Advanced Arduino and Python Programming: Interface Apps
Advanced Arduino and Python Programming: Interface Apps, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 60 lectures, based on 11 reviews, and has 94 subscribers.
You will learn about Creation of Interfaces, Using varios sensors and components with Arduino, Controlling port of computers, Serial communication between Python and Arduino and Data transfer to interfaces, This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who want to develop gui with Python, or Those who want to develop interface with Python, or Those who want to learn serial communication between Python and Arduino, or Those who want to control Arduino with Python, or Those who want to control port of computers, or Those who want to transfer data to interfaces and or Engineering students (CE, IE, EEE and etc.) It is particularly useful for Those who want to develop gui with Python, or Those who want to develop interface with Python, or Those who want to learn serial communication between Python and Arduino, or Those who want to control Arduino with Python, or Those who want to control port of computers, or Those who want to transfer data to interfaces and or Engineering students (CE, IE, EEE and etc.).
Enroll now: Advanced Arduino and Python Programming: Interface Apps
Title: Advanced Arduino and Python Programming: Interface Apps
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 60
Number of Published Lectures: 60
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Creation of Interfaces,
- Using varios sensors and components with Arduino,
- Controlling port of computers,
- Serial communication between Python and Arduino and
- Data transfer to interfaces,
Who Should Attend
- Those who want to develop gui with Python,
- Those who want to develop interface with Python,
- Those who want to learn serial communication between Python and Arduino,
- Those who want to control Arduino with Python,
- Those who want to control port of computers,
- Those who want to transfer data to interfaces and
- Engineering students (CE, IE, EEE and etc.)
Target Audiences
- Those who want to develop gui with Python,
- Those who want to develop interface with Python,
- Those who want to learn serial communication between Python and Arduino,
- Those who want to control Arduino with Python,
- Those who want to control port of computers,
- Those who want to transfer data to interfaces and
- Engineering students (CE, IE, EEE and etc.)
With the “Advanced Arduino and Python Programming: Interface Apps” course, we will learn how to develop our own interfaces, how to control the port of our computer, how to communicate embedded systems and Arduino with the interfaces we have created. The course content was created step by step, without boring the student. First, we will learn our basic information, and then we will communicate the Arduino and Python programming language. Afterwards, we will control the components connected to the Arduino together with the Python programming language and display the sensor data in the Python programming language. Moreover, we will create our own interfaces and control the components connected to the Arduino board with the interfaces we have created. In addition, we will create both Arduino codes and Python codes of 2 different advanced projects together in the course. Let’s learn about the projects.
Advanced Project 1: Relay Control Interface
Together with you, we will learn to connect a relay to the Arduino board and develop a project where we can turn our relay on and off with the interface we have created. Thus, we will learn to assign various tasks to the button in the interface we have created.
Advanced Project 2: Sensor Information Interface
Together with you, we will learn the use of DHT-11 and Rain sensors and display the data on these sensors in the interface we have created. We will instantly display the temperature, humidity and rain data in the sensor on our interface.
Welcome to our way of developing ourselves and writing code on the technologies of the future.
“Continuity in work conquers all difficulties.” –Anthony Trollope
Learn by coding!
Yılmaz ALACA
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Python?
Lecture 3: Requirement Modules
Lecture 4: Installation of Python
Lecture 5: Installation of VSCode
Lecture 6: What is Arduino?
Lecture 7: Installation of Arduino IDE
Lecture 8: Installation Libraries to Arduino
Chapter 2: Serial Communication -1
Lecture 1: Installation of Module
Lecture 2: Serial Port Definitions
Lecture 3: Method to Send Data
Lecture 4: Extra -1 (Serial Port)
Chapter 3: Project 1: Controlling LED Using Python
Lecture 1: Python Codes
Lecture 2: Circuit Diagram
Lecture 3: Arduino Codes
Lecture 4: Result of Project 1
Chapter 4: Project 2: Getting Datas from Arduino to Python
Lecture 1: Python Codes
Lecture 2: Arduino Codes
Lecture 3: Result of Project 2
Chapter 5: Project 3: Getting Datas of Sensor from Arduino to Python
Lecture 1: Circuit Diagram
Lecture 2: Arduino Codes
Lecture 3: Result of Project 3
Lecture 4: Python Codes
Chapter 6: Creation of Interface
Lecture 1: Installation of Module
Lecture 2: Creating a Interface Window
Lecture 3: Shapes -1 (Line)
Lecture 4: Shapes -2 (Circle and Rectangle)
Lecture 5: Example (Shapes)
Lecture 6: Changing Background Color of Window
Lecture 7: Adding Logo or Icon Images to the Interface
Lecture 8: Adding Background Image to the Interface
Lecture 9: Printing Text (Reaching Default Fonts)
Lecture 10: Printing Text -1 (Default Fonts)
Lecture 11: Printing Text -2 (External Fonts)
Chapter 7: Project 4: Creating an Interface to Display Arduino Data
Lecture 1: Python Codes -1 (Definitons)
Lecture 2: Python Codes -2 (Interface Loop)
Lecture 3: Arduino Codes
Lecture 4: Result of Project 4
Chapter 8: Project 5: Creating a Button
Lecture 1: Mouse Operations
Lecture 2: Python Codes -1
Chapter 9: Extra
Lecture 1: Keyboard Controls
Lecture 2: Background Music
Chapter 10: Advanced Project 6: Relay Control Interface
Lecture 1: Introduction: Advanced Project 6
Lecture 2: Circuit Diagram
Lecture 3: Python Codes -1 (Definitions)
Lecture 4: Python Codes -2 (Interface Loop)
Lecture 5: Arduino Codes
Lecture 6: Result of Project 6
Chapter 11: Extra -2
Lecture 1: DHT-11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Lecture 2: Rain Sensor
Chapter 12: Advanced Project 7: Sensor Information Interface
Lecture 1: Introduction: Advanced Project 7
Lecture 2: Circuit Diagram
Lecture 3: Python Codes -1 (Definitions)
Lecture 4: Python Codes -2 (Interface Loop)
Lecture 5: Python Codes -3 (Interface Loop)
Lecture 6: Arduino Codes
Lecture 7: Result of Project 7
Chapter 13: Firmata Protocol
Lecture 1: What is Firmata Protocol? (Installation)
Lecture 2: Digital Pin Control with Firmata (Blinking LED) -1
Lecture 3: Digital Pin Control with Firmata (Blinking LED) -2
Yılmaz Alaca
Electrical and Electronics Engineer | Author | Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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