AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure – OCT 2023
AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure – OCT 2023, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.49, with 127 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 28675 reviews, and has 155178 subscribers.
You will learn about Pass the Microsoft AZ-204 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions test Master the main concepts of Azure, beyond the ones you normally use Become Microsoft Specialist: Developing Azure Solutions certified This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers of any experience with exposure to Azure or People interested in passing the Azure AZ-204 test It is particularly useful for Developers of any experience with exposure to Azure or People interested in passing the Azure AZ-204 test.
Enroll now: AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure – OCT 2023
Title: AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure – OCT 2023
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.49
Number of Lectures: 127
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 125
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 133
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 131
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Pass the Microsoft AZ-204 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions test
- Master the main concepts of Azure, beyond the ones you normally use
- Become Microsoft Specialist: Developing Azure Solutions certified
Who Should Attend
- Developers of any experience with exposure to Azure
- People interested in passing the Azure AZ-204 test
Target Audiences
- Developers of any experience with exposure to Azure
- People interested in passing the Azure AZ-204 test
Covers the latest October 2023 exam changes
Complete preparation for the AZ-204 Azure Developer exam.
Get your questions answered inside the course. A great value since this course is updated as Microsoft changes the exam requirements over time. This course will be ready for you when you are ready to take the exam.
What students are saying:
5 stars, “Great in-depth coverage, easy to understand, good examples to practice.” – Andy K.
5 stars, “Good explanation, easy to catch up.” – Paul C.
5 stars, “Seems up to date and thorough, and is a really good bargain” – Stephen I.
Welcome to this course.
Fully captioned in English.
This course has been continually improved and covers the AZ-204 Azure developer topics.
Microsoft Azure is a skill in high demand in today’s large business marketplace.
If you’re a developer, you know as well as I do that change is always happening. It’s not possible for all of us to be up-to-date on every piece of new technology out there, but this is not one of those times. Cloud-hosting has changed the way all applications are developed—from websites, to web applications, to mobile apps, and traditional backend applications as well. The rapid adoption of the cloud has touched everything.
The next time your resume is on someone’s desk—be it a promotion at work or a new job opportunity—you cannot afford to have such an obvious gap in knowledge. Can you imagine being a front-end web developer today and not being able to talk about mobile-first or responsive design? Industry trends show that developing applications using cloud-hosted components is becoming the in-demand skill of tomorrow. Having Azure skills on your resume will only help you get in front of more hiring managers and land more jobs.
This course goes through all of the requirements of the Microsoft exam AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure exam. While other online resources cover bits and pieces of the topic, I can confidently say this course goes deep on everything you need to know for this exam. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and this course also includes a full sample test so you can see how ready you are to take the real test.
If you don’t have much previous exposure to Azure, this course will cover each core section in detail. If you ARE already an expert at many Azure topics, you can easily skip the sections that you already know and focus on the sections that are new to you.
This Azure exam is tough. But these videos will guide you through the Azure interface, and through your own practice and experience with the platform.
You get lifetime access to the course, and so there are no silly “30-day” countdowns that require you to pay more to extend access. This course will be here when you need it.
Enroll today!
Version history
Version 1 – Launched the 70-532 course in January 2017, 8 updates to the course along the way.
Version 2 – Launched the AZ-203 course in January 2019. Free upgrade for students of the old course.
Version 3 – Launched the AZ-204 course in August 2020. Free upgrade for students of the old course.
Version 3.1 – More walkthrough of code that connects to Azure. Cosmos DB and SQL Database.
Version 4.0 – Completely re-recorded in May 2022.
Version 5.0 – Course re-recorded in September and October 2023.
Microsoft, Windows, and Microsoft Azure are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Microsoft Corporation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: AZ-204 Course Welcome
Lecture 1: Overview of the Azure Developer Exam
Lecture 2: AZ-204 Exam Requirements
Lecture 3: Azure Home and Dashboard
Lecture 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Lecture 5: Udemy Video Player
Lecture 6: Amazing Microsoft Resources
Lecture 7: Hands On Labs for AZ-204
Lecture 8: Azure Cloud Shell
Lecture 9: Installing PowerShell
Chapter 2: AZ-204 Virtual Machines
Lecture 1: AZ-204 Course – Starting Tips
Lecture 2: NOTE: VMs No Longer on the Exam
Lecture 3: What is a VM?
Lecture 4: Create Your First VM – The Basics
Lecture 5: Virtual Machine Availability Concepts
Lecture 6: Virtual Machine Sizes
Lecture 7: Azure VM Disks and Networking Options
Lecture 8: VM Advanced Options and the Review Page
Lecture 9: Connecting to an Azure VM – RDP and SSH
Lecture 10: Modify and Stop a VM
Lecture 11: Azure Resource Manager model (ARM) – ARM Templates
Lecture 12: Create a VM Using Powershell
Lecture 13: DEMO: Create a VM in CLI
Chapter 3: AZ-204 Azure App Service
Lecture 1: IaaS vs PaaS
Lecture 2: Create an Azure Web App
Lecture 3: App Service Plan
Lecture 4: App Service Deployment Options
Lecture 5: Manual Scaling an App Service
Lecture 6: Publishing an App Service
Lecture 7: Deployment Slots
Lecture 8: App Service General Settings
Lecture 9: App Service SSL Settings
Lecture 10: Autoscaling an App Service
Lecture 11: Enable Diagnostic Logs
Lecture 12: DEMO: Create a Web App in PowerShell
Lecture 13: DEMO: Create a Web App in CLI
Lecture 14: DEMO: A look at az webapp up
Lecture 15: The WebApp Console
Lecture 16: Code Samples: App Service
Chapter 4: AZ-204 Containers
Lecture 1: What is an Azure Container Instance (ACI)?
Lecture 2: Docker Desktop and Visual Studio Container Tools
Lecture 3: Using Visual Studio to Build a Container App
Lecture 4: Deploy an ACI App From Azure Container Registry
Lecture 5: Deploy an Azure Web App From Azure Container Registry
Chapter 5: AZ-204 Function App
Lecture 1: Creating a Function App
Lecture 2: Creating Our First Function
Lecture 3: HTTP Trigger Function
Lecture 4: Monitoring Function Events and Errors
Lecture 5: Adding a Blob Output Binding
Lecture 6: Timer Trigger Function
Lecture 7: Understanding Durable Functions
Lecture 8: Using NPM INSTALL in Function Apps
Lecture 9: Creating a Durable Function
Lecture 10: Adding Delays to Functions using MOMENT
Lecture 11: Function Core Tools
Lecture 12: Visual Studio and Functions
Lecture 13: Your Opinion Wanted
Lecture 14: INSTRUCTIONS: How to Use Microsoft Learn Exercises and Sandboxes
Lecture 15: HANDS-ON LABS: Create a Function App
Lecture 16: Code Samples: Durable Functions
Lecture 17: HANDS-ON LABS: Create a Durable Function
Chapter 6: AZ-204 Azure Storage Accounts
Lecture 1: Understanding Storage Accounts
Lecture 2: Storage Account Settings
Lecture 3: Storage Account Networking and Data Protection
Lecture 4: Storage Account Encryption
Lecture 5: Upload Files to a Storage Account
Lecture 6: Access Keys and SAS Tokens
Lecture 7: AzCopy V10
Lecture 8: StartCopyFromUri Method
Lecture 9: SetMetadata Method
Lecture 10: Storage Account Backup, Replication, and Lifecycle
Lecture 11: Static Web App
Lecture 12: Code Samples: Azure Blobs
Chapter 7: AZ-204 CosmosDB
Lecture 1: Introduction to CosmosDB
Lecture 2: Create a CosmosDB Account
Lecture 3: Global Replication Options
Lecture 4: CosmosDB Keys and Security
Lecture 5: Create a CosmosDB Collection
Lecture 6: Add Documents to CosmosDB
Lecture 7: Setting Data Consistency Options
Lecture 8: Managing Change Feed Notifications
Lecture 9: Code Samples: Cosmos DB Todo App
Lecture 10: Cosmos DB Todo App Code, Line By Line
Chapter 8: AZ-204 Azure Authentication
Lecture 1: Introduction to Entra ID (Azure AD)
Lecture 2: What is an Entra ID (Azure AD) Tenant?
Lecture 3: Create an Entra ID (Azure AD) Tenant
Lecture 4: Microsoft Identity Platform
Lecture 5: Create Users in Entra ID (Azure AD)
Scott Duffy • 1.000.000+ Students
Bestselling Azure & TOGAF® Trainer, Microsoft Azure MVP -
TOGAF® Certified, Azure Architect, AWS Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 337 votes
- 2 stars: 579 votes
- 3 stars: 3184 votes
- 4 stars: 10978 votes
- 5 stars: 13597 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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