Benchmarking .NET Applications
Benchmarking .NET Applications, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 44 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 20 reviews, and has 103 subscribers.
You will learn about The fundamentals of Benchmarking Why performance matters and why benchmarking is necessary When and what you should benchmark What is the intermediate language How Garbage Collector works How you should benchmark applications What are a cold start and warm-up process Which tools can help you benchmark applications Differences between Microbenchmarking and Macrobenchmarking Benchmarking REST APIs This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner, intermediate, and advanced C# programmers who want to learn how to create and execute benchmarks. or Software Developers who are about to take a job interview and need to prepare for benchmarking-related questions. or Professionals who need to measure up different code approaches in a .NET application to evaluate performance-related choices. It is particularly useful for Beginner, intermediate, and advanced C# programmers who want to learn how to create and execute benchmarks. or Software Developers who are about to take a job interview and need to prepare for benchmarking-related questions. or Professionals who need to measure up different code approaches in a .NET application to evaluate performance-related choices.
Enroll now: Benchmarking .NET Applications
Title: Benchmarking .NET Applications
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 44
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 44
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The fundamentals of Benchmarking
- Why performance matters and why benchmarking is necessary
- When and what you should benchmark
- What is the intermediate language
- How Garbage Collector works
- How you should benchmark applications
- What are a cold start and warm-up process
- Which tools can help you benchmark applications
- Differences between Microbenchmarking and Macrobenchmarking
- Benchmarking REST APIs
Who Should Attend
- Beginner, intermediate, and advanced C# programmers who want to learn how to create and execute benchmarks.
- Software Developers who are about to take a job interview and need to prepare for benchmarking-related questions.
- Professionals who need to measure up different code approaches in a .NET application to evaluate performance-related choices.
Target Audiences
- Beginner, intermediate, and advanced C# programmers who want to learn how to create and execute benchmarks.
- Software Developers who are about to take a job interview and need to prepare for benchmarking-related questions.
- Professionals who need to measure up different code approaches in a .NET application to evaluate performance-related choices.
Have you tried to learn Benchmarking before?
Perhaps you find yourself trying to follow a tutorial and get stuck.
In other cases, the different authors may present to you the benchmarking process with subtle command and code variations, but you have no clue what they are for.
You may stumble on articles that are difficult to follow. They do not provide you structured information of what is going on under the hood or a deep understanding of the .NET framework.
Now imagine the oddest edge case: you already finished building your benchmarking, you can run it fine but then when it comes to run it another time, the results differ altogether from the ones you got earlier. You have no idea of the factors that make your benchmark process generate so many values out of your expectations.
You might be working on a critical section of code in your .NET application or microservice, and you need to measure different code approaches to figure which ones make your code run as fast as possible.
Does that sound familiar to you?
Well, you are on the right track!
I built this course to show you how you can build and run benchmarks with a better understanding of the fundamentals.
You will have hands-on labs here where you can download the projects to get started testing yourself the benchmarking process using your favorite code editor.
I’ve mapped out everything you need to know about Benchmarking .NET applications in an interactive easy-to-follow package. This course is designed to get you up and running, in a couple of days.
Here you will understand the fundamentals, perform the experiments to make correct conclusions based on the raw data provided in benchmarking results.
If you want to be aware of benchmarkinggood practices, this training is a great way to get started.
Several big companies, including Microsoft, Elasticsearch, Google, are constantly using benchmarking to guarantee applications have no performance degradation and measurements are reproducible.
This constant concern on performance quality makes applications more reliable through the eyes of the customer, making company solutions look more professional.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome and Course overview
Lecture 2: How this course is organized
Chapter 2: Introduction
Lecture 1: Why should you learn to benchmark .NET applications
Lecture 2: What are the pre-requisites for this course
Lecture 3: Getting help
Lecture 4: Setting up your environment – installing .NET
Lecture 5: Setting up your environment – installing Visual Code
Lecture 6: Setting up your environment – installing Git
Lecture 7: Setting up your environment – installing Docker
Lecture 8: Setting up your environment – installing Java
Lecture 9: Setting up your environment – installing Postman
Lecture 10: Setting up your environment – other tools
Chapter 3: The Benchmarking fundamentals
Lecture 1: What is performance?
Lecture 2: Why performance matters?
Lecture 3: What metrics can be used to track performance?
Lecture 4: What is a benchmark?
Lecture 5: Why benchmarking is necessary?
Lecture 6: When should you benchmark?
Lecture 7: How is the benchmark process?
Lecture 8: What should you benchmark?
Lecture 9: How should you benchmark?
Lecture 10: Choosing the benchmark scope
Chapter 4: The Benchmarking in practice
Lecture 1: Which tools help you benchmark your application
Lecture 2: Elapsed time benchmarks with Stopwatch
Lecture 3: What is BenchmarkDotNet?
Lecture 4: Who uses BenchmarkDotNet?
Lecture 5: Elapsed time and memory allocation benchmarks with BenchmarkDotNet
Lecture 6: Sort and rank BenchmarkDotNet summary results
Lecture 7: Evaluating BenchmarkDotNet results
Lecture 8: Understanding BenchmarkDotNet header information and summary columns
Lecture 9: Targeting different runtimes for BenchmarkDotNet
Lecture 10: Changing the number of warm-ups and iterations in BenchmarkDotNet
Lecture 11: Cold start and monitoring strategies in BenchmarkDotNet
Lecture 12: Benchmarking REST APIs with Postman
Lecture 13: Benchmarking REST APIs with Vegeta
Lecture 14: Benchmarking REST APIs with Bombardier
Lecture 15: Benchmarking REST APIs with JMeter
Chapter 5: Remarks and Next steps
Lecture 1: Profiling tools
Lecture 2: Readability versus Optimization
Lecture 3: Benchmarking as part of continuous integration
Lecture 4: Production metrics observability
Lecture 5: Monitoring tools
Lecture 6: Tracing tools
Lecture 7: Conclusion and Next steps
Junior Mayhé
.NET Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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