C++ Programming – From Scratch to Advanced
C++ Programming – From Scratch to Advanced, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 89 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 467 reviews, and has 28660 subscribers.
You will learn about C++ Programming Concepts Object Oriented Programming in C++ Using C++ Constructs to solve problems Writing your own programs in C++ This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Coding Aspirants It is particularly useful for Beginner Coding Aspirants.
Enroll now: C++ Programming – From Scratch to Advanced
Title: C++ Programming – From Scratch to Advanced
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- C++ Programming Concepts
- Object Oriented Programming in C++
- Using C++ Constructs to solve problems
- Writing your own programs in C++
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Coding Aspirants
Target Audiences
- Beginner Coding Aspirants
In this course, C++ Programming from Scratch to Advanced, You’ll learn everything to make you confident on C++ concepts.
The primary course objectives will be
1. Understanding the fundamentals of programming.
2. Analyzing the range of each and every datatype and understanding how they’re stored in the memory.
3. Understanding how a C++ Program gets executed and converted into object code.
4. Implementing high level programming constructs in an easy manner in c++
5. Understanding the importance of addresses and pointers.
6. Knowing how to use pointers.
7. Understanding the significance of Objects, Classes and Inheritance and knowing how to implement them.
8. Understanding the differences between Access Modifiers and Data Modifiers and how they influence the classes and their data members.
9. Solving Interview Problems in C++ (NEW!)
1. The trickier concepts of C++ like Pointers, Inheritance, Pointer to an array, Pointer to a function, Multilevel Inheritance are clearly explained.
2. The course has video content from the scratch of programming. So, this suits even if someone is no exposed to any of the programming languages.
3. Solving some standard programming problems.
4. The concept of Recursion is clearly interpreted.
5. The concept of Bitwise Operators is explained by performing Decimal to Binary conversions.
6. The usage of constructors is explained.
7. Problem Solving in C++
Note: For all the lectures, the lecture notes and the source codes have been uploaded.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Understanding all the basic components of a C++ Code
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Components in a C++ Program
Lecture 3: Writing our first program in C++
Lecture 4: The Execution flow of a C++ Program – Compiler, Assembler, Linker
Lecture 5: Basic I/O
Chapter 2: Analyzing the types of variables
Lecture 1: Datatypes and Variables in C++
Lecture 2: Coding Examples – Datatypes
Lecture 3: Calculating the Range of Integers
Lecture 4: Calculating the Range of Floating Point Numbers
Lecture 5: Calculating the Range of Double Precision Floating Point Numbers
Lecture 6: Why using namespace std ?
Chapter 3: Operators, Modifiers and Comments
Lecture 1: Modifiers – Signed, Unsigned
Lecture 2: Short Integers
Lecture 3: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 4: Different types of Assignment Operators
Lecture 5: Relational operators
Lecture 6: Comments, Increment and Decrement Operators
Lecture 7: Working of Logical operators
Lecture 8: Precedence and Associativity
Chapter 4: Working of Bitwise Operators
Lecture 1: BItwise AND
Lecture 2: Bitwise OR
Lecture 3: Bitwise XOR and Bitwise NOT
Lecture 4: Bitwise Left Shift and Right Shift Operators
Chapter 5: High Level Programming Constructs
Lecture 1: If-else statements
Lecture 2: Introduction to loops
Lecture 3: Working of a for loop
Lecture 4: An example for for loop
Lecture 5: While loops, Difference between While Loop and For Loop
Lecture 6: Importance of do while loops
Lecture 7: Example – Generating Fibonacci Series in C++
Chapter 6: The concept of Arrays and Matrices
Lecture 1: Introduction to Arrays and Array Indexing
Lecture 2: An Example program using arrays
Lecture 3: Algorithm to reverse the contents of an array
Lecture 4: Multidimensional arrays in C++
Lecture 5: Working of Nested For Loops
Lecture 6: Generate a 2D Matrix in C++
Chapter 7: Functions and Structures
Lecture 1: The terminologies of a function
Lecture 2: Example 1 – Function without arguments, without return statement
Lecture 3: Example 2 – Function with arguments, with return statement
Lecture 4: Example 3 – A function is a processor
Lecture 5: Importance of Structures in C++
Lecture 6: Creating structures in C++ – Code
Chapter 8: Recursion
Lecture 1: Understanding Recursion with an example
Lecture 2: Example 2 for Recursion – Tracing the output
Lecture 3: Tricks to write recursive functions !
Chapter 9: String object in C++ and Character Arrays
Lecture 1: Using character arrays to create Strings
Lecture 2: Problem of using cin for strings
Lecture 3: get() function for strings
Lecture 4: String object in C++
Chapter 10: Pointers
Lecture 1: The concept of Pointers and Addresses
Lecture 2: Syntax to create pointers and referencing
Lecture 3: Understanding the crucial aspects of pointers and addresses
Lecture 4: Types of Pointers
Lecture 5: Representation of an array in the memory
Lecture 6: Pointer to an array
Lecture 7: Pointers passed as arguments – call by reference
Chapter 11: Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++
Lecture 1: Importance of Dynamic Memory Allocation
Lecture 2: Importance of calloc and free
Chapter 12: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: OOP – Classes and objects with real world examples
Lecture 2: Identity, Attributes and Behavior of an object
Lecture 3: Implementation of an OOP Based Car example
Lecture 4: Importance of Getters and Setters in C++
Lecture 5: Access Modifiers and Data hiding
Lecture 6: All about Constructors in C++
Chapter 13: Inheritance and Destructors
Lecture 1: Inheritance – Base Class, Derived Class
Lecture 2: Implementation of derived classes in C++
Lecture 3: Inheritance Access Controls & Public Access
Lecture 4: Inheritance Access Controls & Private, Protected Access
Lecture 5: Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance
Lecture 6: Function Overriding in C++
Lecture 7: All about Destructors
Chapter 14: Resources
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture 1
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture 2
Chapter 15: Update – STL
Lecture 1: Cpp STL – 1
Lecture 2: Cpp STL – 2
Chapter 16: Problem Solving in Cpp (New Update)
Lecture 1: Leap Year or Not!
Lecture 2: Code – Leap Year or Not
Lecture 3: Prime number or not
Lecture 4: Optimized – Prime number
Lecture 5: Code – Prime number or not
Lecture 6: Factorial
Lecture 7: Recursive code – Factorial
Lecture 8: Fibonacci Series
Lecture 9: Code – Fibonacci Series upto n terms
Sujithkumar MA
Engineer | Course Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 155 votes
- 5 stars: 229 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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