Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health
Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 39 lectures, based on 15 reviews, and has 1281 subscribers.
You will learn about – Realization that a lot of things we accepted without going deeper to understand Why and How? – Realization that there is a totally different perspective to our belief system we never question – Awareness that there is light in the tunnel – Feel motivated wanting to learn more for better well being This course is ideal for individuals who are Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power. or Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe. or In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total wellbeing. It is particularly useful for Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power. or Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe. or In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total wellbeing.
Enroll now: Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health
Title: Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 39
Number of Published Lectures: 39
Number of Curriculum Items: 39
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 39
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- – Realization that a lot of things we accepted without going deeper to understand Why and How?
- – Realization that there is a totally different perspective to our belief system we never question
- – Awareness that there is light in the tunnel
- – Feel motivated wanting to learn more for better well being
Who Should Attend
- Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power.
- Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe.
- In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total wellbeing.
Target Audiences
- Hold the belief that your body is a healing system itself when you know how to activate the healing power.
- Deeply curious about life, well-being, manifesting potentials, health, and the universe.
- In spite of challenges, poor performances, illnesses, you are determined to learn daily life cultivation towards total wellbeing.
This video course is for creating greater awareness of our built in belief system about our health and our body system, in what way we should re-examine and challenge such unconscious belief system.
Underneath our Belief System, unconsciously we believe that scientific advancement will solve our health problems, cure all the diseases.
Indeed 200 years of western medical science has evolved into more sophistication with great deal of technological input. There are more research, more discoveries, which overrule the previous discoveries.
But does our health get better? Do we build less and less hospitals? Do we have complete treatment without any more life long medication?
Perhaps, we have missed out something more fundamental. Something of Simplicity and Practicality.
This video course is created, first with the current western science and western medicine understanding about our health and our body system, then, we super-impose some of the ancient wisdom concepts and theory to illustrate the Simplicity and Practicality of the ancient wisdom on health.
With this video, perhaps you can appreciate more the notions of Simplicity Vs Complexity, become more conscious of our thinking pattern, that more complexity may not bring forth more health, and start to be more aware Simplicity also means Simple Life.
You will be motivated to explore more the total and integrated holistic theory offered by the ancient wisdom.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Ancient Wisdom Application
Lecture 1: Ancient Wisdom application on Today Challenges
Lecture 2: What is Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic?
Lecture 3: Background of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic
Lecture 4: Nice to Meet You
Lecture 5: Teacher's Profile
Chapter 2: Introduction
Lecture 1: Purpose of the Discussion
Lecture 2: Aging, High Blood Pressure, Complexity
Chapter 3: Discussion Topic #1
Lecture 1: Why Aging Before Aging age?
Lecture 2: How Western Medicine treats aging?
Lecture 3: What if you lay on bed playing Facebook all day long, every day?
Lecture 4: Is Energy something real or just a Concept?
Lecture 5: The concept of Qi Blood
Chapter 4: Discussion Topic #2
Lecture 1: What does measured Blood Pressure represent exactly?
Lecture 2: Heart as Pump & Blood Pressure
Lecture 3: How does Yellow Emperor explain heart pumping?
Chapter 5: Discussion Topic #3
Lecture 1: Complex Medical Theory is more superior?
Lecture 2: About Diabetes & Blood Sugar
Lecture 3: How does Yellow Emperor understand Diabetes
Lecture 4: Organs Hold Emotions
Lecture 5: Organs have Personality
Lecture 6: Organs Have Food affinity
Chapter 6: Self Reflection
Lecture 1: Ancient Wisdom : Simplicity, Practicality & Raising Consciousness
Chapter 7: Combine Western Medicine with Ancient Wisdom
Lecture 1: Discussion on Qi, Blood and Body Fluids
Lecture 2: Qi Blood concept used in "Why aging before the Aging age?"
Lecture 3: Qi-Blood Vs Energy / Nourishment
Lecture 4: Energy is required for all performances and activities
Lecture 5: Where do we get energy from for our body?
Lecture 6: What is energy in the human body?
Lecture 7: Carbohydrate helps athletic performance?
Lecture 8: How many calories do I burn sleeping?
Lecture 9: Which organ uses the most energy? The Brain
Lecture 10: Your brain is 85% water
Lecture 11: Brain needs 20% energy & is 85% water : implication of stroke, dementia etc.
Lecture 12: Learning Points
Lecture 13: Holistic Framework for Healthy Mind, Body and Emotions.
Chapter 8: More Examples on ancient theories application
Lecture 1: More Examples on ancient theories application
Lecture 2: Many kinds of cancer, but why no heart cancer?
Lecture 3: Understanding Diabetes from East and West
Chapter 9: Exploring Greater Learning
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Andrew Wong
Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Psychologist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
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