The Comprehensive PTSD & Posttraumatic Growth Counselling
The Comprehensive PTSD & Posttraumatic Growth Counselling, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 78 lectures, based on 105 reviews, and has 5422 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn basics of PTSD Counseling & Treatment Make your counseling sessions easier with ready to use worksheets Set up effective PTSD Counseling Session Ready to use counseling worksheets and treatment plan with your clients Integrate CBT, DBT, ACT Skills in your practice to treat PTSD & Trauma 40+ Worksheets to share with your clients Educate your clients about PTSD & Symptoms Equip your clients with coping strategies to manage Flashbacks, Nightmares, and Intrusions Identify and treat the underlying trauma which is driving the phobia, PTSD or trauma. Identify behavioural triggers and origins of depression and anxiety. Begin the recovery process from PTSD. Learn how to use each negative situation to their advantage by using simple healing modalities. This course is ideal for individuals who are Therapist, Psychologists & Counselors or Mental Health Professionals or CBT Therapists, DBT Therapists, ACT Therapists It is particularly useful for Therapist, Psychologists & Counselors or Mental Health Professionals or CBT Therapists, DBT Therapists, ACT Therapists.
Enroll now: The Comprehensive PTSD & Posttraumatic Growth Counselling
Title: The Comprehensive PTSD & Posttraumatic Growth Counselling
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Curriculum Items: 78
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn basics of PTSD Counseling & Treatment
- Make your counseling sessions easier with ready to use worksheets
- Set up effective PTSD Counseling Session
- Ready to use counseling worksheets and treatment plan with your clients
- Integrate CBT, DBT, ACT Skills in your practice to treat PTSD & Trauma
- 40+ Worksheets to share with your clients
- Educate your clients about PTSD & Symptoms
- Equip your clients with coping strategies to manage Flashbacks, Nightmares, and Intrusions
- Identify and treat the underlying trauma which is driving the phobia, PTSD or trauma.
- Identify behavioural triggers and origins of depression and anxiety.
- Begin the recovery process from PTSD.
- Learn how to use each negative situation to their advantage by using simple healing modalities.
Who Should Attend
- Therapist, Psychologists & Counselors
- Mental Health Professionals
- CBT Therapists, DBT Therapists, ACT Therapists
Target Audiences
- Therapist, Psychologists & Counselors
- Mental Health Professionals
- CBT Therapists, DBT Therapists, ACT Therapists
PTSD & Trauma Counseling with Combination of Psychotherapy
Help Clients manage recurring flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and other PTSD symptoms
People who have experienced a traumatic event may feel a wide range of emotions, such as anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. The truth is that there is no right or wrong way to react to trauma; but there are ways that they can heal from experience, and uncover their own capacity for resilience, growth, and recovery. As a therapist or counsellor, this training will help you to facilitate their recovery and growth
This course offers proven-effective treatments based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), to help your clients overcome both the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This training will equip you with various techniques and tools to help your clients find relief from painful flashbacks, insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress, BPD, or other symptoms they might be experiencing. This course comes with worksheets, checklists, and exercises that you can share with your clients to help them start feeling better and begin their journey on the road to recovery
The goal of this course is to offer your clients options for moving forward. Methods and techniques from all of these evidence-based approaches are brought together into one course as a way of allowing you to explore a variety of methods you might find helpful in your practice and your client’s journey toward recovery
This course is divided into four parts, each with several lectures
Help clients understand what traumatic events are, and common psychological and physical reactions to experiencing trauma
Help clients manage the symptoms of PTSD & Trauma. They do not have to have all of the symptoms of PTSD to benefit from the exercises found in this course. This course contains many exercises, which have been divided up by the type of symptoms your clients are experiencing. Their symptoms may include painful flashbacks and difficult memories about a traumatic event or events; a pattern of avoiding trauma-related situations and triggers; and a sense of being overwhelmed by or having difficulty with emotions and relationships
Help your client explore ways to get more support and take care of their physical health, particularly after they have had some relief from their current symptoms
Help your client use their trauma as a primary source of self-knowledge and personal growth. I’ve heard somewhere a trauma survivor said, “Why to waste this traumatic experience on just getting back to who I was?” This question captures PTSD growth or PTG. This term was coined in the early 1990s with the basic concept that positive personal transformation can occur in the aftermath of trauma
Help your clients who wish to go beyond being resilient, to experience meaningful personal growth and perhaps radical transformation in the aftermath of a trauma. Give your clients the tools to thrive, grow, and transform themselves
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Approach of the course
Chapter 2: Understanding Trauma & PTSD
Lecture 1: Announcement
Lecture 2: Section Overview
Lecture 3: What Is Trauma?
Lecture 4: What Is PTSD? Diagnosis of PTSD
Lecture 5: How Are Traumatic Memories Processed?
Lecture 6: Physical and Health Issues Associated with Trauma
Lecture 7: Thinking about Coping with PTSD & Trauma
Chapter 3: Integrating CBT, DBT, ACT Techniques into Your Life
Lecture 1: Integrating CBT, DBT, ACT Overview
Lecture 2: What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Lecture 3: ABC Model – Thought, Emotions & Behavior
Lecture 4: Understanding Feedback Loops
Lecture 5: Behavioral Coping
Lecture 6: Exposure Therapy for PTSD & Trauma
Lecture 7: Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) for PTSD & Trauma
Lecture 8: Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) PTSD & Trauma
Lecture 9: What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
Lecture 10: How ACT differs from CBT & DBT
Lecture 11: ACT in Action – 6 Core Processes
Lecture 12: Goal of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Lecture 13: Common Elements of CBT, DBT & ACT
Chapter 4: Managing Your Anxiety & PTSD
Lecture 1: Building a Strong Foundation: Breathing
Lecture 2: Abdominal Breathing for Anxiety
Lecture 3: Focusing on Your Body
Lecture 4: PMR Progressive Muscle Relaxation a CBT Technique for Anxiety & PTSD
Lecture 5: Relaxation without Tension a CBT Technique for Anxiety & PTSD
Lecture 6: Cue Controlled Relaxation a CBT Technique for Anxiety & PTSD
Lecture 7: Using Your Mind to Relax and Develop Awareness
Lecture 8: Decreasing the Power of Negative Thoughts
Lecture 9: Section Conclusion
Chapter 5: Stop Avoiding and Start Living Again
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Finding Your Own Motivation after Trauma
Lecture 3: Using Metaphors to Help Bring about Change
Lecture 4: Facing Your Traumatic Emotions
Lecture 5: Developing Mindfulness
Lecture 6: Challenging Yourself to Face Your Fears
Lecture 7: Building Emotional Connections
Lecture 8: Decreasing PTSD Symptoms through Writing
Chapter 6: Handling Difficult Thoughts of Trauma
Lecture 1: 8 Limited Thinking Patterns from CBT
Lecture 2: Filtering
Lecture 3: Polarized Thinking.
Lecture 4: Overgeneralization
Lecture 5: Mind Reading
Lecture 6: Catastrophizing
Lecture 7: Magnifying
Lecture 8: Personalization
Lecture 9: Shoulding
Lecture 10: Composing Balanced Alternative Thoughts
Chapter 7: Coping with Memories, Flashbacks, Nightmares, and Intrusions
Lecture 1: Focusing on Your Thoughts
Lecture 2: Invalidating Thoughts
Lecture 3: Mindfulness and Grounding
Lecture 4: Imagery Rehearsal for Nightmares
Lecture 5: What is Wise Mind?
Lecture 6: Developing Wise Mind
Chapter 8: Maintaining Health
Lecture 1: Maintaining Health
Chapter 9: Post Traumatic Growth
Lecture 1: Post Traumatic Growth
Lecture 2: Awareness of Symptoms and Coping Strategies
Lecture 3: Your Risk & Protective Factors
Lecture 4: How Trauma has affected your thinking
Lecture 5: Deliberate or Reflective Rumination
Lecture 6: Challenge Your Core Beliefs
Chapter 10: Processing Trauma and its Aftermath
Lecture 1: Processing Trauma and its Aftermath
Lecture 2: Name and Understand Your Feelings
Lecture 3: Relaxation Exercises
Chapter 11: Trauma and Growth
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Recognizing your strengths
Lecture 3: Improving Your Relationships
Lecture 4: Appreciating Your Life
Lecture 5: Seeing New Possibilities
Lecture 6: Finding Meaning and Purpose
Chapter 12: Building Strength
Lecture 1: Safety Before & After Trauma
Lecture 2: Recognizing Your Work, Relationship & Family Strengths
Chapter 13: Finding Your People
Lecture 1: Experiencing Expert Companionship
Lecture 2: Different Direction
Chapter 14: Surviving and Thriving as You Look Ahead
Lecture 1: Do You Need Professional Help?
Chapter 15: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Lecture 2: Bonus
Psychologist Aman Varma
Counseling Psychologist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 35 votes
- 5 stars: 52 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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