A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming
A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 25 lectures, based on 332 reviews, and has 9367 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn with Python Guru and get your Basics Right Program using the basics of Python 3 Get a good grip of concepts in Python such as complex types, control flow, boolean type and many more This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners and advanced level developers who want to learn Python Programming or This course is not for you if you want to learn advance Python 3 or This course is for newbies who are not familiar with Python 3 and for those who wants to polish their Python 3 knowledge It is particularly useful for Beginners and advanced level developers who want to learn Python Programming or This course is not for you if you want to learn advance Python 3 or This course is for newbies who are not familiar with Python 3 and for those who wants to polish their Python 3 knowledge.
Enroll now: A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming
Title: A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 25
Number of Published Lectures: 25
Number of Curriculum Items: 25
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 25
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn with Python Guru and get your Basics Right
- Program using the basics of Python 3
- Get a good grip of concepts in Python such as complex types, control flow, boolean type and many more
Who Should Attend
- Beginners and advanced level developers who want to learn Python Programming
- This course is not for you if you want to learn advance Python 3
- This course is for newbies who are not familiar with Python 3 and for those who wants to polish their Python 3 knowledge
Target Audiences
- Beginners and advanced level developers who want to learn Python Programming
- This course is not for you if you want to learn advance Python 3
- This course is for newbies who are not familiar with Python 3 and for those who wants to polish their Python 3 knowledge
Python is a programming language that can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from simple user scripts to web servers and complex APIs. It has a simple, highly readable syntax which makes it a suitable language for people who want to learn how to write programs.
What you will learn
We will begin the course by installing the Python 3 interpreter. We will look at how to run the interpreter in the command line, as well as how to execute our Python source files.
After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how use Python to do simple arithmetic. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the "string". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.
Then we will move on to more complex types. First we will look at how we can organize data into a list. We will look at how to create lists, how to access elements inside them, and how to modify the contents of a list. Then, we will look at the dictionary type, which allows us to create mappings. For example, a dictionary could map account numbers to client names.
We will then move on to control flow. Control flow refers to the sequence in which a program's
statements are executed. We will look at the if statement, which allows the script to decide whether or not to execute a block of code based on some condition. We will also look at looping. Looping refers to repeatedly executing a block of code until some condition is met. Functions will also be covered, which will allow us to organize code into simple, reusable pieces. Then, we will learn about errors, and how to handle them properly so that they do not halt execution of the script.
Finally, we will end the course with three practical coding exercises. These exercises will ask for user input, validate the user input, and display a result in the command line. In cases of invalid input,meaningful error messages will always be displayed to the user. The first exercise will involve asking the user for the length, width and height for a rectangular box. The program will then calculate and display the box's volume. The second exercise will calculate the sum of all multiples of a list of numbers up to 1000. The last exercise will ask the user for a length and a width, and display a multiplication table with the given dimensions.
Using the command line: In order to execute our coding examples, we will need to use the command line. In Windows, this is the Command Prompt and in MacOS this is the Terminal. For the purposes of this course, students only need to know how to change directories inside the command line. Everything else can be learned by watching the videos.
Python 3: This courses uses Python 3, which has some significant differences from Python 2. The first video of the course will demonstrate how to install Python 3, and how to run it in the command line.
Notepad++ ( Recommended ) : Notepad++ is a free, open-source text editor. Although JavaScript and HTML can be written using any text editor, Notepad++ is highly recommended because of features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Basic Setup
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Setting up Python
Chapter 3: Variables and Basic Data Types
Lecture 1: Numbers
Lecture 2: Variables and Order of Operation
Lecture 3: Strings Part 1
Lecture 4: Strings Part 2
Lecture 5: String Method and Formatting Part 1
Lecture 6: String Method and Formatting Part 2
Lecture 7: Booleans
Chapter 4: Complex Data Types
Lecture 1: Tuples in Python
Lecture 2: Lists in Python
Lecture 3: Dictionaries in Python
Lecture 4: Python Objects
Chapter 5: Control Flow
Lecture 1: Python if Statement Part 1
Lecture 2: Python if Statement Part 2
Lecture 3: for loop in Python
Lecture 4: Python while loop
Lecture 5: Functions in Python Part 1
Lecture 6: Functions in Python Part 2
Lecture 7: Exceptions in Python Part 1
Lecture 8: Exceptions in Python Part 2
Chapter 6: Basic Programming Exercises
Lecture 1: Volume Calculator in Python
Lecture 2: Sum of Multiples in Python
Lecture 3: Multiplication Table in Python
EDUmobile Academy
Programming Made Easy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 124 votes
- 5 stars: 137 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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