Azure DevOps Jumpstart
Azure DevOps Jumpstart, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 87 lectures, based on 15 reviews, and has 101 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn about Git and GitHub basics. You will learn to build a basic CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps. You will learn this by creating a very basic WebApp and deploy to Azure using a CI/CD pipeline. You will see how a YAML file works in Azure DevOps You can then use this knowledge in different areas You will understand a build and release pipeline You will use stages in your pipeline You will go from a novice to understanding how a pipeline works This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who have no idea about Azure DevOps and want an entry point to learn the basics. or People who are going to take the AZ-400 exam, but have no idea where and how to start and need an in. This is not a complete AZ-400 course but it will help! or Students who have heard about GitHub but have no idea how to start or what it is. or Students who have heard about CI/CD but have no idea how to start or what it is. or Peope who consider themselves IT pros who are trying to understand Azure DevOps and GitHub It is particularly useful for Students who have no idea about Azure DevOps and want an entry point to learn the basics. or People who are going to take the AZ-400 exam, but have no idea where and how to start and need an in. This is not a complete AZ-400 course but it will help! or Students who have heard about GitHub but have no idea how to start or what it is. or Students who have heard about CI/CD but have no idea how to start or what it is. or Peope who consider themselves IT pros who are trying to understand Azure DevOps and GitHub.
Enroll now: Azure DevOps Jumpstart
Title: Azure DevOps Jumpstart
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Original Price: €34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn about Git and GitHub basics.
- You will learn to build a basic CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps.
- You will learn this by creating a very basic WebApp and deploy to Azure using a CI/CD pipeline.
- You will see how a YAML file works in Azure DevOps
- You can then use this knowledge in different areas
- You will understand a build and release pipeline
- You will use stages in your pipeline
- You will go from a novice to understanding how a pipeline works
Who Should Attend
- Students who have no idea about Azure DevOps and want an entry point to learn the basics.
- People who are going to take the AZ-400 exam, but have no idea where and how to start and need an in. This is not a complete AZ-400 course but it will help!
- Students who have heard about GitHub but have no idea how to start or what it is.
- Students who have heard about CI/CD but have no idea how to start or what it is.
- Peope who consider themselves IT pros who are trying to understand Azure DevOps and GitHub
Target Audiences
- Students who have no idea about Azure DevOps and want an entry point to learn the basics.
- People who are going to take the AZ-400 exam, but have no idea where and how to start and need an in. This is not a complete AZ-400 course but it will help!
- Students who have heard about GitHub but have no idea how to start or what it is.
- Students who have heard about CI/CD but have no idea how to start or what it is.
- Peope who consider themselves IT pros who are trying to understand Azure DevOps and GitHub
This is the perfect course for people who have no idea about GitHub, CI/CD. We will use a basic WebApp to show the concepts, but this course is not aimed at developers but at traditional IT pro people who need to make the transition to DevOps and have no idea how it works. Also people who have no idea how to start studying for the AZ-400 will benefit from this basic JumpStart.
You will start learning how Git and GitHub works, what CI/CD means. How a pipeline works and much more. We will end with a multi stage pipeline in Azure DevOps.
Many people in my experience get lost with the traditional study material. This course is aimed at giving these people a way in so they too can learn how these concepts work.
You will learn:
What DevOps is.
What are the basics of Git and GitHub.
What is a WebApp in Azure and how to create one.
How can we use Visual Studio Community to create a basic proof of concept Web Site in ASP.NET
How we can publish this website to our Azure Web App.
How can we use GitHub with the code in our website.
What Azure DevOps is and how to create a project.
How to integrate GitHub with a project in Azure DevOps
How to deploy something using a pipeline in this case our website.
What a pipeline is and what a multi stage pipeline is.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Azure DevOps and GitHub starter for the complete noob.
Lecture 2: The idea behind this course
Chapter 2: Azure DevOps Module 0
Lecture 1: Module 0 : Getting started and what you will learn intro.
Lecture 2: Module 0 : Lesson 1
Chapter 3: Azure DevOps Module 1
Lecture 1: Module 1 : What is DevOps intro ?
Lecture 2: Module 1 : Lesson 1 What is DevOps
Lecture 3: Module 1 : Lesson 2 The DevOps lifecycle
Chapter 4: Azure DevOps Module 2
Lecture 1: Module 2 : What is Azure DevOps intro ?
Lecture 2: Module 2 : Lesson 1 What is Azure DevOps and how to get it ?
Lecture 3: Module 2 : Demo Getting Azure First
Lecture 4: Module 2 : Demo Getting Azure DevOps
Chapter 5: Azure DevOps Module 3
Lecture 1: Module 3 : What is source control intro ?
Lecture 2: Module 3 : Lesson 1 What is version control ?
Lecture 3: Module 3 : Lesson 2 What is GitHub ?
Lecture 4: Module 3 : Lesson 3 Getting GitHub
Lecture 5: Module 3 : Demo getting GitHub with an account
Lecture 6: Module 3 : Lesson 4 How to use GitHub
Lecture 7: Module 3 : Demo Looking at commits in GitHub directly
Lecture 8: Module 3 : Lesson 4 (continued) How to use GitHub
Lecture 9: Module 3 : Demo Installing Visual Studio Code
Lecture 10: Module 3 : Demo Cloning a local copy in Visual Studio Code (and failing)
Lecture 11: Module 3 : Demo Installing GIT locally for version control
Lecture 12: Module 3 : Demo Cloning a local copy in Visual Studio Code (and succeeding)
Lecture 13: Module 3 : Lesson 4 (continued) even further
Lecture 14: Module 3 : Demo Changing Code and Making Commits Locally.
Lecture 15: Module 3 : Demo Pushing to the Remote Main Branch
Lecture 16: Module 3 : Lesson 4 (continued) even further how to use GitHub
Lecture 17: Module 3 : Demo Creating a Local Branch
Lecture 18: Module 3 : Demo Creating some local commits in the Feature Branch
Lecture 19: Module 3 : Demo Pushing the changes to the Remote Branch
Lecture 20: Module 3 : Lesson 4 (continued) even further how to use GitHub again
Lecture 21: Module 3 : Demo Creating a Pull Request and merging the changes
Lecture 22: Module 3 : Challenge Instructions
Lecture 23: Module 3 : Challenge Solution
Lecture 24: Module 3: A quick word about Git Pull and Git Fetch
Chapter 6: Azure DevOps Module 4
Lecture 1: Module 4 : Creating our project in Visual Studio Community 2019 intro
Lecture 2: Module 4 : Lesson 1 What is Visual Studio Community 2019 ?
Lecture 3: Module 4 : Demo Installing Visual Studio Community 2019 with ASP.NET
Lecture 4: Module 4 : Lesson 2 A quick word please…
Lecture 5: Module 4 : Demo Creating a Project ASP.NET Website
Lecture 6: Module 4 : Challenge Instructions
Lecture 7: Module 4 : Challenge Solution
Chapter 7: Azure DevOps Module 5
Lecture 1: Module 4 : Publishing the Web App to Azure intro
Lecture 2: Module 5 : Lesson 1 What is Azure Exactly ?
Lecture 3: Module 5 : Lesson 2 What is an Azure Web App ?
Lecture 4: Module 5 : Demo Creating an Azure WebApp (ASP.NET)
Lecture 5: Module 5 : Demo Deploying our Application to Azure Web App
Lecture 6: Module 5 : Challenge Instructions
Lecture 7: Module 5 : Challenge Solution
Chapter 8: Azure DevOps Module 6
Lecture 1: Module 6 : Adding our application to source control intro
Lecture 2: Module 6 : Demo adding our application to Source Control
Lecture 3: Module 6 : Demo, but what if it didn't go that smoothly ?
Lecture 4: Module 6 : Demo adding our application to version control
Lecture 5: Module 6 : Demo Creating a repository on GitHub
Lecture 6: Module 6 : Pushing the Application to GitHub
Chapter 9: Azure DevOps Module 7
Lecture 1: Module 7 : Getting the project up in Azure DevOps intro
Lecture 2: Module 7 : Lesson 1 What is a project in Azure DevOps ?
Lecture 3: Module 7 : Demo Creating a project in Azure DevOps
Chapter 10: Azure DevOps Module 8
Lecture 1: Module 8 : Continuous Integration intro
Lecture 2: Module 8 : Lesson 1 What is continuous integration (CI)
Lecture 3: Module 8 : Demo Creating a part of a YAML build pipeline but not worrying yet
Lecture 4: Module 8 : Lesson 2 What is a YAML file ?
Lecture 5: Module 8 : Demo looking at the Build Pipeline part 1
Lecture 6: Module 8 : Demo looking at the Build Pipeline part 2
Lecture 7: Module 8 : Fixing our error.
Lecture 8: Module 8 : Demo Creating a Virtual Machine in Azure
Lecture 9: Module 8 : Demo : Connecting and installing the Visual Studio Build Tools
Lecture 10: Module 8 : Demo Creating and configuring an agent pool
Lecture 11: Module 8 : Demo Configuring our 'ownagent' VM (Follow the guidelines)
Lecture 12: Module 8 : Before we continue about the downloadable files
Lecture 13: Module 8 : Demo Changing the YAML file to use our self hosted agent
Lecture 14: Module 8 : Remember just to let you know once again
Lecture 15: Module 8 : Demo Adding code to our YAML file that will publish the artifact
Lecture 16: Module 8 : Challenge Instructions
Lecture 17: Module 8 : Challenge Solution
Chapter 11: Azure DevOps Module 9
Lecture 1: Module 9 : Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment intro
Lecture 2: Module 9 : Lesson 1 What is continuous delivery and continuous deployment ?
Lecture 3: Module 9 : Lesson 2 What is the Release Pipeline ?
Lecture 4: Module 9 : Demo Creating the Release Pipeline Part 1
Lecture 5: Module 9 : Demo Creating the Release Pipeline Part 2
Lecture 6: Module 9 : Demo Properly Authenticating with Azure
Lecture 7: Module 9 : Demo changing some code in VS that code to GitHub
Lecture 8: Module 9 : Lesson 3 What are stages and adding them into our YAML file ?
Lecture 9: Module 9 : Demo showing a finished stages file for comparing and downloading
Lecture 10: Module 9 : Challenge Instructions
Lecture 11: Module 9 : Challenge Sollution
Chapter 12: Rounding up
Lecture 1: The road ahead..
David Fitzpatrick
I love to teach and love to learn
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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