Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular
Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular, available at Free, has an average rating of 3.82, with 28 lectures, based on 32 reviews, and has 3189 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a simple Azure Devops Pipeline Create an App Service in Azure Deploy an ASP NET Core 6 app to an App Service using Azure Pipelines Create an Azure Static Web App resource Build an Angular app in Azure Devops Pipeline Deploy Angular App to Azure Static Web Apps Create a Azure Kubernetes Cluster Create an Azure Pipeline for deploying an ASP NET Core WEB API to the Kubernetes cluster This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Azure Devops and Azure Developers or Full Stack Developers that want to deply their SPA App and API to Azure or Developers that just started working with Azure Kubernetes Services It is particularly useful for Beginner Azure Devops and Azure Developers or Full Stack Developers that want to deply their SPA App and API to Azure or Developers that just started working with Azure Kubernetes Services.
Enroll now: Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular
Title: Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular
Price: Free
Average Rating: 3.82
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a simple Azure Devops Pipeline
- Create an App Service in Azure
- Deploy an ASP NET Core 6 app to an App Service using Azure Pipelines
- Create an Azure Static Web App resource
- Build an Angular app in Azure Devops Pipeline
- Deploy Angular App to Azure Static Web Apps
- Create a Azure Kubernetes Cluster
- Create an Azure Pipeline for deploying an ASP NET Core WEB API to the Kubernetes cluster
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Azure Devops and Azure Developers
- Full Stack Developers that want to deply their SPA App and API to Azure
- Developers that just started working with Azure Kubernetes Services
Target Audiences
- Beginner Azure Devops and Azure Developers
- Full Stack Developers that want to deply their SPA App and API to Azure
- Developers that just started working with Azure Kubernetes Services
The purpose of this course is help a Full Stack developer deploy its Fronted Angular Application and Backend ASP .NET Core Application to Azure. Even if you have written your SPA in a different Framework/library like React or View, you will still be able to use this course, only the build command within the frontend pipeline will change. If your backend API has a different ASP NET Core version of .NET Framework the build steps will still work.
I will walk you step by step through creating an Azure App Service, create an Azure Service Connection and then add the required steps in the azure pipeline yaml file in order to Build and Deploy your ASP NET Core app to the created App Service.
I will also walk you through creating an Azure Static Web app and then add the necessary steps into the Azure Pipeline in order to Build and Deploy an Angular App as a Static Web App in Azure.
The final section of the course walks you thorugh creating an Azure Kubernetes Cluster and then using Azure pipelines you will deploy an ASP NET Core API to the Cluster.
This course will not give you in depth explanations into all the concepts of Azure Pipelines or Azure resources, the main idea is to get you going quickly into deploying your apps to Azure. I will add later to this course more advanced concepts from Azure Pipelines, allowing multiple environments
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: High Level concepts on the Existing Template Yaml File
Lecture 1: Sample Application and Repository Structure
Lecture 2: Create the first Pipeline using a Template
Lecture 3: Triggers section
Lecture 4: Pool section
Lecture 5: Variables Section and Steps Section
Lecture 6: Template MSBuilt task
Lecture 7: Run the template pipeline
Chapter 3: Deploy the ASP NET Core App to an Azure App Service Resource
Lecture 1: Create an Azure App Service
Lecture 2: Explain DotNetCoreCli and AzureWebDeploy Tasks
Lecture 3: Create an Azure Service Connection
Lecture 4: Deploy the ASP NET Core app to the APP Service
Lecture 5: Access the deployed ASP NET Core APP. Troubleshoot if not working
Chapter 4: Deploy Angular App to Azure Static Web Apps
Lecture 1: Create pipeline for Angular Application. Build the Angular App
Lecture 2: Create Azure Static Web App. Deploy Angular App to it
Lecture 3: Check the Angular App Deployment
Chapter 5: Deploy ASP NET Core API to Azure Kubernetes Services
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create an ASP NET Core WebAPI with Docker Support
Lecture 3: Start project locally and commit the code
Lecture 4: Create an AKS Cluster in Azure Portal
Lecture 5: Create a Azure Container Registry
Lecture 6: Create the Azure Pipeline for deploying to the AKS Cluster
Lecture 7: Explain the AKS Pipeline
Lecture 8: Fix Docker Build. Move the DockerFile into the Correct Folder
Lecture 9: Validate the AKS Cluster after the Pipeline Deployment
Lecture 10: Explaining the Kubernetes deployment.yml
Lecture 11: Validate deployment.yml changes
Lecture 12: Explain the Kubernetes service.yml
Ionut Pac-Balaj
Full Stack Software Developer. Azure Solution Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 11 votes
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