AWS Serverless Design for IoT
AWS Serverless Design for IoT, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.27, with 84 lectures, based on 474 reviews, and has 4589 subscribers.
You will learn about Basic IoT Serverless design patterns on AWS AWS IoT workflows, rules, and actions with AWS IoT Core Programming the ESP8266 and the ESP32 with the free Arduino IDE Gain experience with AWS serverless services such as Lambda, S3, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and IoT Analytics Asynchronous AWS WebSockets with Lambda Learn how to host static websites on AWS s3 and set bucket permissions and CORS Become familiar with device to cloud communication Gain competency understanding visualizations in JavaScript with IoT data This course is ideal for individuals who are IoT engineers and hobbyists interested in AWS or AWS developers interested in IoT or Arduino and firmware developers interested in IoT or JavaScript developers with cloud knowledge but lacking hardware or IoT experience or Web or Cloud Programmers interested in Embedded Devices or Cloud developers migrating from EC2 instances to serverless IoT design It is particularly useful for IoT engineers and hobbyists interested in AWS or AWS developers interested in IoT or Arduino and firmware developers interested in IoT or JavaScript developers with cloud knowledge but lacking hardware or IoT experience or Web or Cloud Programmers interested in Embedded Devices or Cloud developers migrating from EC2 instances to serverless IoT design.
Enroll now: AWS Serverless Design for IoT
Title: AWS Serverless Design for IoT
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.27
Number of Lectures: 84
Number of Published Lectures: 79
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: $44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basic IoT Serverless design patterns on AWS
- AWS IoT workflows, rules, and actions with AWS IoT Core
- Programming the ESP8266 and the ESP32 with the free Arduino IDE
- Gain experience with AWS serverless services such as Lambda, S3, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and IoT Analytics
- Asynchronous AWS WebSockets with Lambda
- Learn how to host static websites on AWS s3 and set bucket permissions and CORS
- Become familiar with device to cloud communication
- Gain competency understanding visualizations in JavaScript with IoT data
Who Should Attend
- IoT engineers and hobbyists interested in AWS
- AWS developers interested in IoT
- Arduino and firmware developers interested in IoT
- JavaScript developers with cloud knowledge but lacking hardware or IoT experience
- Web or Cloud Programmers interested in Embedded Devices
- Cloud developers migrating from EC2 instances to serverless IoT design
Target Audiences
- IoT engineers and hobbyists interested in AWS
- AWS developers interested in IoT
- Arduino and firmware developers interested in IoT
- JavaScript developers with cloud knowledge but lacking hardware or IoT experience
- Web or Cloud Programmers interested in Embedded Devices
- Cloud developers migrating from EC2 instances to serverless IoT design
This course is a hands-on introduction to device to cloud communication using Amazon’s AWS serverless design flow. This course is meant as a basic, non-production level, introduction to both device to cloud communications, and how to the manipulate IoT data on AWS using the serverless model.
In the course we focuses on a serverless design flow utilizing simple IoT data generated data by either the ESP8266 12-E or ESP32 embedded development boards using WiFi. The course will cover how to program the devices, send the IoT data wirelessly to AWS through the AWS IoT Core MQTT broker, and then demonstrate how to store and visualize the IoT data utilizing various serverless services and design flows on AWS. We will be using the AWS website to navigate services, and not the “Serverless” framework.
Some of the important AWS services covered in in the course for IoT Data are: Lambda, API Gateway, S3, and DynamoDB. In addition, the course will cover other important AWS services such as AWS IoT Analytics, QuickSight, SageMaker, Kinesis, Cognito, and AWS IoT Core. We will also be using JavaScript and Node.js for our static web host and Lambda respectively.
We will start off the course by learning how to program the ESP device to connect to the AWS IoT Core MQTT broker. From there we will cover AWS IoT Analytic s which is a managed services which tacitly utilizes additional underlying AWS services. We will then move on to storing sensor information from our device using Lambda to form a data lake in S3 which we will use a repository for our IoT data. We will then access our IoT data, generated from our ESP device, with a statically hosted website in S3 demonstrating various visualizations methods such as Google Charts, Chart.js, and Highcharts as JavaScript visualization libraries. From this point we can now move on to slightly more complex examples using the AWS-JS-SDK in the browser to invoke AWS services directly on our S3 web host. At this point we can move on to a more advanced serverless flow by having our static web host request IoT data held in a data lake repository on S3, or stored in DynamoDB, by making a request to an endpoint generated by API Gateway connecting a Lambda function that’s programmed to fetch our data from our IoT data repository.
The purchase of a $5 ESP8266 12-E, or $10 ESP32, is recommended for the course, but is not absolutely necessary as we can ‘fake’ incoming IoT JSON data from AWS IoT Core on the MQTT broker.
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Serverless IoT on AWS
Lecture 1: Serverless IoT Overview
Lecture 2: Overview of my other AWS IoT Course
Lecture 3: Prerequisites for this course
Lecture 4: Serverless Frameworks
Lecture 5: IoT applications and use cases
Lecture 6: Communication protocols and security for devices on AWS
Lecture 7: Update to AWS IoT Core for 2023
Lecture 8: Sending JSON test payloads from the AWS CLI to the IoT Core console
Chapter 2: Arduino ESP8266 and ESP32 Device sketches to send JSON data to AWS IoT Core
Lecture 1: Introduction of our Arduino sketch to communicate with AWS IoT Core
Lecture 2: Installing and configuring device certificates for our Arduino sketch
Lecture 3: Sending the Hello world message to AWS IoT Core from our Arduino sketch
Lecture 4: Communicating from the cloud to the device and how to fake a device on IoT Core
Chapter 3: AWS IoT Analytics
Lecture 1: Introduction to AWS IoT Analytics
Lecture 2: Configuring AWS IoT analytics channel, pipeline, and datastore
Lecture 3: Configuring our Arduino sketch to send sensor JSON data package to AWS IoT Core
Lecture 4: Discussing Lambda and using Lambda enhancement in IoT Analytics
Lecture 5: Hands-on with lambda and testing a Lambda function with a test data payload
Lecture 6: Enhancing our incoming IoT data in Lambda
Lecture 7: Using AWS QuickSight with our data produced from AWS IoT Analytics
Lecture 8: Using AWS SageMaker with our data produced from AWS IoT Analytics
Lecture 9: Why hosting a Data Lake may be superior to just invoking our Data Set
Lecture 10: Configuring AWS IoT Analytics to send data to a Data Lake hosted in S3
Lecture 11: Creating an open AWS S3 bucket in 2022, then adding a static webhost
Lecture 12: Previous 2020 video for public bucket – optional
Lecture 13: Testing our Google Chart to ingest our IoT data on a remote host
Lecture 14: Moving our IoT charting webpage to S3 as a static host
Chapter 4: Advanced AWS IoT Analytics
Lecture 1: Introduction to our advanced example
Lecture 2: Creating our advanced Lambda enhancement function
Lecture 3: Testing our Lambda enhancement connecting it to IoT Analytics
Lecture 4: The Arduino Sketch to send GPS Coordinates via MQTT and filling our S3 bucket
Lecture 5: Reviewing our IoT design flow thus far, and discussing next steps
Lecture 6: Connecting our second Lambda to extract CSV IoT data from our S3 data bucket
Lecture 7: Creating a REST API endpoint with AWS API Gateway to our extraction Lambda
Lecture 8: Creating our website in S3 to visualize our IoT Analytics data in Highcharts
Lecture 9: Preview: Adding Security to your visualization web sight
Chapter 5: Project 1 World's Simplest Synchronous Serverless IoT Dashboard
Lecture 1: Synchronous Serverless IoT Project Part 1
Lecture 2: Synchronous Serverless IoT Project Part 2
Lecture 3: Synchronous Serverless IoT Project Part 3
Chapter 6: Level One Serverless IoT for data lakes, using IoT Core, Lambda, and S3
Lecture 1: Levels of a Serveless design flow for IoT data
Lecture 2: Intro to ingestion methods
Lecture 3: IoT Core to S3 using Lambda part 1
Lecture 4: IoT Core to S3 using Lambda part 2
Lecture 5: IoT Core to S3 using Lambda part 3
Lecture 6: IoT Core consuming our data into a visulization
Chapter 7: Using Kinesis Data Firehose to S3 for IoT Data Visualization
Lecture 1: Introduction to Kinesis Data Firehose for IoT
Lecture 2: Setting up Kinesis Firehose for IoT Data ingestion and examining the S3 schema
Lecture 3: Visualizing our IoT data from S3 with a static web host
Chapter 8: Level two IoT Serverless design Using the AWS JavaScript SDK in the Browser
Lecture 1: Introduction to Level 2 Serverless IoT design with the AWS-JS-SDK in the browser
Lecture 2: Formatting our DynamoDB schema from AWS IoT Core action
Lecture 3: Developing our Lambda function for enhancement of IoT data into DynamoDB
Lecture 4: Connecting AWS IoT Core to our Lambda function
Lecture 5: Creating a Cognito Identity for our static web host
Lecture 6: Creating our web hos is S3 for our IoT data with Chart.js
Chapter 9: Level three design using Lambda for ingestion IoT data from a S3 data lake
Lecture 1: Introduction to Level 3 design using Lambda
Lecture 2: Setting up our Lambda in Node.js to retrieve our IoT data held in S3
Lecture 3: Creating a URL endpoint to invoke our Lambda function in API Gateway
Lecture 4: Hosting our website in S3 to invoke our endpoint and visualize our IoT data
Lecture 5: Cleaning our IoT data objects and privatizing our S3 IoT data bucket
Chapter 10: An IoT Publisher in Lambda
Lecture 1: Developing a IoT Publisher in Lambda
Chapter 11: Adding Security
Lecture 1: Introduction to securing your serverless IoT design flow
Lecture 2: Creating an API Key and Usage Plan in AWS API Gateway
Lecture 3: Using the API Key with our static Web sight in S3, and examining the JS code
Chapter 12: Project 2 Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring WebSockets -basic
Lecture 1: Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring AWS WebSockets IoT – Part 1
Lecture 2: Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring AWS WebSockets IoT – Part 2b
Lecture 3: Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring AWS WebSockets IoT – Part 3b
Lecture 4: Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring AWS WebSockets IoT – Part 4
Chapter 13: Project 3 Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring Websockets improved-intermediate
Lecture 1: Part 1 Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring WebSockets – intermediate
Lecture 2: Part 2 Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring WebSockets – intermediate
Lecture 3: Part 3 Asynchronous Serverless IoT featuring WebSockets and Lambda improved
Chapter 14: Bonus Section: Data Ingestion using API Gateway
Lecture 1: Setting up our s3 bucket and our Lambda function for IoT data ingestion
Lecture 2: Setting up API Gateway and connecting it to out Lambda function
Lecture 3: Configuring our Arduino sketch for API Gateway
Lecture 4: Graphing our IoT data from a S3 static webhost
Chapter 15: Bonus Section: AWS Timestream and Grafana
Lecture 1: Create a Timestream database and send IoT data from IoT Core to the new database
Lecture 2: Connect the free Grafana online visualization tool to our Timestream database
Chapter 16: Appendix: Review material as needed
Lecture 1: AWS Free tier and installing the AWS CLI
Lecture 2: AWS IoT Core and Actions
Lecture 3: Introduction to AWS IAM: Policy's and Roles
Lecture 4: Creating security certificates and a Policy for your device in AWS IoT Core
Stephen Borsay
IoT Engineer: Device to Cloud Integration
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 42 votes
- 4 stars: 174 votes
- 5 stars: 242 votes
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