs
Lecture 3: Becoming aware of the negative programs
Chapter 6: Examples, client stories and exercises
Lecture 1: Trauma and Weight
Lecture 2: Being single and how that affects our weight
Lecture 3: How can we create a loving relationship if we are single?
Lecture 4: Abortion and Weight
Lecture 5: Miscarriage and Weight
Lecture 6: Rejecting The Woman Inside and Weight
Lecture 7: Surviving Abuse
Lecture 8: Narcissistic relationships
Lecture 9: Jealousy and Weight
Lecture 10: Ellie's Birth
Lecture 11: Case Study: Learning about emotional needs through Britney Spears
Chapter 7: How to continue your journey to happiness?
Lecture 1: Self-assessment: Awareness and Clarity
Lecture 2: Summary
Irina Furin
Transforming hypnotist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 56 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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