Meridian Energy Practitioner in TCM
Meridian Energy Practitioner in TCM, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.95, with 57 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 240 subscribers.
You will learn about You will know all the main meridians of TCM and their related functions You will be able to diagnose the possible energy imbalances in the meridians (always according to TCM) You will have available an effective tool to treat different ailments You will learn the technique to rebalance the meridians This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who works as a massage therapist of any kind or Anyone wishing to learn techniques for the cure and protection of their health or Anyone who wants to enrich their curriculum of holistic practices or Anyone working in the field of holistic and natural medicine or Anyone working in the field of energy medicine, such as Reiki, pranotherapy, etc.. or Anyone who is curious to learn the secrets of our body or Anyone who wants to have a tool with enormous effectiveness and proven validity or All those who want to learn more about the meridians of TCM and how to intervene on them It is particularly useful for Anyone who works as a massage therapist of any kind or Anyone wishing to learn techniques for the cure and protection of their health or Anyone who wants to enrich their curriculum of holistic practices or Anyone working in the field of holistic and natural medicine or Anyone working in the field of energy medicine, such as Reiki, pranotherapy, etc.. or Anyone who is curious to learn the secrets of our body or Anyone who wants to have a tool with enormous effectiveness and proven validity or All those who want to learn more about the meridians of TCM and how to intervene on them.
Enroll now: Meridian Energy Practitioner in TCM
Title: Meridian Energy Practitioner in TCM
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.95
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 57
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will know all the main meridians of TCM and their related functions
- You will be able to diagnose the possible energy imbalances in the meridians (always according to TCM)
- You will have available an effective tool to treat different ailments
- You will learn the technique to rebalance the meridians
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who works as a massage therapist of any kind
- Anyone wishing to learn techniques for the cure and protection of their health
- Anyone who wants to enrich their curriculum of holistic practices
- Anyone working in the field of holistic and natural medicine
- Anyone working in the field of energy medicine, such as Reiki, pranotherapy, etc..
- Anyone who is curious to learn the secrets of our body
- Anyone who wants to have a tool with enormous effectiveness and proven validity
- All those who want to learn more about the meridians of TCM and how to intervene on them
Target Audiences
- Anyone who works as a massage therapist of any kind
- Anyone wishing to learn techniques for the cure and protection of their health
- Anyone who wants to enrich their curriculum of holistic practices
- Anyone working in the field of holistic and natural medicine
- Anyone working in the field of energy medicine, such as Reiki, pranotherapy, etc..
- Anyone who is curious to learn the secrets of our body
- Anyone who wants to have a tool with enormous effectiveness and proven validity
- All those who want to learn more about the meridians of TCM and how to intervene on them
Just as the on-site training does, this online course officially certifies you as an Energy Practitioner with the Meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The course is accredited by IAOTH (International Association of Therapists), ensuring that the certificate is internationally recognized.
The meridians are channels in our body that ensure energy circulation (qi) and blood.
This channels system, one connected to the other, forms the individual’s energy circulation.
These are responsible for the physical health and the psychic, emotional, and spiritual health of the individual.
When energy flows in balance through these meridians, the individual is in perfect health and harmony.
On the other hand, when there are points where energy is blocked or missing, disturbances occur at every level.
Through the treatment of energy meridians, the balance and consequently the normal functioning of the whole organism is restored.
You will learn the theory behind the Meridians in TCM, their functions, and how their energy imbalances manifest.
You will learn how to intervene and diagnose energy deficiencies at the level of the Meridians and how to perform the treatments.
In addition, with the valuable knowledge you will acquire in this course, you will be able to implement and enrich your work in the energy field more and more.
For example, you can integrate the treatment of meridians with acupressure and vice versa.
You can integrate these treatments with any other holistic activity you are already doing, such as Reiki, massages, etc…
You can use the knowledge you will acquire through this course for yourself and your loved ones, improve your health or start your own activity as an energy practitioner of the meridians (to be accompanied by acupressure), which you will integrate with the next courses in this regard or to support your already existing holistic activity.
Are you ready to discover the wonderful world of the meridians and energy circulation within your body?
Are you ready to enter the fascinating world of Traditional Chinese Medicine and discover its great wisdom?
Are you ready to learn a very effective method for restoring and maintaining great physical, emotional, and spiritual health?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Legal Disclaimer – Exclusion of Liability
Lecture 3: Downloadable resources – reviews
Chapter 2: The meridians
Lecture 1: The meridians
Lecture 2: Meridian names
Lecture 3: Yin and Yang Meridians
Lecture 4: The human center
Lecture 5: Meridian times
Lecture 6: The meridian clock
Lecture 7: What flows in the meridians
Chapter 3: Energy levels
Lecture 1: Introduction to energy levels
Lecture 2: The six energy levels
Lecture 3: The importance of energy levels
Lecture 4: Energy levels description
Lecture 5: Energetic levels
Chapter 4: Treatment
Lecture 1: Meridian pressure
Lecture 2: Meridian maps
Lecture 3: Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel
Chapter 5: Lung meridian
Lecture 1: Lung meridian
Lecture 2: Lung Meridian path
Lecture 3: Lung Meridian Treatment
Chapter 6: Large Intestine meridian
Lecture 1: Large intestine meridian
Lecture 2: Large Intestine Meridian course
Lecture 3: Large Intestine Meridian Treatment
Chapter 7: Stomach meridian
Lecture 1: Stomach meridian
Lecture 2: Stomach Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Stomach Meridian Treatment
Chapter 8: Spleen meridian
Lecture 1: Spleen meridian
Lecture 2: Spleen Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Spleen Meridian Treatment
Chapter 9: Heart meridian
Lecture 1: Heart meridian
Lecture 2: Heart Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Heart Meridian Treatment
Chapter 10: Small Intestine meridian
Lecture 1: Small Intestine meridian
Lecture 2: Small Intestine Meridian course
Lecture 3: Small Intestine Meridian Treatment
Chapter 11: Urinary Bladder meridian
Lecture 1: Bladder meridian
Lecture 2: Bladder Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Bladder Meridian Treatment
Chapter 12: Kidney meridian
Lecture 1: Kidney meridian
Lecture 2: Kidney Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Kidney Meridian Treatment
Chapter 13: Pericardium meridian
Lecture 1: Pericardium meridian
Lecture 2: Pericardium Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Pericardium Meridian Treatment
Chapter 14: Triple Heater meridian
Lecture 1: Triple Heater meridian
Lecture 2: Triple Heater Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Triple Heater Meridian Treatment
Chapter 15: Gallbladder meridian
Lecture 1: Gallbladder meridian
Lecture 2: Gallbladder Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Gallbladder Meridian Treatment
Chapter 16: Liver meridian
Lecture 1: Liver meridian
Lecture 2: Liver Meridian Course
Lecture 3: Liver Meridian Treatment
Chapter 17: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Masunaga Stretching
Lecture 2: Conclusion
Lecture 3: Bonus lecture
Berardino Nardella
Reiki Master, Seeker of Truth, Holistic Practitioner
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 15 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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