1Z0-071 Oracle SQL Certified Associate Exam & interview cram
1Z0-071 Oracle SQL Certified Associate Exam & interview cram, available at $44.99, with 93 lectures, 48 quizzes, and has 4 subscribers.
You will learn about Launch yourself as Certified Oracle SQL Developer in just 45 – 60 days Ace Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Exam 1Z0-071 in first attempt – 100% of Oracle University recommended coverage Pass any SQL Developer interview, apart from Oracle – You may work on MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, DB2 & almost all databases SQL expertise through solving real time Coding Exercises, Quizzes, Assignments and Practice tests aplenty Write ultimately efficient SQL code to retrieve, filter, and present information Apply SQL to most complex data handling problems faced in real work situations This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute fresher looking to explore field of Information Technology as first career or Absolute beginners dreaming to work as Data Scientist or Data Analyst or Working professionals, programmers and developers willing to expand SQL skills or Aspirants of managerial jobs and MBA fresher or Job aspirants in the field of marketing, strategy planning, sales, field surveys and psephology/statistical projection or Anyone who needs to strengthen skills in writing efficient SQL It is particularly useful for Absolute fresher looking to explore field of Information Technology as first career or Absolute beginners dreaming to work as Data Scientist or Data Analyst or Working professionals, programmers and developers willing to expand SQL skills or Aspirants of managerial jobs and MBA fresher or Job aspirants in the field of marketing, strategy planning, sales, field surveys and psephology/statistical projection or Anyone who needs to strengthen skills in writing efficient SQL.
Enroll now: 1Z0-071 Oracle SQL Certified Associate Exam & interview cram
Title: 1Z0-071 Oracle SQL Certified Associate Exam & interview cram
Price: $44.99
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Quizzes: 48
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Published Quizzes: 48
Number of Curriculum Items: 141
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 141
Original Price: ₹799
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Launch yourself as Certified Oracle SQL Developer in just 45 – 60 days
- Ace Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Exam 1Z0-071 in first attempt – 100% of Oracle University recommended coverage
- Pass any SQL Developer interview, apart from Oracle – You may work on MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, DB2 & almost all databases
- SQL expertise through solving real time Coding Exercises, Quizzes, Assignments and Practice tests aplenty
- Write ultimately efficient SQL code to retrieve, filter, and present information
- Apply SQL to most complex data handling problems faced in real work situations
Who Should Attend
- Absolute fresher looking to explore field of Information Technology as first career
- Absolute beginners dreaming to work as Data Scientist or Data Analyst
- Working professionals, programmers and developers willing to expand SQL skills
- Aspirants of managerial jobs and MBA fresher
- Job aspirants in the field of marketing, strategy planning, sales, field surveys and psephology/statistical projection
- Anyone who needs to strengthen skills in writing efficient SQL
Target Audiences
- Absolute fresher looking to explore field of Information Technology as first career
- Absolute beginners dreaming to work as Data Scientist or Data Analyst
- Working professionals, programmers and developers willing to expand SQL skills
- Aspirants of managerial jobs and MBA fresher
- Job aspirants in the field of marketing, strategy planning, sales, field surveys and psephology/statistical projection
- Anyone who needs to strengthen skills in writing efficient SQL
Course updates at a glance (As on 4 June 2024, being continuously updated to keep pace with industry)
Video Lectures = 93 (17+ hours of content)
Quizzes = 13 (10 question /answers each with explanation)
Coding Exercises = 35 (Answers with explanation)
SQL queries solved in examples = 500+
Total Questions demonstrated, answered and explained = 260+ more lectures, quizzes, coding exercises and practice tests being added every week (to keep course always synchronized with latest version of oracle and certification exam)
Is your goal a promising evergreen IT career? And you’re looking for an immediate start?
To be an Oracle Certified SQL Developer is the best option for Two things – Firstly, Oracle Certification is the most prestigious of all the IT certifications in the job market and secondly, SQL is the language easiest to master through a course like this, in just 45-60 days. SQL skills have the highest employment potential with dream salaries in the range of $80,000 per year, even as a beginner. Moreover, SQL skills are mandatory for everyone aspiring for a job, because Data is new asset for business and Data is growing faster than you may imagine.
Have you been in search of an SQL course which can assure you of profound success?
This course assures you of covering every bit of syllabus recommended by Oracle Corporation to ace Oracle Certified Associate (OCA 1Z0-071) examination. This course is not merely a pack of videos of demonstration on SQL with some narration or commentary, unlike most others. It has been strategically structured to delve into depth of every single concept to make you a genius in SQL programming. You are poised to become Oracle Certified Associate (OCA 1Z0-071) in your very first attempt.
Is this course for me?
Absolutely! And that too irrespective of you not having any exposure to coding or programming. This course is a complete cookbook on Oracle SQL specifically and SQL in general – right from initial baby steps in SQL as beginner to the level of reference book to solve most intricate real-time problems, when in job. A course truly from absolute scratch to expertise level.
Why only this course?
Hardly you may find such a comprehensive technical coverage on Oracle SQL Certification Exam 1Z0-071 anywhere else
This course is entirely practical oriented, every concept is demonstrated through real time industry level example
Triple purpose – Quick Certification cram, interview preparation and as ready reference while on job
100% industry oriented content
Upon completing this course, apart from OCA, you will be able to work with any of SQL databases out there
Designed and delivered by a professionally experienced corporate trainer
How can I be assured of this course is the best?
You can go through the curriculum of this course right now and compare it with any of the other courses on this same topic. There are plenty of sample lessons which you can access before you buy, and even after you buy it, you have full one month to make a judgement. You are assured of 100% refund if even remotely you find it unsuitable; no questions asked.
Remember : SQL is a “mandatory” skill for you as a job aspirant in IT industry, for the today’s world is data oriented. Let’s do it!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction to Database Terminologies
Lecture 1: What is Data?
Lecture 2: What is RDBMS?
Lecture 3: What is Normalization?
Lecture 4: What is Dependency?
Chapter 3: Oracle Installation and Sample Data
Lecture 1: Installation of Oracle Express Edition
Lecture 2: Connecting to an Oracle database
Lecture 3: Installation of Sample Schema
Lecture 4: Installing Oracle SQL Developer GUI Client
Chapter 4: Query Basics
Lecture 1: What is DQL?
Lecture 2: DQL Parts of Speech (Explanation on syntax of basic SELECT statement )
Lecture 3: What is Rule of Precedence for AND & OR combination of operators?
Chapter 5: Enhanced Logical Operators
Lecture 1: When do you use IN operator?
Lecture 2: When Do You Use BETWEEN Operator?
Lecture 3: When Do You Use LIKE Operator?
Lecture 4: How Do You Find Data Containing % Character By Using LIKE Operator?
Lecture 5: When Do You Use Negative Condition?
Chapter 6: Understanding and Handling NULL
Lecture 1: When Do You Need To Use NVL Function?
Lecture 2: How is NVL2 Different From NVL Function?
Lecture 3: How COALESCE Function Helps Deal With NULL?
Chapter 7: DUAL Table, Pseudo Columns and Sorting
Lecture 1: What are Important Properties of DISTINCT Operator?
Lecture 2: What are Important Properties of ORDER BY Clause?
Lecture 3: How to LIMIT Result to N Rows In Oracle?
Lecture 4: What is ROWID?
Lecture 5: What is ROWNUM?
Lecture 6: What DUAL Table Is Made Of?
Chapter 8: Set Operators
Lecture 1: What are Set Operators In SQL?
Lecture 2: Use of UNION Set Operator Explained
Lecture 3: Use of INTERSECT Set Operator Explained
Lecture 4: Use of MINUS Set Operator Explained
Lecture 5: What Are Union Compatibility Rules?
Lecture 6: How to Solve a Conditional Case?
Lecture 7: How to Emulate OFFSET Clause With Set Operation?
Chapter 9: Nested & Correlated Queries
Lecture 1: What is a Nested Query?
Lecture 2: How to Solve Multivalued Subquery?
Lecture 3: How to Use Multivalued Subquery Operator ANY?
Lecture 4: How to Use Multivalued Subquery Operator ALL?
Lecture 5: What Is Difference Between SOME and ANY Operators?
Lecture 6: What Are Multiple Columns Subqueries?
Lecture 7: How Is Correlated Subquery Different Than Subquery?
Lecture 8: How Is EXISTS Operator Different Than IN?
Lecture 9: What If Subquery May Return NULL?
Chapter 10: INNER and OUTER Joins
Lecture 1: What Is INNER JOIN and Its Drawbacks?
Lecture 2: What Is Non-Equi Join?
Lecture 3: What Is Self Join?
Lecture 4: What Are Drawbacks of Outer Join Operator?
Lecture 5: What Are Advantages of OUTER JOIN Clause?
Lecture 6: Can We Substitute Join For Subquery?
Chapter 11: General SQL Functions / Row Functions
Lecture 1: What Are Single Row Built-in Functions?
Lecture 2: What Categories of Single Row Functions Are We Studying? (must read)
Lecture 3: What TO_CHAR Function Is Used For?
Lecture 4: What TO_NUMBER Function Is Used For?
Prashant Munshi
Distinguished Database Admin & Corporate Trainer
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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