Singing Bowls for BODY Work
Singing Bowls for BODY Work, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 18 lectures, based on 395 reviews, and has 1464 subscribers.
You will learn about NOTE: This video training is built upon important information found in the prerequisite classes "Singing bowl FUNdamentals" and "Singing Bowls for ENERGY Work." How to use a singing bowl on the physical form to affect change in muscles, tissues, organs, bones, etc. Advanced tools and techniques to integrate singing bowls into any healing modalities that work with the physical body. Scientific evidence behind how sound and vibration impacts and benefits the Body and Mind. How to reduce pain, unwind muscles, and promote deep relaxation with just one bowl. The secret behind "HOT Bowls"… why tight muscles love them and why clients ask for them every session. How to work "Therapeutic Bowls" on every part of the prone and supine body. For each body part, an "intention" is offered as to why you might work a certain area. How a singing bowl helps your client receive your work on a deeper level. Techniques for using quartz crystal singing bowls on the body. How to work a singing bowl on the Seated and Side-Lying client. Important "nuances" that turn your sound healing sessions into memorable, powerful treatments. Sound-crafting a complete BLISSbowls™ healing session including a peek at Ann's Signature Session!. This course is ideal for individuals who are Healers of all kinds: Massage & Bodyworkers, Energy Practitioners, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Veterinarians, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, etc. or Anyone in the helping or healing profession that wants to add the healing power of sound and vibration to their practice. or Anyone who has a singing bowl and doesn't know what to do with it. or Anyone can be a sound healer and bring comfort to many! It is particularly useful for Healers of all kinds: Massage & Bodyworkers, Energy Practitioners, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Veterinarians, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, etc. or Anyone in the helping or healing profession that wants to add the healing power of sound and vibration to their practice. or Anyone who has a singing bowl and doesn't know what to do with it. or Anyone can be a sound healer and bring comfort to many!.
Enroll now: Singing Bowls for BODY Work
Title: Singing Bowls for BODY Work
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 18
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 18
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- NOTE: This video training is built upon important information found in the prerequisite classes "Singing bowl FUNdamentals" and "Singing Bowls for ENERGY Work."
- How to use a singing bowl on the physical form to affect change in muscles, tissues, organs, bones, etc.
- Advanced tools and techniques to integrate singing bowls into any healing modalities that work with the physical body.
- Scientific evidence behind how sound and vibration impacts and benefits the Body and Mind.
- How to reduce pain, unwind muscles, and promote deep relaxation with just one bowl.
- The secret behind "HOT Bowls"… why tight muscles love them and why clients ask for them every session.
- How to work "Therapeutic Bowls" on every part of the prone and supine body.
- For each body part, an "intention" is offered as to why you might work a certain area.
- How a singing bowl helps your client receive your work on a deeper level.
- Techniques for using quartz crystal singing bowls on the body.
- How to work a singing bowl on the Seated and Side-Lying client.
- Important "nuances" that turn your sound healing sessions into memorable, powerful treatments.
- Sound-crafting a complete BLISSbowls™ healing session including a peek at Ann's Signature Session!.
Who Should Attend
- Healers of all kinds: Massage & Bodyworkers, Energy Practitioners, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Veterinarians, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, etc.
- Anyone in the helping or healing profession that wants to add the healing power of sound and vibration to their practice.
- Anyone who has a singing bowl and doesn't know what to do with it.
- Anyone can be a sound healer and bring comfort to many!
Target Audiences
- Healers of all kinds: Massage & Bodyworkers, Energy Practitioners, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Veterinarians, Teachers, Parents, Coaches, etc.
- Anyone in the helping or healing profession that wants to add the healing power of sound and vibration to their practice.
- Anyone who has a singing bowl and doesn't know what to do with it.
- Anyone can be a sound healer and bring comfort to many!
Amplify your healing techniques with a singing bowl used on the body! BLISSbowls™ Healing Methods will help you use the powerful sound and vibration of singing bowls to boost the effectiveness of your sessions. Whether you practice Massage, Bodywork, Energy work, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Shiatsu; ANY modality can benefit from working a therapeutic singing bowl ON the body.
Massage therapists and bodyworkers love these techniques because sound and vibration has a profound impact on the physical body. This video will show you how to ignite “Whole Body Healing” by working the sound and vibration from a singing bowl directly into muscles, bones, joints, and organs. A therapeutic singing bowl is an invaluable tool for helping dissolve trigger points, relax holding patterns, stop a pain cycle, and initiate the “relaxation response” so a client can receive your work on a deeper level. And the BEST news is: working with bowls is easy on your hands and body!
Energy Workers love Level 3 because clients present a physical form that can benefit from sound and vibration in so many ways. Working the vibration directly into tight muscles is part of treating the Whole Person and can be very beneficial on so many levels. You will also learn about “Hot Bowls” and how they can boost the effectiveness of your energy session.
The BLISSbowls™ program offers a contemporary approach to sound treatments and whole body healing while providing a platform to integrate the unique talents of each participant. In this fast-track program, you gain confidence in your intuitive capabilities and acquire useful, practical techniques for using a singing bowl in therapeutic and healing ways. Bodyworkers, Massage Therapists, Energy workers, Spa Practitioners, Coaches, Psychologists, Nurses, Teachers, Parents, …really anyone doing healing-type work can benefit from using a singing bowl. Bowls provide a “double healing” experience as you receive all the benefits of the healing vibrations at the same time your client does. Expand your capacity to effect change in the body, mind, and spirit…all with just one bowl!
IMPORTANT: To get the most benefit out of this class, please watch the prerequisites: Level 1 – “Singing Bowl FUNdamentals” and Level 2 – “Singing Bowls and Energy Work.”
BLISSbowls™ Sound Healing Methods Certification series –This class is the Level 3 course for the BLISSbowls™ Sound Healing Methods Certification series; for students who want to work with singing bowls in a therapeutic capacity. Create your own sound sessions with confidence and affect the healing and comfort of others:
Level 1: Singing Bowl FUNdamentals – the essential foundation that all other levels depend upon.
Level 2: Singing Bowls for Energy Work – learning how to use bowls creatively with the “energy aspects” of your sessions including opening and closing techniques, floating bowls, intervention and assessment, quartz crystal bowls, how to read a bowl’s resonance and how to respond. Integrating the bowls into energy sessions is also covered.
Level 3: Singing Bowls for Body Work – effective use of bowls on the physical body to effect change in the muscles, bones and organs. Integrating the bowls into manual therapies will also be covered.
Level 4: Singing Bowl Layouts and Mixed-Bowl Sessions – How to use more than one bowl in healing work including layouts and mixed bowl sessions (both metal and crystal bowls).
These 4 Levels of training represent over 30 years of research, experimentation, and training from my family of bowls. Once you have completed all 4 Levels, I will personally send you an official BLISSbowls™ Certificate of Completion. If your goal is to help others, then unleash the healing potential of a singing bowl… its whole purpose is to help the human condition. Together, you and your bowl can bring so many wellness benefits to your work, thru the transformative power of sound and vibration.
Check out the other things you can learn from Ann Martin’s singing bowl courses:
Advanced BLISSbowls™ Classes for the practitioner:
Singing Bowls and Gongs for Meditative Sound Baths – create lucrative and beautiful concerts
Singing Bowls for the Sick, Frail, and Fragile –helping this population with healing sound and vibe
Amplify Your Yoga Practice With Singing Bowls– incorporating a bowl into every aspect of a yoga practice
Or, learn how to help yourself and enhance your life with these essential BLISSbowls™ classes:
Singing Bowls for Self-Care
Meditation Success with Singing Bowls
Singing Bowl Meditation Collection
Better Sleep With a Singing Bowl
Together, you and your bowl can bring “Whole Person Healing” benefits to your world, thru the transformative power of sound and vibration.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome!
Lecture 1: Welcome!
Lecture 2: Overview of Class
Chapter 2: Therapeutic BLISSbowls™
Lecture 1: Benefits for Body Work
Lecture 2: Mind/Body/Spirit
Chapter 3: Advanced Tools and Techniques for METAL Bowls and Body Work
Lecture 1: Advanced Tools
Lecture 2: Advanced Techniques: Tap and Travel
Lecture 3: Advanced Techniques: Pin and Play
Lecture 4: Advanced Techniques: Bridge Bowls
Lecture 5: Advanced Techniques: Hot Bowls
Chapter 4: Working Metal Bowls on the Body
Lecture 1: Client is Face Down
Lecture 2: Client is Face Up
Lecture 3: Client is Side-Lying
Lecture 4: Client is Seated
Lecture 5: Working with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
Chapter 5: The Healer Plus BLISSbowls™
Lecture 1: Bowls and Any Modality
Chapter 6: Sound Crafting a Unique BLISSbowls™ Session
Lecture 1: Nuances
Lecture 2: Signature Session: BLISSbowls™ and Bodywork
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Final Thoughts
Ann Martin
Sound Energy Practitioner, BLISSbowls™ Healing Methods
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 72 votes
- 5 stars: 306 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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