Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2024)
Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2024), available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.57, with 553 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 742 reviews, and has 7649 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain sufficient skill to perform core system administration tasks on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Build foundational skills needed by an RHCSA/RHCE 8 certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrator Prepare managed hosts for automation. Automate common system administration tasks Run Commands Using the Bash Shell Manage Files From the Command Line Get Help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Create, View, and Edit Text Files Managing Local Users and Groups Controlling Access to Files Monitor and Manage Linux Processes Control Services and Daemons Configure and Secure SSH Analyze and Store Logs Manage Networking Archive and Transfer Files Install and Update Software Packages Write Bash Scripts Schedule Future Tasks Much more… This course is ideal for individuals who are IT professionals across a broad range of disciplines who need to perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage and basic security administration or IT Specialists or System Administrators or DevOps Technicians It is particularly useful for IT professionals across a broad range of disciplines who need to perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage and basic security administration or IT Specialists or System Administrators or DevOps Technicians.
Enroll now: Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2024)
Title: Administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2024)
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.57
Number of Lectures: 553
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 553
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 585
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 585
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain sufficient skill to perform core system administration tasks on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Build foundational skills needed by an RHCSA/RHCE 8 certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrator
- Prepare managed hosts for automation. Automate common system administration tasks
- Run Commands Using the Bash Shell
- Manage Files From the Command Line
- Get Help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Create, View, and Edit Text Files
- Managing Local Users and Groups
- Controlling Access to Files
- Monitor and Manage Linux Processes
- Control Services and Daemons
- Configure and Secure SSH
- Analyze and Store Logs
- Manage Networking
- Archive and Transfer Files
- Install and Update Software Packages
- Write Bash Scripts
- Schedule Future Tasks
- Much more…
Who Should Attend
- IT professionals across a broad range of disciplines who need to perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage and basic security administration
- IT Specialists
- System Administrators
- DevOps Technicians
Target Audiences
- IT professionals across a broad range of disciplines who need to perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage and basic security administration
- IT Specialists
- System Administrators
- DevOps Technicians
This course is aimed at IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with Linux. It’s designed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with the command line and perform essential Linux administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage, and basic security administration. The course is very well structured, with step-by-step demonstrations, including lots of guided exercises, labs, and quizzes.
The course is targeted to help automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations of how to use Bash commands. The goal is to help you do your job more efficiently.
Furthermore, the course comes with practice tests to help you test and solidify your understanding of the material.
Some of the student reviews include:
“Thanks, instructor! It’s a good structured course several hours long. I carried much useful information from it.” — James K.
“Simple and clear.” — Swathi Mettu
“Very useful for Linux Administrators.”— DORDAA SUGLO RUDOLF
“Great course! I love that you don’t linger on each topic. You say what it is, what it does, and why you would need it, and you move on. Great!!”— David Ramirez
“Structured teaching.”— Dhanush Raj
“Great Course with good information explained and detailed.” — Mariano Martinez
“Great course! Excellent content, very clear.” — J B
“Perfect! Good to have it.” — Lern Li
Some of the topics covered in the course include:
Accessing the Command Line
Running Commands Using the Bash Shell
Managing Files from the Command Line
Getting Help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
Files and Directories Permissions
Processes and Jobs
Sed and Awk
Managing Local Users and Groups
Managing Packages
Working with Passwords
Configuring Networking
Logs and Monitoring
Configuring and Securing SSH
Archiving and Transferring Files
Red Hat Linux Automation with Ansible
Managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with OpenSSL
And much more.
Overall, this course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Red Hat Linux and its command line interface. It covers a wide range of topics that are essential for Linux administration tasks, including installation, network connectivity, file management, security, and automation. The course is designed for IT professionals, Linux enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of Red Hat Linux. The step-by-step demonstrations, guided exercises, labs, and quizzes make the course interactive and easy to follow. Upon completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to perform Linux administration tasks and automate daily tasks.
Don’t let valuable skills and knowledge slip away! Take action now and enroll in our Administration of Red Hat Linux course. With a money-back guarantee valid for thirty days, there is no risk in starting today. With over 90,000 students from 150+ nations, this training has helped many individuals expand their career opportunities. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in Linux. Enroll now and take the first step towards a successful career in IT.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Essential Linux Tools. Part 1
Lecture 1: Logging to the system remotely with ssh and listing the directories
Lecture 2: Changing the directories, inspecting the system, examining user's info, logins
Lecture 3: Displaying and setting time and date. Part 1
Lecture 4: Displaying and setting time and date. Part 2
Lecture 5: Getting device information and using compression/archiving tools
Lecture 6: Getting help and wildcards
Lecture 7: Getting help (continued)
Chapter 2: Working with Files. Part 1
Lecture 1: Path and file types
Lecture 2: Absolute Paths and Relative Paths
Lecture 3: Creating files or directories and listing files or directories
Lecture 4: Copying, moving, renaming, removing files and directories
Lecture 5: File and directory control attributes
Lecture 6: Creating Directories and Managing Files
Lecture 7: Finding files. Part 1
Lecture 8: Finding files. Part 2
Lecture 9: Finding files. Part 3
Lecture 10: Finding files. Part 4
Lecture 11: Locating Files on the System
Lecture 12: Hands-On Task Demo: Finding Large Files and Creating a Long Listing
Lecture 13: File permissions. Part 1
Lecture 14: File permissions. Part 2
Lecture 15: Permissions for group collaboration
Lecture 16: Hands-On Task Demo: Configuring Linux Permissions for a Development Environment
Chapter 3: VIM Editor
Lecture 1: Getting Started with Vim Basics
Lecture 2: Creating, opening and saving a file. Moving around VIM editor
Lecture 3: Getting help in VIM
Lecture 4: Creating the first file in vim
Lecture 5: Basic vim commands
Lecture 6: VIM motion commands and search
Lecture 7: Opening and saving files in VIM
Lecture 8: Opening multiple files and splitting windows
Lecture 9: Switching between windows
Lecture 10: Mastering Vim Navigation and Editing
Lecture 11: Vim Operating Modes: A Comprehensive Guide
Chapter 4: Even More on Vim Editor
Lecture 1: Introduction to Basic Navigation in Vim
Lecture 2: Hands-on Practice: Vim Installation and Basic Navigation
Lecture 3: Fundamentals of Editing in Vim
Lecture 4: Basic Vim Navigation
Lecture 5: Advanced Vim Navigation
Lecture 6: Vim Search and Replace
Lecture 7: Vim Copy and Insert
Lecture 8: Vim Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Review of Core Concepts and Commands
Lecture 9: Overview of Exercise Lessons. What will we learn?
Lecture 10: Exercise 1: Editing in Vim
Lecture 11: Exercise 2: Editing in Vim
Lecture 12: Exercise 3: Editing in Vim
Lecture 13: Exercise 4: Editing in Vim
Lecture 14: Navigating and Editing Multiple Files in Vim
Lecture 15: Advanced Vim Techniques for Managing Multiple Files
Chapter 5: Bash Shell. Processes and Scheduling. Essential Linux Tools. Part 2.
Lecture 1: Searching the needed info with grep&wc
Lecture 2: Mastering File Searching with the Powerful Grep Command
Lecture 3: Cat and output redirection
Lecture 4: Using pipes
Lecture 5: Processes revealed
Lecture 6: Processes and jobs
Lecture 7: Exploring all running processes with top command
Lecture 8: Understanding process states
Lecture 9: Changing process priority with nice
Lecture 10: Controlling processes with signals
Lecture 11: Changing password with passwd and working withPATH
Lecture 12: Special characters and command-line keystrokes
Lecture 13: Chaining operators
Lecture 14: Sed and awk
Lecture 15: Sed and awk. Part 2
Lecture 16: Performing exit, reboot or shutdown on the system
Lecture 17: Using BASH history
Lecture 18: Using aliases to create your own commands
Lecture 19: Watching files and how they're changing live with watch command
Lecture 20: Gaining administrative privileges with sudo command
Lecture 21: Understanding Job Scheduling with cron and at commnds
Chapter 6: Managing Software Packages
Lecture 1: Packages overview
Lecture 2: Managing packages with rpm command
Lecture 3: Installing and modifying packages with rpm command
Lecture 4: Viewing pgp keys and verifying package attributes
Lecture 5: YUM package manager. Part 1
Lecture 6: YUM package manager. Part 2
Lecture 7: YUM package manager. Part 3
Chapter 7: Networking Basics
Lecture 1: Configuring hostname
Lecture 2: IPv4 concepts and traceroute command usage
Lecture 3: Using 'ip' command
Lecture 4: Validating and Troubleshooting Network Configuration
Lecture 5: Practice Lab: Examining Network Configuration
Lecture 6: Configuring Networking with nmcli
Lecture 7: Validating Network Configuration (with Guided Exercise)(
Vitalii Shumylo
IT Transformation: Empowering Tech Experts
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 18 votes
- 3 stars: 85 votes
- 4 stars: 261 votes
- 5 stars: 365 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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