Apache Kafka Series – Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration
Apache Kafka Series – Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.79, with 49 lectures, based on 3953 reviews, and has 31106 subscribers.
You will learn about Setup a Zookeeper and Kafka cluster on three machines in AWS Learn how to deploy Kafka in Production and understand the target architecture for clusters in AWS Setup ZooKeeper Cluster, learn its role for Kafka and usage Setup Kafka in Cluster Mode with 3 brokers, including configuration, usage and maintenance Shutdown and Recover Kafka brokers, to overcome the common Kafka broker problems Configure Kafka Cluster with production settings and optimisations for better performances based on your workload Setup web administration tools using Docker: ZooNavigator, Kafka Manager, Confluent Schema Registry, Confluent REST Proxy, Landoop Kafka Topics UI Administer Kafka using Kafka Manager This course is ideal for individuals who are System Administrators or Architects, who would like to learn or setup a Kafka Cluster on multiple servers or Developers who want to understand the inner depth of a Kafka setup or This course is designed for expert students and should not be taken until all the pre-requisites are met It is particularly useful for System Administrators or Architects, who would like to learn or setup a Kafka Cluster on multiple servers or Developers who want to understand the inner depth of a Kafka setup or This course is designed for expert students and should not be taken until all the pre-requisites are met.
Enroll now: Apache Kafka Series – Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration
Title: Apache Kafka Series – Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.79
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setup a Zookeeper and Kafka cluster on three machines in AWS
- Learn how to deploy Kafka in Production and understand the target architecture for clusters in AWS
- Setup ZooKeeper Cluster, learn its role for Kafka and usage
- Setup Kafka in Cluster Mode with 3 brokers, including configuration, usage and maintenance
- Shutdown and Recover Kafka brokers, to overcome the common Kafka broker problems
- Configure Kafka Cluster with production settings and optimisations for better performances based on your workload
- Setup web administration tools using Docker: ZooNavigator, Kafka Manager, Confluent Schema Registry, Confluent REST Proxy, Landoop Kafka Topics UI
- Administer Kafka using Kafka Manager
Who Should Attend
- System Administrators or Architects, who would like to learn or setup a Kafka Cluster on multiple servers
- Developers who want to understand the inner depth of a Kafka setup
- This course is designed for expert students and should not be taken until all the pre-requisites are met
Target Audiences
- System Administrators or Architects, who would like to learn or setup a Kafka Cluster on multiple servers
- Developers who want to understand the inner depth of a Kafka setup
- This course is designed for expert students and should not be taken until all the pre-requisites are met
Attention all struggling System Administrators, Architects or even Developers! Here is course on how to set up and deploy Apache Kafka in Cluster mode.
Do you want to learn how to setup a Kafka Cluster on multiple servers and stop struggling with it?
Do you want to understand all the steps to perform a Kafka setup and Kafka Deployment in Production?
Have you been trying endlessly to deploy a Kafka Cluster, but haven’t had any luck?
If you have answered YES, then you are at the right place.
Learn from Stephane Maarek, the Best-Selling Instructor on Udemy in Apache Kafka and Big Data!
This course is designed for System Administrators, Architects and Developers. It includes a step by step guide for installing a ZooKeeper Quorum and a Kafka Cluster. Hands-on training on Kafka Administration is also provided.
This course has Amazon Web Services for our cloud environment, which is used by many companies around the world. AWS Knowledge is a pre-requisite.
In this course, we will cover what ZooKeeper is, its architecture, its role in Apache Kafka, and the setup, installation and configuration on multiple machines!
This course reveals exactly how your Kafka Cluster on multiple machines should be setup and configured. We will start with understanding the Kafka basics, cluster size and the configuration. We will also have a hands-on learning on AWS Setup, Single Broker Setup, Multi Broker Setup, Testing the Cluster, Kafka Manager (Cluster Management), Demonstrating Kafka Resiliency etc. We will enlighten you on Kafka Performance with respect to I/Os, Network, RAM, CPU, OS (Operating System) etc. You will have hands on learning on how to run Kafka in Production on AWS, how to change a Kafka Broker Configuration and we will also cover the Advanced Kafka Configurations.
Why I should take this course?
With over 4 hours of videos and around 50 classes, you will get a great understanding of how to deploy Kafka in production and you will understand the target architecture for clusters in AWS
You will learn what ZooKeeper? is, it’s role for Kafka, How to setup ZooKeeper? and its usage
You will have a complete understanding Kafka setup including setup, configuration, usage and maintenance etc.
You will have a Kafka broker shutdown and recovery demonstration, which will help you to understand how to overcome the Kafka broker problems
You will learn Kafka production settings and how to optimise settings for better performance
You will learn all the required tool setups such as ZooNavigator, Kafka Manager, Confluent Schema Registry, Confluent REST Proxy, Landoop Kafka Topics UI.
You will get hands-on learning on Kafka common Administrative tasks using Kafka Manager
You have life-time access to this course and a 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course
Overview of the Course Contents –
Section 1 – Course Introduction: In this section, we will have introduction to the course. We will talk about what are the course pre-requisites, course objectives, who are the targeted students for this course. You will also have course material for download in this section!
Section 2 – Target Architecture: In this section, we will see the cloud providers such as AWS and explore other alternatives for AWS. We will also cover ZooKeeper Quorum Architecture and Kafka Cluster Architecture in this section.
Section 3 – Zookeeper Quorum Setup: In this sections, we will learn what is ZooKeeper, the Zookeeper role in Kafka Cluster, and ZooKeeper Configuration. We will have hands-on labs on AWS Setup, Zookeeper Single Machine Setup and Zookeeper Quorum Setup.
Section 4 – Kafka Cluster Setup: In this section, we will gain some practical hands-on experience on further AWS Setup, Single Kafka Broker Setup, Multi Kafka Broker Setup etc. Before that we will see Apache Kafka Basics on Kafka Configurations. We will have a demonstration on how to change the Kafka Broker configuration and we will also cover advanced Kafka configurations in this section.
After taking this course, you will become proficient in deploying Kafka in production! You will know all the required setups and installations and Kafka production settings and will be able to set-up Kafka in cluster mode in your own environment!
My name is Stephane Maarek, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I teach about Apache Kafka, the Kafka ecosystem and Kafka Certifications with my focus always on helping my students improve their professional proficiencies. I am also the co-founder of Conduktor: an enterprise Apache Kafka platform & UI to help everyone use Kafka.
Throughout my career in designing and delivering these certifications and courses, I have already taught 1,000,000+ students and gotten 350,000+ reviews!
With Apache Kafka becoming much more than a buzzword out there, I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn how to be a Kafka professional. So, let’s kick start the course! You are in good hands!
This Course Also Comes With:
Lifetime Access to All Future Updates
A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
Links to interesting articles, and lots of good code to base your next applications onto
Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
This is the course that could improve your career!
Apache Kafka is a skill in high demand and there are not enough people to fulfill all the open positions. You can boost your income, take on new roles and fun challenges. Many of my students are now the Kafka experts of their companies! You can be the next!
I hope to see you inside the course!
Note:Looking for more advanced Kafka concepts? There are many volumes in the Apache Kafka Series:
Learn Kafka for Beginners v2 (great to start)
Kafka Connect Hands On Learning
Kafka Streams for Data Processing
KSQL on ksqlDB – Hands On!
Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration
Confluent Schema Registry & Kafka REST Proxy
Kafka Security (SSL SASL ACL)
Kafka Monitoring and Operations
Happy learning!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction & Architecture
Lecture 1: Kafka Cluster Setup Introduction
Lecture 2: Cloud Provider & Target Architecture
Lecture 3: Cost of the tutorial
Lecture 4: Important Message
Lecture 5: About your instructor
Chapter 2: Code Download
Lecture 1: Code Download
Chapter 3: Zookeeper Quorum Setup
Lecture 1: What is Zookeeper?
Lecture 2: Zookeeper Role in a Kafka Cluster
Lecture 3: Zookeeper Quorum Sizing
Lecture 4: Zookeeper Configuration
Lecture 5: Hands-On: Zookeeper AWS Setup
Lecture 6: How to SSH Into our Servers?
Lecture 7: Hands-On: Single Zookeeper Machine Setup
Lecture 8: Hands-On: Zookeeper Service Setup
Lecture 9: Using the Zookeeper Command Line Interface (CLI)
Lecture 10: Hands-On: Zookeeper Quorum setup – Part 1 AWS
Lecture 11: Hands-On: Zookeeper Quorum Setup – Part 2 Zookeeper
Lecture 12: Zookeeper Four Letter Words
Lecture 13: Zookeeper Internal File System
Lecture 14: Factors impacting Zookeeper Peformance
Lecture 15: Note: Zookeeper in AWS
Lecture 16: Hands-On: Web tools AWS machine Docker setup
Lecture 17: Management Tools for Zookeeper & Zoonavigator demo
Chapter 4: Kafka Cluster Setup
Lecture 1: Kafka Basics
Lecture 2: Kafka Cluster Size Discussions
Lecture 3: Kafka Configuration
Lecture 4: Hands-On: Kafka AWS Setup
Lecture 5: Hands-On: Single Kafka Broker Setup
Lecture 6: Hands-On: Running Kafka Commands
Lecture 7: Hands-On: Kafka Multi Broker (Cluster) Setup
Lecture 8: Hands-On: Testing the Kafka Cluster
Lecture 9: Can I connect to my Kafka cluster?
Lecture 10: advertised.listeners setting – most important setting
Lecture 11: Hands-On: Kafka Manager (Cluster Management)
Lecture 12: Hands-On: Demonstrating Kafka Resiliency
Lecture 13: Kafka Performance: I/O
Lecture 14: Kafka Performance: Network
Lecture 15: Kafka Performance: RAM
Lecture 16: Kafka Performance: CPU
Lecture 17: Kafka Performance: OS (Operating System)
Lecture 18: Kafka Performance: Other
Lecture 19: Running Kafka in Production on AWS
Lecture 20: Hands-On: How to change a Kafka Broker Configuration
Lecture 21: Advanced Kafka Configuration
Lecture 22: Landoop Kafka Topics UI, Confluent REST Proxy, Confluent Schema Registry Setup
Chapter 5: Next steps!
Lecture 1: What's Next? Learning further
Lecture 2: Congratulations!
Lecture 3: THANK YOU!
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture
Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,Solutions Architect,Developer
Best Selling Instructor, 10x AWS Certified, Kafka Guru -
Conduktor Kafkademy
Apache Kafka enterprise platform to empower your teams
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 17 votes
- 2 stars: 36 votes
- 3 stars: 211 votes
- 4 stars: 1064 votes
- 5 stars: 2625 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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