Build Your Own Super Computer with Raspberry Pis
Build Your Own Super Computer with Raspberry Pis, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.25, with 51 lectures, based on 509 reviews, and has 41506 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a super computer using multiple Raspberry Pi 2 B+ computers with Raspbian Create a working Raspberry Pi from a basic Raspbian installation and customize it to your needs Create and spool up slave Raspberry Pi nodes in a fraction of the time it takes to set up each one Manage the Raspberry Pi computer cluster entirely using the Linux command line interface with comfort and ease Install OpenMPI, compile and run multi-processor programs from the ground up Learn the fundamentals for writing a multi-threaded program in C Create a computer network using your home router, or expand to a production-level network with a managed switch Export and mount drives and communicate between your Raspberry Pis all on the command line This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for anyone with a zeal for learning how computers work – especially with an interest in creating your own computer cluster or You should be comfortable using a Linux command line, but you don't have to be knowledgeable – every single step of the way is recorded and documented to follow along easily or If you love Raspberry Pis and own more than one, building a computer cluster is a fun way to learn how to get them to interact together and use all of their computer processing power combined It is particularly useful for This course is designed for anyone with a zeal for learning how computers work – especially with an interest in creating your own computer cluster or You should be comfortable using a Linux command line, but you don't have to be knowledgeable – every single step of the way is recorded and documented to follow along easily or If you love Raspberry Pis and own more than one, building a computer cluster is a fun way to learn how to get them to interact together and use all of their computer processing power combined.
Enroll now: Build Your Own Super Computer with Raspberry Pis
Title: Build Your Own Super Computer with Raspberry Pis
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 51
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a super computer using multiple Raspberry Pi 2 B+ computers with Raspbian
- Create a working Raspberry Pi from a basic Raspbian installation and customize it to your needs
- Create and spool up slave Raspberry Pi nodes in a fraction of the time it takes to set up each one
- Manage the Raspberry Pi computer cluster entirely using the Linux command line interface with comfort and ease
- Install OpenMPI, compile and run multi-processor programs from the ground up
- Learn the fundamentals for writing a multi-threaded program in C
- Create a computer network using your home router, or expand to a production-level network with a managed switch
- Export and mount drives and communicate between your Raspberry Pis all on the command line
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for anyone with a zeal for learning how computers work – especially with an interest in creating your own computer cluster
- You should be comfortable using a Linux command line, but you don't have to be knowledgeable – every single step of the way is recorded and documented to follow along easily
- If you love Raspberry Pis and own more than one, building a computer cluster is a fun way to learn how to get them to interact together and use all of their computer processing power combined
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for anyone with a zeal for learning how computers work – especially with an interest in creating your own computer cluster
- You should be comfortable using a Linux command line, but you don't have to be knowledgeable – every single step of the way is recorded and documented to follow along easily
- If you love Raspberry Pis and own more than one, building a computer cluster is a fun way to learn how to get them to interact together and use all of their computer processing power combined
Have you ever wanted to build your own super computer? Do you want to write programs that can run simultaneously on as many computing nodes as you wish? Do you want to learn what it takes to combine the processing powers of two, four, eight or more Raspberry Pis and run simulations at a fraction of the time and cost of running on a mainframe or even a high-end desktop computer?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you. In this step-by-step series of video lectures, you'll learn how to set up your own computer cluster using cheap, affordable computers – and it doesn't get any more affordable than the Raspberry Pi.
Whether you're a Raspberry Pi enthusiast, a scientific researcher in need of cheap, expandable processing power, a programmer looking to expand their horizons with multithreaded algorithms, or a student looking to learn more about using Linux to build computing clusters, then you'll find plenty of value in this class as you build your own Raspberry Pi super computer.
These lectures are specially tailored to the Raspberry Pi 2 B+ board using Raspbian (a distribution based on Debian), which is a good place to start if you're unfamiliar with the Linux command line or building computer networks. If you are comfortable with the various flavors of Linux, you can use this course as a guideline for what it takes to build your own cluster using a different distribution.
Lastly, this class is a "living course", which means as we receive feedback and requests for specialized tutorials or updates, we'll continually update and add more to improve the quality and content of the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: An Introduction to the Course
Chapter 2: Assembling Materials
Lecture 1: Materials for 2-Pi Cluster
Lecture 2: An Overview of the Materials to Build a 2-Pi Cluster
Lecture 3: Mac OS X – Downloading the NOOBS Package
Lecture 4: Mac OS X – Download and Run SD Formatter 4.0 to Format New SD Cards
Lecture 5: Windows – Download and Run SD Formatter to Format SD Cards
Lecture 6: Mac OS X – Install NOOBS to the Newly Formatted SD Card
Lecture 7: Windows – Download and Install NOOBS to SD Card
Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Master Raspberry Pi Node
Lecture 1: Plugging in a Raspberry Pi for the First Time
Lecture 2: Installing Raspbian with NOOBS
Lecture 3: First Boot after Raspbian OS Installation
Lecture 4: Raspi-Config – Raspberry Pi Starting Configuration
Lecture 5: Mac OS X – Using the Terminal to SSH into your Raspberry Pi
Lecture 6: Windows – SSH Into Your Raspberry Pi with Putty Terminal
Lecture 7: Updating & Upgrading Raspbian, and Installing the Necessary Packages
Lecture 8: Linux Command Sheet 1
Chapter 4: Running a Multithreaded Program Using OpenMPI
Lecture 1: C Program: Call Processes
Lecture 2: C Program: Calculate Pi
Lecture 3: First OpenMPI Test – Call Process Names
Lecture 4: Second OpenMPI Test – Calculate the value of Pi
Lecture 5: Linux Command Sheet 2
Chapter 5: Adding the Second Raspberry Pi to the Cluster
Lecture 1: Plugging in the Second Raspberry Pi to the Cluster
Lecture 2: Setting up the Configuration on the Second Pi (raspi-config)
Lecture 3: Setting Up and Testing the Packages on the Second Pi
Chapter 6: Setting Up the Network
Lecture 1: Setting Static IP Address on Raspberry Pi
Lecture 2: Setting Static IP Addresses with a Router
Lecture 3: SSH Between Raspberry Pi Nodes
Lecture 4: Set Up Hostnames
Lecture 5: Linux Command Sheet 3
Chapter 7: Creating the Common User for All Nodes
Lecture 1: Creating a Common User for All Nodes
Lecture 2: Generating SSH Keys for the Common User
Lecture 3: Linux Command Sheet 4
Chapter 8: Running a Multithreaded Program on Both Raspberry Pis
Lecture 1: Creating and Mounting Drives
Lecture 2: Running a Multithreaded Program Across Multiple Pis
Lecture 3: Automatically Mounting Drives on Boot-Up
Lecture 4: Linux Command Sheet 5
Chapter 9: Creating Our "Octo-Pi": Building an Eight Pi Super Computer
Lecture 1: Materials for 8-Pi Cluster
Lecture 2: An Overview of the 8-Pi Cluster Materials
Lecture 3: Set Up Hosts for All Nodes
Lecture 4: Backup Raspberry Pi SD Card Image to Computer – Mac
Chapter 10: Spooling Up a New Computing Node
Lecture 1: Create New Nodes: Write Raspberry Pi Image to New SD Card
Lecture 2: Create New Nodes: Update Hostname
Lecture 3: Setting Static IP Address on Additional Raspberry Pi Nodes
Lecture 4: Linux Command Sheet 6
Chapter 11: Constructing the Complete Raspberry Pi Cluster
Lecture 1: Overview of the Raspberry Pi Cluster Setup
Lecture 2: Testing Each Raspberry Pi in the Cluster
Chapter 12: Connecting the Raspberry Pis to a Network Switch
Lecture 1: Before Installing the Switch
Lecture 2: Plugging in the Switch for Installation
Lecture 3: Plugging in Raspberry Pis to the Switch
Chapter 13: Running the Complete Raspberry Pi Supercomputer
Lecture 1: Full Raspberry Pi Cluster Review
Lecture 2: Run OpenMPI Calculation for Pi on Full Cluster
Ben Heidorn
Computer Science Graduate Student
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 21 votes
- 3 stars: 75 votes
- 4 stars: 164 votes
- 5 stars: 236 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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