The Complete Track and Field Coach
The Complete Track and Field Coach, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 72 lectures, based on 5 reviews, and has 26 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain an understanding of the running, jumping and throwing events of athletics Learn how to coach effective techniques for 8 athletics events Develop a library of coaching drills to develop specific athletics techniques Receive teaching resources and technical models to support the learning of your athletes This course is ideal for individuals who are Club coaches who want to improve their coaching knowledge or Physical Education teachers who will deliver athletics as part of their school curriculum It is particularly useful for Club coaches who want to improve their coaching knowledge or Physical Education teachers who will deliver athletics as part of their school curriculum.
Enroll now: The Complete Track and Field Coach
Title: The Complete Track and Field Coach
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 72
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Curriculum Items: 72
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 72
Original Price: £99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain an understanding of the running, jumping and throwing events of athletics
- Learn how to coach effective techniques for 8 athletics events
- Develop a library of coaching drills to develop specific athletics techniques
- Receive teaching resources and technical models to support the learning of your athletes
Who Should Attend
- Club coaches who want to improve their coaching knowledge
- Physical Education teachers who will deliver athletics as part of their school curriculum
Target Audiences
- Club coaches who want to improve their coaching knowledge
- Physical Education teachers who will deliver athletics as part of their school curriculum
This course takes you through 8 track and field events to provide you with everything you need to teach effective technique in any event.
Starting with the fundamental skills, we’ll break the events down into their key components and delve down into technical aspects of each and how each of them contribute to the overall technical model. Along the way, we’ll take a look at some of the key drills for developing effective technique and I’ll share some tricks and tips to take you to higher performance.
Here’s an overview of what’s included:
We’ll work through the basics of accelerations and how to set and adjust the starting blocks, how to develop an effective upright sprinting to improve maximum running speed, and how to perform the transition phase to seamlessly move from the acceleration phase into the maximum velocity phase to complete your race model.
We’ll develop and effective lead and trail leg technique and look at how we can adapt our sprinting technique to improve our speed between the hurdles. We’ll also look at how to adapt the hurdles to different ages and abilities and how to start creating strength and speed in hurdling for improved performance.
Long Jump
We’ll develop a simple but effective takeoff and landing for our beginner athletes, before taking a deep dive into the penultimate step and flight mechanics for maximising distance in the jump. We’ll also break down the runway to apply our sprinting skills for a fast but accurate approach to the board.
Triple Jump
During the triple jump module. we’ll look at effective jumping and landing technique to develop bounding skills and we’ll work through each of the hop, step and jump phases to create an effective technique and an even rhythm in jumping.
High Jump
We’ll learn how to use the curve to teach the Fosbury Flop technique to athletes of any age. Taking a deep dive into the mechanics of an effective take off and how to create the perfect high jump approach on a curve, we’ll learn how these two factors help us to create an arch over the bar.
We’ll learn how to create a long pull on the javelin to create distance in the throw as well as how to perform the cross-over step with balance and control in order to transfer speed on the runway into the javelin block for an effective delivery.
Shot Put
In the shot put module, we’ll learn how to correctly grip the shot put to gain extra distance in the delivery and how the power position helps to create power and stability during the throw. We’ll also work through some progressions for teaching the shot put glide technique to add speed into the throw.
We’ll learn how to correctly grip the discus and how we use this to create spin during the delivery for the perfect flight, as well as how to create balance in the spin technique to create the long pull on the discus that we need for high performance.
Feel free work through the events one by one to improve your athletics knowledge, or drop in to each event to refresh your memory ahead of your classes.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction: Welcome to the course!
Chapter 2: Sprinting
Lecture 1: Sprinting Introduction
Lecture 2: Sprinting Technique
Lecture 3: Acceleration Fundamentals
Lecture 4: Sprinting Foundations
Lecture 5: Sprint Starts & Setting the Blocks
Lecture 6: Block Clearance
Lecture 7: Running at Speed
Lecture 8: The Transition Phase
Lecture 9: Bend Running for 200m and 400m runners
Chapter 3: Hurdles
Lecture 1: Hurdles Introduction
Lecture 2: Hurdles Technique
Lecture 3: Hurdle Rhythms and Sprinting Technique
Lecture 4: The Lead and Trial Leg
Lecture 5: The Block Start and Acceleration to Hurdle 1
Lecture 6: Speed Across the Hurdles
Lecture 7: Hurdle Clearance
Lecture 8: Race Tactics
Chapter 4: Long Jump
Lecture 1: Long Jump Introduction
Lecture 2: Long Jump Technique
Lecture 3: Takeoff Fundamentals
Lecture 4: Effective Landing
Lecture 5: The Long Jump Approach
Lecture 6: The Penultimate Step
Lecture 7: Advanced Takeoff Mechanics
Lecture 8: Flight and Preparation for Landing
Lecture 9: Building and Adjusting a Competition Approach
Lecture 10: Long Jump Rules and Regulations
Chapter 5: Triple Jump
Lecture 1: Triple Jump Introduction
Lecture 2: Triple Jump Technique
Lecture 3: Triple Jump Fundamentals
Lecture 4: Constructing the Jump
Lecture 5: The Triple Jump Approach
Lecture 6: Effective Ground Contacts
Lecture 7: The Dominant and Non-Dominant Leg
Lecture 8: Free Arm and Free Leg Mechanics
Lecture 9: Completing the Jump
Lecture 10: Triple Jump Rules and Regulations
Chapter 6: High Jump
Lecture 1: High Jump Introduction
Lecture 2: High Jump Technique
Lecture 3: Takeoff Fundamentals
Lecture 4: Steps to Introduce the Fosbury Flop Technique
Lecture 5: The High Jump Approach
Lecture 6: Advanced Takeoff Mechanics
Lecture 7: Creating an Arch
Lecture 8: The Competition Approach and Making Adjustments
Lecture 9: High Jump Rules and Regulations
Chapter 7: Javelin
Lecture 1: Javelin Technique
Lecture 2: Javelin Fundamentals
Lecture 3: The Cross-Over Approach
Lecture 4: The Linear Approach
Lecture 5: The Javelin Withdrawal
Lecture 6: Creating a Block
Lecture 7: Effective Delivery
Lecture 8: Throwing for Distance
Lecture 9: Javelin Rules and Regulations
Chapter 8: Shot Put
Lecture 1: Shot Put Introduction
Lecture 2: Shot Put Technique
Lecture 3: The Standing Throw
Lecture 4: Glide Fundamentals
Lecture 5: Advanced Glide Technique
Lecture 6: Sequencing the Throw
Lecture 7: Shot Put Delivery
Lecture 8: Shot Put Rules and Regulations
Chapter 9: Discus
Lecture 1: Discus Introduction
Lecture 2: Discus Technique
Lecture 3: Grip and the Standing throw
Lecture 4: Turn Fundamentals
Lecture 5: Initiating the Turn
Lecture 6: Moving into the Power Position
Lecture 7: Maximising the Delivery
Lecture 8: Discus Rules and Regulations
Martin Brockman
Athletics Coach and Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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