Sound Healing Practitioner Level 1 and 2 Certification
Sound Healing Practitioner Level 1 and 2 Certification, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 70 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 392 reviews, and has 1598 subscribers.
You will learn about What sound healing is. The history of sound healing and how sound healing is applied in modern times. The emerging science behind how sound healing works, changing our cells and helping the body heal itself. Sound healing as it relates to our energy bodies. Explore some of the different frequencies used for sound healing. Emotional correlations between chakra imbalances and ailments in the body. The different brainwave states and the ones you hope your clients reach during a session. Cymatics and how you could apply them to your practice. How to clear and help a person heal with sound wave frequencies. Different types of instruments used for sound healing including drums, singing bowls, pyramids, percussion, tuning forks and more!. Using singing bowls and tuning forks for specific solfeggio frequencies for healing. Room set up, what to expect during a session, insurance and more. Example of an intake form, and why doing a proper intake is important to a better quality session. Different types and combinations of sound healing sessions including sound baths, drumming circles, pyramid sessions, tuning fork sessions, meditations and more Example walk through sessions to follow, so you can understand how the tools and techniques are applied. Sessions include: Drumming, Sound Bath, Multi-instrument Sound Immersion, Tuning Fork Sessions, Biofield Clearing, Chakra Clearing, Solfeggio Frequency Clearing This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners wanting to learn how to become a sound healing practitioner. or People who are interested in helping other people learn how to relax, release blocks, recharge and heal. It is particularly useful for Beginners wanting to learn how to become a sound healing practitioner. or People who are interested in helping other people learn how to relax, release blocks, recharge and heal.
Enroll now: Sound Healing Practitioner Level 1 and 2 Certification
Title: Sound Healing Practitioner Level 1 and 2 Certification
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What sound healing is.
- The history of sound healing and how sound healing is applied in modern times.
- The emerging science behind how sound healing works, changing our cells and helping the body heal itself.
- Sound healing as it relates to our energy bodies.
- Explore some of the different frequencies used for sound healing.
- Emotional correlations between chakra imbalances and ailments in the body.
- The different brainwave states and the ones you hope your clients reach during a session.
- Cymatics and how you could apply them to your practice.
- How to clear and help a person heal with sound wave frequencies.
- Different types of instruments used for sound healing including drums, singing bowls, pyramids, percussion, tuning forks and more!.
- Using singing bowls and tuning forks for specific solfeggio frequencies for healing.
- Room set up, what to expect during a session, insurance and more.
- Example of an intake form, and why doing a proper intake is important to a better quality session.
- Different types and combinations of sound healing sessions including sound baths, drumming circles, pyramid sessions, tuning fork sessions, meditations and more
- Example walk through sessions to follow, so you can understand how the tools and techniques are applied.
- Sessions include: Drumming, Sound Bath, Multi-instrument Sound Immersion, Tuning Fork Sessions, Biofield Clearing, Chakra Clearing, Solfeggio Frequency Clearing
Who Should Attend
- Beginners wanting to learn how to become a sound healing practitioner.
- People who are interested in helping other people learn how to relax, release blocks, recharge and heal.
Target Audiences
- Beginners wanting to learn how to become a sound healing practitioner.
- People who are interested in helping other people learn how to relax, release blocks, recharge and heal.
In Level 1 you will learn about:
= the history of sound healing,
= sound healing in modern times,
= the difference between passive and active sound healing
= the science of sound healing,
= solfeggio tones and frequencies, particularly as they align with the chakras and organs of the body,
= binaural beats and how to use them,
= cymatic art
= some of the different types of instruments used in sound healing such as: crystal singing pyramids, crystal singing bowls, brass singing bowls, ocean drums, tongue drums, spirit drums and djembe drums.
= Bija Seed Sound chanting to help your client fully open up to their own vibration
You will then learn how to prepare for a sound healing session including:
= Insurance Requirements,
= Room preparation,
= Grounding and setting an intention
= Table setup
= Client intake forms
= What reactions you might expect to see from your clients during a session.
You will learn how to use:
= singing bowls for a sound healing session
= Bija seed sound chanting for maximizing healing,
= how to perform a drumming healing for a healing circle
In Level 2 you will learn to expand your repertoire as a sound healing practitioner including:
= the different types of instruments to use in combination for sound healing
= using weighted tuning forks vs non-weighted tuning forks
= using chakra tuning forks vs solfeggio frequency tuning fork sets
= Minor/Major Chakra imbalances
= Male/Female sides of the body and what they tell us as practitioners
= using the low range Ohm tuning fork for grounding, connecting dots and healing
= sound healing event basics
= biofield clearing
= different types of sound healing sessions, durations and pricing
= how to conduct a sound bath immersion on your own, using multiple instruments at once
Upon completion of this certification course, you come away with:
= a sound knowledge of how sound healing works,
= a solid knowledge of the science of sound
= an understanding of binaural beats, chakra frequencies and solfeggio tones,
= an understanding of the energy we emit from our bodies and how emotions change those energies
= how the emotional correlation directly relates to physical pain and ailments in the body
= how to play and use the different instruments for sound healing (percussion, chimes, bells, crystal pyramids, crystal singing bowls, brass singing bowls, rattles, drums, etc.)
= how to conduct a healing drumming circle, sound baths and full sound bath immersions with multiple instruments
= how to use tuning forks for sound healing sessions (chakra tuning forks and solfeggio tuning forks)
= how to perform a biofield clearing session with sound
= an understanding of how to run your own sound healing sessions
= a certificate of completion certifying you as a sound healing practitioner level 1 & 2
You come away being a competent sound healing practitioner, able to start working on your friends and family and clients.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Downloadable Manual
Chapter 2: What You Will Learn in Level 1
Lecture 1: Level 1 Overview
Chapter 3: Sound
Lecture 1: What is Sound and Sound Healing?
Chapter 4: History of Sound Healing & Sound Healing In Modern Times
Lecture 1: History of Sound Healing
Lecture 2: Sound Healing In Modern Times
Chapter 5: Science of Sound Healing & Entrainment
Lecture 1: Science of Sound Healing
Lecture 2: What is a Hertz
Lecture 3: Entrainment For Sound Healing
Lecture 4: Cymatics
Chapter 6: Competency Quiz
Chapter 7: Sound Healing As It Relates To Our Energy Bodies
Lecture 1: The Chakra Bands
Lecture 2: The Body Meridians
Lecture 3: The Bio Field / Auric Field Layers
Chapter 8: Frequencies We Emit and The Emotional Correlation To Ailments
Lecture 1: The Torus and Frequencies of the Body
Lecture 2: Frequencies We Emit
Lecture 3: Emotional Correlations to Physical Pain in the Body
Chapter 9: Competency Quiz 2
Chapter 10: Specific Frequencies & Brainwaves States For Healing
Lecture 1: Binaural Beats
Lecture 2: Solfeggio Frequencies For Healing
Lecture 3: Chakra Specific Frequencies
Lecture 4: Chakra Affirmations
Lecture 5: Walk-Through – Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing Meditation with Affirmations
Lecture 6: The Different Brainwave States
Chapter 11: Competency Quiz 3
Chapter 12: Lymphatic System Activation
Lecture 1: Why the Lymphatic System Should Be Activated Before Healing Sessions
Lecture 2: Walk-Through – Short Lymphatic System Activation
Chapter 13: Clearing and Healing With Sound
Lecture 1: Clear Spaces, Objects, Crystals and People
Chapter 14: Drums & Other Instruments for Sound Healing
Lecture 1: Drums
Lecture 2: Walk-Through – Healing Drumming Circles
Lecture 3: Walk-Through – One on One Drum and Percussion Sound Healing Session
Lecture 4: Other Instruments You Can Use for Sound Healing
Chapter 15: Singing Bowls and Singing Pyramids for Sound Healing Sessions
Lecture 1: Crystal Singing Bowls & Alchemy Bowls
Lecture 2: Walk-Through – Sound Bath Session Demonstration
Lecture 3: Brass Singing Bowls
Lecture 4: Walk-Through – Brass Singing Bowl Chakra Sound Healing Session
Lecture 5: Crystal Singing Pyramids
Lecture 6: Walk-Through – Crystal Singing Pyramid Sound Healing Session
Lecture 7: Bija Seed Sound Chanting Steps
Lecture 8: Walk-Through – Chanting Bija Seed Sounds Healing Session
Chapter 16: Competency Quiz 4
Chapter 17: Working on a Client, Family Member or Friend
Lecture 1: Insurance
Lecture 2: Room Setup
Lecture 3: Intake Form
Lecture 4: What To Expect During A Session
Lecture 5: Reminders and Warnings
Lecture 6: Sound Healing Basics
Chapter 18: Competency Quiz 5
Chapter 19: Sound Healing Sessions You Can Now Perform As A Level 1 Practitioner
Lecture 1: The Types of Sound Healing Sessions You Can Do At Level 1
Chapter 20: Shifts, Upgrades and Bring Forward Nuggets
Lecture 1: Mindset Shifts. Habit Shifts and Tool Kit Upgrades
Chapter 21: Level 1 Certification Exam
Chapter 22: Level 2
Lecture 1: What you will learn in Level 2
Chapter 23: Basic Reminders for Level 2 Sessions
Lecture 1: Level 2 Review of Session Basic Reminders
Lecture 2: Walk-Through – Neurolymphatic Massage
Chapter 24: Chimes and Cymbals
Lecture 1: Chimes and Cymbals
Chapter 25: Tuning Forks For Sound Healing
Lecture 1: Tuning Forks Uses
Lecture 2: Weighted Tuning Forks
Lecture 3: Weighted Solfeggio Tuning Forks
Lecture 4: Walk-Through – Weighted Low Range Ohm Tuning Fork Sound Healing Session
Lecture 5: Weighted or Non-Weighted Chakra Tuning Forks
Lecture 6: Walk-Through – Weighted Chakra Tuning Fork Sound Healing Session
Lecture 7: Tuning Forks For Minor and Major Chakras With Chart
Lecture 8: Non-Weighted Tuning Forks
Lecture 9: Non-Weighted Solfeggio Tuning Forks
Lecture 10: Walk-Through – Non-Weighted Solfeggio Tuning Fork Sound Healing Session
Lecture 11: Frequency Chart Reminder
Chapter 26: Competency Quiz 6
Laurie Fulford
Sound Healing Master/Teacher, QHHT Practitioner and More!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 61 votes
- 5 stars: 318 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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