Azure DevOps – CI and CD
Azure DevOps – CI and CD, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 50 lectures, based on 80 reviews, and has 2280 subscribers.
You will learn about CI and CD using Azure DevOps This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner It is particularly useful for Beginner.
Enroll now: Azure DevOps – CI and CD
Title: Azure DevOps – CI and CD
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 50
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- CI and CD using Azure DevOps
Who Should Attend
- Beginner
Target Audiences
- Beginner
In this course I have covered the CI and CD using Azure Devops.
In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment.
CI/CD bridges the gaps between development and operation activities and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications.
Service provided in Azure Dev ops
Azure Boards
Deliver value to your users faster using proven agile tools to plan, track and discuss work across your teams.
Azure Pipelines
Build, test and deploy with CI/CD which works with any language, platform and cloud. Connect to GitHub or any other Git provider and deploy continuously.
Azure Repos
Get unlimited, cloud-hosted private Git repos and collaborate to build better code with pull requests and advanced file management.
Azure Test Plans
Test and ship with confidence using manual and exploratory testing tools.
Azure Artifacts
Create, host and share packages with your team and add artifacts to your CI/CD pipelines with a single click.
When was Azure DevOps launched?
Despite being launched in October 2018, Azure DevOps is not the new kid on the DevOps block. Its lineage can be traced all the way back to Visual Studio Team System which was launched in 2006. This is a mature product with a rich feature-set that has over 80,000 internal users at Microsoft.
What are the benefits of Azure DevOps?
As a SaaS offering, Azure DevOps is reliable, scalable and globally available. It is also backed by an SLA of 99.9% uptime and by 24×7 support.
Access to the latest features
Azure DevOps users get access to new features every 3 weeks. Microsoft is transparent, have published the product roadmap and are committed to rapidly iterating on the feature-set.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Overview
Chapter 2: Create a Project in Azure DevOps with Git
Lecture 1: Creating Project in Azure DevOps and Visual Studio
Lecture 2: Push the Code to Azure DevOps
Chapter 3: Create Project in TFVC
Lecture 1: Creating a Project in Azure DevOps
Chapter 4: Agents
Lecture 1: What is an Agent ?
Lecture 2: Creating Self Hosted Agent in Azure DevOps
Lecture 3: Issues while Agent Creation
Chapter 5: CI/CD of Azure Web App
Lecture 1: Continuous Integration
Lecture 2: Create Web App in Azure
Lecture 3: Continuous Deployment to the Azure Web App
Chapter 6: Adding Test Proj in Build
Lecture 1: Adding Test Project
Lecture 2: Creating Build Pipeline
Chapter 7: Github Integration with Azure DevOps
Lecture 1: Github Integration with Azure DevOps
Lecture 2: Disabling Menu Items
Lecture 3: Import Repo from Github into AzureDevOps
Chapter 8: Angular Project CI/CD to Azure Storage
Lecture 1: Creating Angular Project and Pushing it to Azure DevOps
Lecture 2: Continuous Integration
Lecture 3: Create Storage Account
Lecture 4: Continuous Deployment
Chapter 9: Web Project CI/CD to Azure VMs
Lecture 1: Continuous Integration
Lecture 2: Create VMs
Lecture 3: Deploy to Azure
Chapter 10: Creating NuGet Packages
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Artifact
Lecture 3: Creating NuGet Package in Continuous Integration
Lecture 4: Add the created dll (NuGet ) into Project
Lecture 5: Create Versioning of NuGet
Lecture 6: Best Place to Create NuGet Package during CI/CD
Chapter 11: Adding Stages and Approval Process along with Gates
Lecture 1: Create Project in Azure DevOps
Lecture 2: Create Project in Visual Studio
Lecture 3: Check-in the Project to Azure DevOps
Lecture 4: Create Dev, Stage and Prod Web App in the Azure Portal
Lecture 5: Create Pipeline and Enable Continuous Integration
Lecture 6: Create Dev environment and deploy it to Dev
Lecture 7: Create Stage and Prod environment and trigger the Build as well as Release
Lecture 8: Approval Process Introduction
Lecture 9: Add Approvers into the Project for Approval process
Lecture 10: Add approvers to the Stages
Lecture 11: Approve dev and deploy it to dev
Lecture 12: Override the Stage and Approve Production release
Lecture 13: Create Workitem and shared query
Lecture 14: Enable gates on Prod and Evaluate the Gates
Chapter 12: CI and CD Docker App to Azure Web APP via Azure Container Registries
Lecture 1: Intoduction
Lecture 2: Create Project and Push the Project into Azure Devops
Lecture 3: Create Container registry in azure
Lecture 4: Create Build Pipeline
Lecture 5: Create Azure Web App
Lecture 6: Create Release
Lecture 7: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Chapter 13: Agenda
Lecture 1: Agenda
Sharma Sharma
Seasoned Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 42 votes
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