Massage And Harnessing The Incredible Power Of The Placebo
Massage And Harnessing The Incredible Power Of The Placebo, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 48 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 75 reviews, and has 399 subscribers.
You will learn about In this course, Massage And The Incredible Power Of The Placebo you will see your massage clients getting much better results, If you do massage, facials, reflexology or any other types of massage or spa treatment you need to know how to use the placebo effect to maximize it's benefits You will be taught how to use the placebo response intentionally which will have better clinical outcomes for your massage clients You will learn that when you have massage or spa clients, the placebo effect is happening for better or for worse in every massage that you do. The only choice for you is whether you choose to hone your skills from this course to maximize the placebo effect with every massage client to it's full potent This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are a massage therapist or work in a clinic, spa or salon then this course is for you. As you will see, whether you so massage, treat pain or any other spa treatments then you should be aware that you are missing out on getting more clients, more income, more referrals, better results and clinical outcomes by not using the placebo effect in your massage business or salon It is particularly useful for If you are a massage therapist or work in a clinic, spa or salon then this course is for you. As you will see, whether you so massage, treat pain or any other spa treatments then you should be aware that you are missing out on getting more clients, more income, more referrals, better results and clinical outcomes by not using the placebo effect in your massage business or salon.
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Title: Massage And Harnessing The Incredible Power Of The Placebo
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In this course, Massage And The Incredible Power Of The Placebo you will see your massage clients getting much better results,
- If you do massage, facials, reflexology or any other types of massage or spa treatment you need to know how to use the placebo effect to maximize it's benefits
- You will be taught how to use the placebo response intentionally which will have better clinical outcomes for your massage clients
- You will learn that when you have massage or spa clients, the placebo effect is happening for better or for worse in every massage that you do.
- The only choice for you is whether you choose to hone your skills from this course to maximize the placebo effect with every massage client to it's full potent
Who Should Attend
- If you are a massage therapist or work in a clinic, spa or salon then this course is for you. As you will see, whether you so massage, treat pain or any other spa treatments then you should be aware that you are missing out on getting more clients, more income, more referrals, better results and clinical outcomes by not using the placebo effect in your massage business or salon
Target Audiences
- If you are a massage therapist or work in a clinic, spa or salon then this course is for you. As you will see, whether you so massage, treat pain or any other spa treatments then you should be aware that you are missing out on getting more clients, more income, more referrals, better results and clinical outcomes by not using the placebo effect in your massage business or salon
Know that whether you do relaxation massages, do massage to treat pain or any other spa or beauty treatments, there is a placebo effect happening with every massage or spa client each and every time. The only difference is whether you knowingly and consciously use the placebo effect to it’s full potential to maximize your results with every single client or not.
If you do, you will see much better clinical results, have more massage clients, get more referrals and earn more income with your massage business, salon or spa !
If you decide not to, you are missing out on one of the most powerful therapeutic tools that you have available to you.
You ARE the placebo.
The choice simply is yours.
In this course on massage and the power of the placebo, best-selling instructor, massage therapist and owner of a multiple award winning spa, Mark Perren-Jones will teach you how he used the placebo effect to get incredible results with his massage and spa clients so that you can too.
It is such a powerful therapeutic tool as you will see.
Mark’s massage spa reached No. 1 on Tripadvisor and he received more than 100 5 star reviews (from 0-100) by not only giving great massage and spa treatments but also by knowing how to use the placebo effect to get incredible results and fill his massage clinic.
In massage and the power of the placebo, Mark will teach you the methods that he used so successfully for 25 years and why people would come to see him for massages and treatments traveling up to 8-10 hours to get a massage or spa treatment with him.
What you do in your massage business or spa, what you say or don’t say to your massage clients, how you say things, your actions and reactions, the environment that you work in, your demeanor and so many other factors can affect whether you have a positive effect on your massage clients(placebo) or worse, a negative effect(nocebo).
This will either positively or negatively affect your treatment outcomes on your massage or spa clients which will in turn have an affect on your results whether you are treating pain, doing relaxation massages of any other spa or beauty treatments-not to mention your income.
The choice is yours whether to tap the power of the placebo response consciously and knowingly to greatly enhance your massage or spa business, get more referrals, have happier massage clients and see results that you didn’t think possible before, just like Mark did in his massage clinic.
If you decide not to, you will be missing out on one of the most powerful therapeutic tools that you have available to you.
I would love you to take this course, practice what I have taught you and apply it to your massage, beauty salon and spa clients.
The beauty is that Udemy has a 30 day refund policy, so if you are not 100% satisfied you can always get your money back.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course!
Lecture 2: Ok, great..this sounds easy!
Lecture 3: Cheryl, Barry and time travel
Lecture 4: So why believe me? Maybe I am using a placebo on you!
Lecture 5: Download these resources to increase your knowledge
Lecture 6: You can't put a bowtie on a pig
Lecture 7: Here's a little exercise to get you practicing
Lecture 8: You can join the Facebook group if you like, it's a great resource for you.
Chapter 2: A Completely FREE Youtube Channel Dedicated to Relaxing Massage Music For You!
Lecture 1: A Completely FREE Youtube Channel Dedicated to Relaxing Massage Music For You!
Chapter 3: The whole placebo controlled study story
Lecture 1: A little look back at the history of our 'gold standard' testing process
Lecture 2: The whole double blind placebo controlled studies story
Lecture 3: It's time for a change big Pharma !
Lecture 4: Big Pharma changes it's tune once the drug is accepted.
Chapter 4: Everything needs to be done right
Lecture 1: A quick look at how pain works and the placebo
Lecture 2: Umm..just one moment before we continue.
Lecture 3: Using the placebo response to get them to come and see you
Lecture 4: How to change their negative conditioning to get them to see you.
Lecture 5: Now taking the booking and continuing to keep their expectations high
Lecture 6: Your professional environment- do not drop the ball as so many practitioners do.
Lecture 7: Don't believe me? You will after this lecture
Lecture 8: A picture tells a thousand words
Lecture 9: Here is another aspect that practitioners get horribly wrong
Lecture 10: How to respond to your relaxation massage client
Lecture 11: Increase the placebo effect with comprehensive intake forms.
Lecture 12: How to respond to your client with pain
Lecture 13: Speaking in the past tense to maximize placebo responses
Lecture 14: And now..this is also really important
Lecture 15: The follow up phone call, text or email and to heighten placebo effects
Lecture 16: Hone your professional demeanor
Lecture 17: The power of peers, reputation and placebos
Lecture 18: Frequency of visits and home exercises
Lecture 19: Mention your past successes or new techniques to raise expectations of a benefit
Lecture 20: The summarize what to do for maximum placebo responses
Lecture 21: You can talk the talk, but you still have to walk the walk
Chapter 5: Using a posture app and increasing their expectations
Lecture 1: Optional: Making a postural assessment
Lecture 2: The postural evaluation
Lecture 3: Here is an example
Lecture 4: A closer look at the app
Lecture 5: Your findings
Lecture 6: Frequency of exercises
Lecture 7: Be the knowledgable expert
Chapter 6: Empower your client by being proactive in their recovery
Lecture 1: Getting your clients proactive is an essential key
Lecture 2: Recommending the use of a tennis ball
Lecture 3: Aromatherapy is the perfect modality for placebo conditioned responses
Lecture 4: A simple pain relieving balm
Lecture 5: Pain relieving body butter
Lecture 6: Congratulations
Lecture 7: Bonuses
Mark Perren-Jones
Certified Aromatherapist, Spa Owner, Masseur, 250K Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 61 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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