Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance)
Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance), available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.81, with 150 lectures, based on 1226 reviews, and has 7543 subscribers.
You will learn about 14 Different types of Pranayama (Breathwork) Techniques and their Variations Introduction to Pranayama & its Philosophy – The Yogic Breathwork Practical Pranayama Classes combined with Yoga & Meditation Learn basic and advanced breathwork and meditation techniques. Tap into the power of your breath! Four aspects of Pranayama and the Five Koshas (sheaths) Learn to use the breath to relax, focus and bring health and vitality in your life. 10 types of Prana and Pranayama's health benefits Ancient Pranayama/ Breathing Techniques as per Yogic Texts How to Practice and teach Pranayama Relevance of Pranayama in modern life Learn the important guidelines for teaching Pranayama Anatomy & Physiology of Pranayama How to setup and structure a class Do's and Don'ts of breathwork & Pranayama Advanced Techniques of Pranayama (Breath Retentions) This course is ideal for individuals who are For complete beginners and advanced practitioners. or A perfect course for Yoga practitioners & teachers, Meditation practitioners & teachers to deepen their practice. or Essential for athletes, athletes, healers, life coaches. or Those who who want to treat insomnia, depression, overthinking, low energy, addiction restlessness and someone who wants to train the mind and awareness. or Everyone who wants to get stronger, healthier and happier It is particularly useful for For complete beginners and advanced practitioners. or A perfect course for Yoga practitioners & teachers, Meditation practitioners & teachers to deepen their practice. or Essential for athletes, athletes, healers, life coaches. or Those who who want to treat insomnia, depression, overthinking, low energy, addiction restlessness and someone who wants to train the mind and awareness. or Everyone who wants to get stronger, healthier and happier.
Enroll now: Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance)
Title: Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training (Yoga Alliance)
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.81
Number of Lectures: 150
Number of Published Lectures: 150
Number of Curriculum Items: 150
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 150
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 14 Different types of Pranayama (Breathwork) Techniques and their Variations
- Introduction to Pranayama & its Philosophy – The Yogic Breathwork
- Practical Pranayama Classes combined with Yoga & Meditation
- Learn basic and advanced breathwork and meditation techniques. Tap into the power of your breath!
- Four aspects of Pranayama and the Five Koshas (sheaths)
- Learn to use the breath to relax, focus and bring health and vitality in your life.
- 10 types of Prana and Pranayama's health benefits
- Ancient Pranayama/ Breathing Techniques as per Yogic Texts
- How to Practice and teach Pranayama
- Relevance of Pranayama in modern life
- Learn the important guidelines for teaching Pranayama
- Anatomy & Physiology of Pranayama
- How to setup and structure a class
- Do's and Don'ts of breathwork & Pranayama
- Advanced Techniques of Pranayama (Breath Retentions)
Who Should Attend
- For complete beginners and advanced practitioners.
- A perfect course for Yoga practitioners & teachers, Meditation practitioners & teachers to deepen their practice.
- Essential for athletes, athletes, healers, life coaches.
- Those who who want to treat insomnia, depression, overthinking, low energy, addiction restlessness and someone who wants to train the mind and awareness.
- Everyone who wants to get stronger, healthier and happier
Target Audiences
- For complete beginners and advanced practitioners.
- A perfect course for Yoga practitioners & teachers, Meditation practitioners & teachers to deepen their practice.
- Essential for athletes, athletes, healers, life coaches.
- Those who who want to treat insomnia, depression, overthinking, low energy, addiction restlessness and someone who wants to train the mind and awareness.
- Everyone who wants to get stronger, healthier and happier
Welcome to the Bodsphere’s 50-Hrs Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training Certificate Course! (Yoga Alliance Approved Continuing Education Course)
The BIGGEST Pranayama (Breathwork) course available on Udemy! Get a profound understanding of the ancient art of Pranayama and learn how to use your breath like a wonderful tool to start controlling all systems in your body. This course delivers all of the need-to-know information about guiding groups and individuals through Pranayama practices.
For Yoga Teachers: This course can be added to your YACEP – for 50 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Educational Points. You can find this course on the Yoga Alliance website to add points there.
“Anybody can breathe. Hence, Anyone can practice Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama”
Samarthya & Preetika Bhatnagar, Founders of Bodsphere
In this Pranayama Teacher Training Course, You will learn:
14 Different types of Pranayama (Breathwork) Techniques and their Variations
Full Yogic Breath – Open up the energy systems
Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean’s Breath) – Create inner silence
Breath of fire (Bhastrika Pranayama) – Awaken the fire within
Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath) – Cleanse your body and mind
Kaki Pranayama (Crow’s Beak Breath) – Focus the mind
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) – Bring balance in your life
Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath) – Soak in bliss
Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing) – Activate the solar energy
Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Left Nostril Breathing) – Activate the lunar energy
Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath Retention Techniques)
Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath) – Cool down the body and mind
Sheetkari Pranayama (The Hissing Breath) – Experience the cooling effect
Sama Vritti (Equal/ Box Breathing) – Reduce the stress levels
Viloma Pranayama (Reverse Breathing) – Control the Natural Flow of Breath
Ashtanga Yoga & Pranayama
Practical Pranayama Classes combined with Guided Yoga & Meditation Sessions
Four aspects of Pranayama and the Five Koshas (sheaths)
Chakras and their influence in life
Secrets of Respiration and Nervous System
Five types of Prana and Pranayama’s health benefits
Ancient Pranayama/ Breathing Techniques as per Yogic Texts
How to Practice and teach Pranayama
Relevance of Pranayama in modern life
Important guidelines for teaching Pranayama
Anatomy & Physiology of Pranayama
How to setup and structure a class
Do’s and Don’ts of Pranayama (Breathwork)
By taking this course, You will learn how to use the power of the breath to:
Clear you mind and sharpen your awareness
Increase energy, health and mental balance
Energize or calm your body and mind
Become aware of the deeper layers of the self
Boost your immune system
A boost in energy levels
Deep & restorative sleep
Brain empowerment & better focus
Relieves stress, anxiety & depression
Heal mind & body
You will also receive wonderful resources with this course:
100+ Pages Pranayama Teacher Training Manual
Knowledge of Pranayama in the Ancient Scriptures
Ashtanga Yoga
Prana Vidya: Knowledge of the Lifeforce
5 Keys of Prana Vidya
Pancha Koshas (Transcending the Self)
Mudras for Pranayama
Record of all the Pranayama Techniques
Scheme of Practice: Sample Schedule
Recommended Books
What is included in this Pranayama (Breathwork) Teacher Training Course?
VIDEO TUTORIALS – Access to over 150+ online guided breathwork and mind training sessions accessible anywhere, at any time.
GUIDED MEDITATION & PRANAYAMA (BREATHWORK) SESSIONS – A great variety of different Pranayama and Meditation Sessions
WARMUP & EXERCISE VIDEOS – Practice Warm Up stretches & Yoga Flows videos to open up, strengthen and prepare the body for the breathing practices.
DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES AND EBOOKS – Tons of High Quality Resources for your further studies
LIFETIME ACCESS – Learn these wonderful mind training and breathing techniques at your own pace, you will have a lifetime access to this course, So please take your time.
YOGA ALLIANCE ACCREDITED CERTIFICATION UPON COMPLETION – Once you complete this online Pranayama Teacher Training Course, You will receive the 50-Hrs Yoga Alliance Certification (YACEP) that can be used on Yoga Alliance.
All of our resources are exclusive to Bodsphere! This course will provide you with all of the skills, tools and knowledge you need to confidently and safely teach Pranayama (Breathwork) classes.
Happy learning and continue growing on this beautiful path of Yoga!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome Message for you!
Lecture 2: Disclaimer of the Course
Chapter 2: Bodsphere's eBooks & Resources
Lecture 1: Video about downloadable Resources & eBooks
Chapter 3: Philosophy of Pranayama
Lecture 1: Introduction of Pranayama
Lecture 2: Pranayama in Ancient Scriptures
Lecture 3: 5 Factors Influencing the Mind
Lecture 4: Introduction of Ashtanga Yoga
Lecture 5: First Limb – Yama
Lecture 6: Second Limb – Niyama
Lecture 7: Third Limb – Asana
Lecture 8: Fourth Limb – Pranayama
Lecture 9: Fifth Limb – Pratyahara
Lecture 10: Sixth Limb – Dharana
Lecture 11: Seventh Limb – Dhyana
Lecture 12: Eighth – Samadhi
Chapter 4: Prana Vidya (Knowledge of the Prana)
Lecture 1: Introduction of Prana Vidya
Lecture 2: Five Keys: First Key – Psychic Breath
Lecture 3: Five Keys: Second Key – Psychic Sound
Lecture 4: Five Keys: Third Key – Psychic Passage
Lecture 5: Five Keys: Fourth Key – Psychic Centres
Lecture 6: Five Keys: Fifth Key – Psychic Symbol
Chapter 5: Alignments of Sitting Asanas (Poses)
Lecture 1: Vajrasana (Thunderbolt/ Adamantine/ Diamond Pose)
Lecture 2: Ardh Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Lecture 3: Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Chapter 6: Practical Classes
Lecture 1: IMPORTANT: About Practical Classes
Lecture 2: Guided Meditation: Pillar of Energy (With Kumbhaka Pranayama)
Lecture 3: Full Body Yoga Flows (For all levels)
Lecture 4: Daily Yoga Flow: Stretch & Strengthen (For all levels)
Lecture 5: Yoga Flow to Connect with Yourself (With Surya Bhedana Pranayama)
Lecture 6: Energizing Yoga Flow (With Ujjayi Pranayama)
Lecture 7: Guided Meditation: Withdrawal of the 5 Senses (With Samavritti Pranayama)
Lecture 8: Guided Meditation for Positive Energy (With Viloma Pranayama)
Lecture 9: Guided Meditation: Transforming the Emotions (With Kapalbhati Pranayama)
Lecture 10: Guided Meditation with Mantra Chanting
Lecture 11: Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and Meditation
Lecture 12: Yin Yoga Session for Tight Hips & Flexibility
Chapter 7: Preparation for Pranayama
Lecture 1: Guidelines of Pranayama
Lecture 2: The Power of the Mudras
Lecture 3: Brahma Muhurta: Most Auspicious Time
Lecture 4: Importance of Ratio and Counts
Lecture 5: Nasikagra / Nasagra Drishti (Nose Tip Gazing)
Chapter 8: Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath Retention) & Practical Classes
Lecture 1: Introduction of Kumbhaka
Lecture 2: Benefits & Contraindications of Kumbhaka
Lecture 3: Physiology of Kumbhaka
Lecture 4: Guidelines for Kumbhaka
Lecture 5: Technique 1: Practice: Internal Breath Retention (Ratio of 1:1:1)
Lecture 6: Technique 2: Practice: Internal Retention – Extended Exhalation (Ratio of 1:1:2)
Lecture 7: Technique 3: Practice: Extended Internal Retention & Exhalation (Ratio of 1:2:2)
Chapter 9: Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) & Practical Classes
Lecture 1: Technique 1/Stage1 – Intro (No Ratio, Breathing through Individual nostril)
Lecture 2: Technique 1/Stage 1 – Practice (No Ratio, Breathing through Individual nostrils)
Lecture 3: Technique 1/Stage 2 – Intro (Ratio 1:1, Breathing through Individual nostrils)
Lecture 4: Technique 1/Stage 2: Practice (Ratio 1:1, Breathing through Individual nostrils)
Lecture 5: Technique 2/Stage 1: Intro (Ratio 1:1, Alternate Nostrils, No Breath Retention)
Lecture 6: Technique 2/Stage 1: Practice (Ratio 1:1, Alternate Nostrils, No Retention)
Lecture 7: Technique 2/Stage 2: Intro (Ratio 1:2, Alternate Nostrils, No Breath Retention)
Lecture 8: Technique 2/Stage 2: Practice (Ratio 1:2, Alternate Nostrils, No Retention)
Lecture 9: Technique 3/Stage 1: Intro (Ratio 1:1:1 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 10: Technique 3/Stage 1: Practice (Ratio 1:1:1 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 11: Technique 3/Stage 2: Intro (Ratio 1:1:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 12: Technique 3/Stage 2: Practice (Ratio 1:1:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 13: Technique 3/Stage 3: Intro (Ratio 1:2:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 14: Technique 3/Stage 3: Practice (Ratio 1:2:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 15: Technique 3/Stage 4: Intro (Ratio 1:3:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 16: Technique 3/Stage 4: Practice (Ratio 1:3:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 17: Technique 3/Stage 5: Intro (Ratio 1:4:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 18: Technique 3/Stage 5: Practice (Ratio 1:4:2 with Internal Breath Retention)
Lecture 19: Technique 4/Stage 1: Intro (Ratio 1:1:1:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 20: Technique 4/Stage 1: Practice (Ratio 1:1:1:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 21: Technique 4/Stage 2: Intro (Ratio 1:1:2:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 22: Technique 4/Stage 2: Practice (Ratio 1:1:2:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 23: Technique 4/Stage 3: Intro (Ratio 1:2:2:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 24: Technique 4/Stage 3: Practice (Ratio 1:2:2:1 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 25: Technique 4/Stage 4: Intro (Ratio 1:2:2:2 with Internal & External Retention)
Lecture 26: Technique 4/Stage 4: Practice (Ratio 1:2:2:2 with Internal & External Retention)
Chapter 10: Samavritti Pranayama (Equalizing Breath/Square Breathing) & Practical Classes
Lecture 1: Introduction of Samavritti Pranayama
Lecture 2: Practice of Samavritti Pranayama (Ratio of 1:1:1:1)
Chapter 11: Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath) & Practical Classes
Lecture 1: Basic Technique: Arms Up & Down
Lecture 2: Intro: Bhastrika's Variations
Lecture 3: Technique 1: Slow Paced Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 4: Technique 1: Medium Paced Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 5: Technique 1: Fast Paced Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 6: Intro: Integration of Alternate Nostrils with Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 7: Technique 2: Alternate Nostrils with Bhastrika Pranayama (Slow Paced)
Lecture 8: Technique 2: Alternate Nostrils with Bhastrika Pranayama (Medium Paced)
Lecture 9: Technique 2: Alternate Nostrils with Bhastrika Pranayama (Fast Paced)
Lecture 10: Intro: Internal Breath Retention with Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 11: Technique 3: (Slow) Internal Breath Retention with Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 12: Technique 3: (Medium) Internal Breath Retention with Bhastrika Pranayama
Lecture 13: Technique 3: (Fast) Internal Breath Retention with Bhastrika Pranayama
Bodsphere – Health and Wellness
Yoga Teacher Training School
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 34 votes
- 4 stars: 215 votes
- 5 stars: 964 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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