Spine healing with the DORN-Method – Preventing back pain!
Spine healing with the DORN-Method – Preventing back pain!, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 52 lectures, based on 20 reviews, and has 83 subscribers.
You will learn about You learn how to put the spine and the pelvis in a better state for themself and others Learn how to prevent backpain in general Learn how to get rid off neck pain, headache and other problems related to the neck Learn how to get a straight figure and a straight sitting head You learn a very unique technic to fix (correct) the spine, the pelvis, the leg lengths and the joints. This is one of the best technics available in the world to do this in a special and unique way. You will love this. It is hard to believe that this is so easy – but it is You will help so many people and yourself. It is all hard to believe but it is awesome working This is a must learn and must know about to make you in this case independent and free and knowledgeable You must do it – only theory is not intended to understand this really! This course from the best is showing you something really profound and working – it is the base BEFORE all other therapy This is a course you never find anywhere else for the DORN-Method in this complexity and quality from this therapy which has its source in Germany. This course is ideal for individuals who are Health-Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors, Orthopedists, Chiropractor, Occupational therapists, Layman. and surely all people who work in the health care business or For all people who are working with the human body or Everyone should know about that and learn that, even layman – it should be the main knowledge people should have or If you are ready to be part of a "revolution" people think about their bodies – then you should participate It is particularly useful for Health-Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors, Orthopedists, Chiropractor, Occupational therapists, Layman. and surely all people who work in the health care business or For all people who are working with the human body or Everyone should know about that and learn that, even layman – it should be the main knowledge people should have or If you are ready to be part of a "revolution" people think about their bodies – then you should participate.
Enroll now: Spine healing with the DORN-Method – Preventing back pain!
Title: Spine healing with the DORN-Method – Preventing back pain!
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 52
Number of Published Lectures: 52
Number of Curriculum Items: 52
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 52
Original Price: €59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You learn how to put the spine and the pelvis in a better state for themself and others
- Learn how to prevent backpain in general
- Learn how to get rid off neck pain, headache and other problems related to the neck
- Learn how to get a straight figure and a straight sitting head
- You learn a very unique technic to fix (correct) the spine, the pelvis, the leg lengths and the joints.
- This is one of the best technics available in the world to do this in a special and unique way.
- You will love this. It is hard to believe that this is so easy – but it is
- You will help so many people and yourself. It is all hard to believe but it is awesome working
- This is a must learn and must know about to make you in this case independent and free and knowledgeable
- You must do it – only theory is not intended to understand this really!
- This course from the best is showing you something really profound and working – it is the base BEFORE all other therapy
- This is a course you never find anywhere else for the DORN-Method in this complexity and quality from this therapy which has its source in Germany.
Who Should Attend
- Health-Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors, Orthopedists, Chiropractor, Occupational therapists, Layman. and surely all people who work in the health care business
- For all people who are working with the human body
- Everyone should know about that and learn that, even layman – it should be the main knowledge people should have
- If you are ready to be part of a "revolution" people think about their bodies – then you should participate
Target Audiences
- Health-Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors, Orthopedists, Chiropractor, Occupational therapists, Layman. and surely all people who work in the health care business
- For all people who are working with the human body
- Everyone should know about that and learn that, even layman – it should be the main knowledge people should have
- If you are ready to be part of a "revolution" people think about their bodies – then you should participate
You learn a very unique technic to fix (correct) the spine, the pelvis, the leg lengths and the joints.
This is one of the best technics available in the world to do this in a special and unique way. You will love this and you will help so many people and yourself. All is shown – nothing is hidden.
The spine – connection between brain and body
The spine with the nerve-centre (Medulla spinalis) in it, is an important part to distribute the flowing energy into the whole body. All organs and physical functions are controlled from within the spine. Each vertebra is connected to a certain organ or important for the right function of the body. A spine which is really functioning and healthy is base of health and becoming/staying healthy.98% of the people have over the years one or more vertebrae which are no more in alignment and which are no more on the right position within the spine. At these places the energy gets lost and can not be delivered in the necessary amount to the places in the body where it is needed. Energy blockages are created. These energy blockages can lead to back pain. “Pain is the call for flowing energy in the body”. When the energy is blocked then even many illnesses like headache, insomnia, allergies, rushes, pain in the neck, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, gall bladder problems, disturbances in the circulation, tiredness, constipation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and much more can develop.
The Spinal nerves leaving the spine, are our „wires“ driving the body
If vertebrae or discs (Disci vertebralis) are out of order, irritations or inflammations on the nerves, which are coming out of the spine, can happen.These irritations are able to disturb the function of the body for instance in the organs itself or in the limbs. This can lead to various diseases or organs or limbs will be so effected that their function will become very weak or gets lost. A spinal nerve (nervi spinalis) getting the weight of the pressure of a cube of sugar, can lose up to 50% of it‘s efficiency. Through a vertebra out of alignment or a disc, a nerve can easily be touched and being irritated. If a nerve will totally be pressured, limbs or organs would immediately stop working.
The DORN-METHOD- a natural diagnosis and treatment for misalignment within the spine, the pelvis and the joints
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the "DORN-Spinal Therapy" – Theory Part from Section 1 to 17
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Video Introduction
Lecture 1: Video introduction
Chapter 3: Explanation of the Anatomy we work with
Lecture 1: Explanation of the Anatomy we work with
Chapter 4: Detailed situation of one vertebra out of alignment – What does that mean?
Lecture 1: Detailed situation of one vertebra out of alignment – What does that mean?
Chapter 5: Why every vertebra should be on it's exact position
Lecture 1: Why every vertebra should be on it's exact position
Chapter 6: How to work to LET realign a vertebra to it's exact position
Lecture 1: How to work to LET realign a vertebra to it's exact position
Chapter 7: The essentials to give a vertebra the right impuls to re-settle
Lecture 1: The essentials to give a vertebra the right impuls to re-settle
Chapter 8: About EQUAL Leg length – Why it is the most important part for a straight spine
Lecture 1: About EQUAL Leg length – Why it is the most important part for a straight spine
Chapter 9: The essential exercise to get and maintain equal leg length
Lecture 1: The essential exercise to get and maintain equal leg length
Chapter 10: Evidence of the hip joint misalignment
Lecture 1: Evidence of the hip joint misalignment
Chapter 11: The measurement of the leg length – Watch exactly what is important!
Lecture 1: The measurement of the leg length – Watch exactly what is important!
Chapter 12: Why the right alignment of the pelvis parts is so essetial for our health
Lecture 1: Why the right alignment of the pelvis parts is so essetial for our health
Chapter 13: Why it is so important that EVERY vertebra is sitting on it's right place
Lecture 1: Why it is so important that EVERY vertebra is sitting on it's right place
Chapter 14: What is helpful to diagnose misalignment of the spine?
Lecture 1: What is helpful to diagnose misalignment of the spine?
Chapter 15: Diagnosis of the spine with the thumbs – How to do it
Lecture 1: Diagnosis of the spine with the thumbs – How to do it
Chapter 16: Treatment of the vertebrae, pain and signs of success
Lecture 1: Treatment of the vertebrae, pain and signs of success
Chapter 17: About the pelvis settlement and the forming of the spine
Lecture 1: About the pelvis settlement and the forming of the spine
Chapter 18: "DORN Spinal Therapy" – Hands On – Part I
Lecture 1: Measurement of the leg length -I –
Chapter 19: Measurement of the leg length -II-
Lecture 1: Measurement of the leg length -II –
Chapter 20: Treatment for the foot joint -I-
Lecture 1: Treatment for the foot joint -I-
Chapter 21: Treatment for the foot joint – II –
Lecture 1: Treatment for the foot joint – II –
Chapter 22: Treatment of the knee joint
Lecture 1: Treatment of the knee joint
Chapter 23: Treatment of the hip joint – I –
Lecture 1: Treatment of the hip joint – I –
Chapter 24: Treatment and exercise of the hip joint – II –
Lecture 1: Treatment and exercise of the hip joint – II –
Chapter 25: Treatment of the whole left leg
Lecture 1: Treatment of the whole left leg
Chapter 26: Diagnosis of the Spinal column and the pelvis
Lecture 1: Diagnosis of the Spinal column and the pelvis
Chapter 27: Treatment of the Ala Ossis Ilii -I-
Lecture 1: Treatment of the Ala Ossis Ilii -I-
Lecture 2: Treatment of the Ala Ossis ilii -II-
Chapter 28: Treatment of the Os Sacrum -I-
Lecture 1: Treatment of the Os Sacrum -I-
Lecture 2: Treatment of the Os Sacrum -II-
Chapter 29: Treatment of the Ala Ossis ilii & Os Sacrum -III-
Lecture 1: Treatment of the Ala Ossis ilii & Os Sacrum -III-
Chapter 30: Treatment for the Os Sacrum -IV-
Lecture 1: Treatment for the Os Sacrum -IV-
Chapter 31: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbal part -I-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbal part -I-
Chapter 32: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbar part -II-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbal part -II-
Chapter 33: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbar part -III-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & Treatment lumbal part -III-
Chapter 34: Diagnosis & Treatment of the upper thoraxal spine -I-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & Treatment of the upper thoraxal spine -I-
Chapter 35: Diagnosis & Treatment of the upper thoraxal spine -II-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & Treatment of the upper thoraxal spine -II-
Chapter 36: Diagnosis & treatment of the cervical spine – the neck -I-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & treatment of the cervical spine – the neck -I-
Chapter 37: Diagnosis & treatment of the cervical spine – the neck -II-
Lecture 1: Diagnosis & treatment of the cervical spine – the neck -II-
Chapter 38: Explanations for the first neck vertebra – the Atlas -I-
Lecture 1: Explanations for the first neck vertebra – the Atlas -I-
Chapter 39: Explanations for the first neck vertebra – the Atlas -II-
Lecture 1: Explanations for the first neck vertebra – the Atlas -II-
Chapter 40: Treatment of the shoulder joint-
Lecture 1: Treatment of the shoulder joint
Chapter 41: Treatment of the elbow joint
Lecture 1: Treatment of the elbow joint
Chapter 42: Treatment of the wrist joint
Lecture 1: Treatment of the wrist joint
Chapter 43: Treatment of the finger joints
Lecture 1: Treatment of the finger joints
Chapter 44: Treatment of the the lowest thumb joint –
Lecture 1: Treatment of the the lowest thumb joint
Chapter 45: SELF-Treatment back, pelvis & joints
Lecture 1: SELF-Treatment back, pelvis & joints
Chapter 46: SELF-Treatment foot & knee joints –
Lecture 1: SELF-Treatment foot & knee joints –
Chapter 47: Changing habits as part of the therapy and long lasting success –
Lecture 1: Changing habits as part of the therapy and long lasting success –
Chapter 48: How many treatments we need with the DORN Spinal Therapy?
Lecture 1: How many treatments we need with the DORN Spinal Therapy?
Chapter 49: Contraindications
Lecture 1: Contraindications
Amanté Samraj Riethausen
Health-Practitioner and Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 15 votes
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