Arduino UNO & Basic Electronics: Beginner Course
Arduino UNO & Basic Electronics: Beginner Course, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 93 lectures, 13 quizzes, based on 10 reviews, and has 53 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn about the concepts of electricity. Understand what Arduino UNO is. Learn about Arduino UNO, electronics, Embedded C programming language from basics. Build 8 physical robotics projects. (Detailed explanation, circuits and list of components are included). Learn general concepts of programming. Understand Embedded C programming language step by step from basics. Learn about different sensors like ultrasonic, temperature, moisture, IR sensor (many more)from basics. More than 40 activities included using various component through out the course for better practice and better understanding of different electronic components. Learn the correct method to trim and join 2 wires, join wires with components etc. Learn about how to perform soldering step by step (Basics). Series and parallel connections. Learn to measure resistance of a resistor by 2 different methods. Learn about AC DC properties. L:earn to measure current,. voltage from a circuit/ component using a multimeter. Learn to work with libraries in Arduino. Learn about more than 20 different electronics components. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for all the students from any field or grade who wants to learn and explore new things or clear there concepts about Arduino UNO, Electronics and want to learn how to create innovative things on their own using Arduino UNO and learn to deal with electronic components. or Anyone who wants to create some cool school/college project and wants to learn something new and exciting. or Anyone who wants to initiate there career in Electronics, Robotics, Coding. or This course is for everyone who likes to tinker with Arduino, Robots, Electronics and love to innovate. or This course is for all the individuals who like to think out of the box! or Anyone who wants to find out the amazing side of Arduino UNO and basic electronics !! It is particularly useful for This course is for all the students from any field or grade who wants to learn and explore new things or clear there concepts about Arduino UNO, Electronics and want to learn how to create innovative things on their own using Arduino UNO and learn to deal with electronic components. or Anyone who wants to create some cool school/college project and wants to learn something new and exciting. or Anyone who wants to initiate there career in Electronics, Robotics, Coding. or This course is for everyone who likes to tinker with Arduino, Robots, Electronics and love to innovate. or This course is for all the individuals who like to think out of the box! or Anyone who wants to find out the amazing side of Arduino UNO and basic electronics !!.
Enroll now: Arduino UNO & Basic Electronics: Beginner Course
Title: Arduino UNO & Basic Electronics: Beginner Course
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Quizzes: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Published Quizzes: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 108
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 108
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: ₹2,999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn about the concepts of electricity.
- Understand what Arduino UNO is.
- Learn about Arduino UNO, electronics, Embedded C programming language from basics.
- Build 8 physical robotics projects. (Detailed explanation, circuits and list of components are included).
- Learn general concepts of programming.
- Understand Embedded C programming language step by step from basics.
- Learn about different sensors like ultrasonic, temperature, moisture, IR sensor (many more)from basics.
- More than 40 activities included using various component through out the course for better practice and better understanding of different electronic components.
- Learn the correct method to trim and join 2 wires, join wires with components etc.
- Learn about how to perform soldering step by step (Basics).
- Series and parallel connections.
- Learn to measure resistance of a resistor by 2 different methods.
- Learn about AC DC properties.
- L:earn to measure current,. voltage from a circuit/ component using a multimeter.
- Learn to work with libraries in Arduino.
- Learn about more than 20 different electronics components.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for all the students from any field or grade who wants to learn and explore new things or clear there concepts about Arduino UNO, Electronics and want to learn how to create innovative things on their own using Arduino UNO and learn to deal with electronic components.
- Anyone who wants to create some cool school/college project and wants to learn something new and exciting.
- Anyone who wants to initiate there career in Electronics, Robotics, Coding.
- This course is for everyone who likes to tinker with Arduino, Robots, Electronics and love to innovate.
- This course is for all the individuals who like to think out of the box!
- Anyone who wants to find out the amazing side of Arduino UNO and basic electronics !!
Target Audiences
- This course is for all the students from any field or grade who wants to learn and explore new things or clear there concepts about Arduino UNO, Electronics and want to learn how to create innovative things on their own using Arduino UNO and learn to deal with electronic components.
- Anyone who wants to create some cool school/college project and wants to learn something new and exciting.
- Anyone who wants to initiate there career in Electronics, Robotics, Coding.
- This course is for everyone who likes to tinker with Arduino, Robots, Electronics and love to innovate.
- This course is for all the individuals who like to think out of the box!
- Anyone who wants to find out the amazing side of Arduino UNO and basic electronics !!
Hello there!
Welcome to “Arduino UNO & Basic Electronics: Beginner Course 2024“.
This course covers both Arduino UNO and basic electronics topics.It offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience with plenty of activities for practice. You’ll dive into 8 real-life projects, some based on practical examples, to apply what you learn. From sensors to electronic components, you’ll explore everything from scratch, step by step. Activities like soldering and wire trimming are included to enhance your skills. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of Arduino UNO and basic electronics, ready to tackle projects with confidence.
What will you learn ?
Learn about Arduino UNO from scratch based on block coding.
Experience real life look a like electronics components in simulation software first and later on use them in real life as well.
Learn about basics of coding by using practical and user friendly method called block coding. No prior experience in coding is required for learning block coding.
Learn in-depth things about different electronic components like their usages/ functionalities, specifications, capacities, connections, working principles, etc.
Have hands on learning tutorials even for trimming of wires, Soldering and see build the 8 projects and much more.
Learn about embedded C language from scratch to intermediate with activities and examples. The text based programming language, Embedded C (Nothing but, extension of C language) is being taught in a different way in this course by comparing it with the block based coding language which makes it easier for the learner to understand the working of the text based code and have a better understanding on the code.
Learn to make a circuit in simulation and real life by reading the electronic circuit diagrams.
Learning style of this course:
First, theory is being taught and after that supporting examples or practice activities are conducted for proper understanding of that particular topic.
Know about the “How, when and why” behind the electronic components.
Step by step process from scratch.
All the sections are supported by quiz’s for knowing evaluating the learners knowledge.
Quick response by the course creator for doubts related to course topics asked by the learners so that learning does not stop!
Some Do It Yourself (DIY) or self making project ideas based on basic electronics and Arduino UNO which are fun to make and play based on real life usages!
This course is designed from basics and organized in a user friendly structure. This course is for everyone who are new in this field and wants to learn something new and exciting about Arduino UNO and Basic electronics, and for those students as well who are experienced but they want to practice or brush-up their knowledge. This course will not make you job ready or a professional in this field but will surely give you a stepping stone to move ahead in this field of electronics and robotics.
By the end of the course you will be having enough skill sets which will help you in selecting the right electronics components for your projects, it will also help you to handle the electronic components in the correct way and let you code and make projects on your own.
Looking forward to see you soon! Join me in the course – “Arduino UNO and Basic electronics – Complete course” to develop and brush up your skill sets..
Happy Learning 🙂 !!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction to Arduino
Lecture 1: All About Arduino
Lecture 2: Arduino UNO rev3!
Lecture 3: All about Block coding
Chapter 3: LED's
Lecture 1: What is a LED?
Lecture 2: Activity on LED
Lecture 3: What is a buzzer?
Lecture 4: What is a RGB LED?
Chapter 4: Resistors
Lecture 1: What is a resistor?
Lecture 2: Resistance calculation by ohms law.
Lecture 3: Resistance calculation by method – 2
Chapter 5: Capacitor
Lecture 1: what is a capacitor?
Chapter 6: Diode
Lecture 1: What is a diode?
Chapter 7: Cells And Batteries
Lecture 1: what are cells and batteries?
Lecture 2: Battery Activity – 1
Lecture 3: Battery Activity – 2
Lecture 4: Battery Activity – 3
Lecture 5: Battery Activity – 4
Chapter 8: Motors
Lecture 1: What are motors?
Lecture 2: Motor type – 1
Lecture 3: Motor type – 2
Lecture 4: Motor type – 3
Lecture 5: Motor type – 4
Lecture 6: Motor Activity – 1
Lecture 7: Motor Activity – 2
Lecture 8: Motor Activity – 3
Lecture 9: Motor Activity – 4
Chapter 9: Revision Activities Part – 1
Lecture 1: Revision Activities Part – 1
Chapter 10: Revision Activities Part – 2
Lecture 1: Revision Activity – 2
Chapter 11: Potentiometer.
Lecture 1: What is potentio meter?
Chapter 12: Switches
Lecture 1: What are switches?
Chapter 13: AC/DC circuits
Lecture 1: What are AC/DC circuits?
Lecture 2: Series circuit/ connection
Lecture 3: Parallel circuit/ connection
Chapter 14: Solar Energy
Lecture 1: What is a solar energy ?
Chapter 15: Breadboard
Lecture 1: What is a Breadboard?
Lecture 2: Breadboard: Activity-1
Lecture 3: Activity based on Breadboard
Chapter 16: Embedded C or C/C++
Lecture 1: What is the difference between Embedded C and C/C++ ?
Lecture 2: Variables
Lecture 3: Constants
Lecture 4: Structures
Lecture 5: More about Structures
Lecture 6: Libraries
Lecture 7: Data types
Lecture 8: Functions
Lecture 9: Introduction to Operators
Lecture 10: Operators – 1
Lecture 11: Operators – 2
Lecture 12: Operators – 3
Chapter 17: Activities based on Embedded – C
Lecture 1: Activity using Embedded C – 1
Lecture 2: Activity using Embedded C – 2
Lecture 3: Activity using Embedded C – 3
Lecture 4: Activity using Embedded C – 4
Lecture 5: Activity using Embedded C – 5
Lecture 6: Activity using Embedded C – 6
Lecture 7: Activity using Embedded C – 7
Lecture 8: Activity using Embedded C – 8
Chapter 18: Multimeter
Lecture 1: What is a multimeter?
Lecture 2: Activity – 1
Lecture 3: Activity – 2
Lecture 4: Activity – 3
Chapter 19: Sensors
Lecture 1: What are sensors?
Lecture 2: Ultrasonic sensor
Lecture 3: IR sensor
Lecture 4: Temperature sensor
Lecture 5: Force sensor
Lecture 6: Photoresistor sensor
Devarsh Shah
Educator, electronics and DIY hobbyist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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