Complete EMV Cards and Payments Training Course
Complete EMV Cards and Payments Training Course, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.56, with 50 lectures, based on 122 reviews, and has 1461 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the basics of EMV technology, including how it works and why it's important for payment security. Understand the interaction between card and terminals EMV Transaction Flow EMV Migration Impacts Benefits of EMV to issuers, merchants, acquirer Security mechanism of EMV Compare EMV alternatives for authentication and authorization Assess an EMV transaction log and fix common errors Gain an in-depth understanding of the various types of EMV cards, including contact, contactless, and dual-interface cards. Stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in EMV technology and payment security, so you can ensure your business stays ahead of the curve. This course is ideal for individuals who are Bank employees responsible for transaction process or Technical staff, IT professionals, technical managers or Security team members or Sales and marketing team or Fraud monitoring staff or EMV Project Managers, Business Analyst It is particularly useful for Bank employees responsible for transaction process or Technical staff, IT professionals, technical managers or Security team members or Sales and marketing team or Fraud monitoring staff or EMV Project Managers, Business Analyst.
Enroll now: Complete EMV Cards and Payments Training Course
Title: Complete EMV Cards and Payments Training Course
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.56
Number of Lectures: 50
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the basics of EMV technology, including how it works and why it's important for payment security.
- Understand the interaction between card and terminals
- EMV Transaction Flow
- EMV Migration Impacts
- Benefits of EMV to issuers, merchants, acquirer
- Security mechanism of EMV
- Compare EMV alternatives for authentication and authorization
- Assess an EMV transaction log and fix common errors
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the various types of EMV cards, including contact, contactless, and dual-interface cards.
- Stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in EMV technology and payment security, so you can ensure your business stays ahead of the curve.
Who Should Attend
- Bank employees responsible for transaction process
- Technical staff, IT professionals, technical managers
- Security team members
- Sales and marketing team
- Fraud monitoring staff
- EMV Project Managers, Business Analyst
Target Audiences
- Bank employees responsible for transaction process
- Technical staff, IT professionals, technical managers
- Security team members
- Sales and marketing team
- Fraud monitoring staff
- EMV Project Managers, Business Analyst
Complete EMV Cards and Payments Training Course
In today’s rapidly evolving payment industry, staying up-to-date with the latest technology is essential for success. Our course on EMV chip cards provides students with a valuable opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills they need to excel in future jobs.
By enrolling in our course, you’ll learn all about the specifications of EMV Company and the segregation of EMV standards and technologies, giving you a deep understanding of the foundations of the payment industry. You’ll also gain insight into the latest trends, such as the statistics on the adoption of EMV and why magnetic stripe cards are being phased out in favor of chip cards, as well as the benefits of chip cards for security and fraud prevention.
In addition, our course covers the transaction processing involved in EMV transactions, the role of EMVCo and international payment networks, and how authentication and authorization function in EMV transactions. You’ll also learn about the characteristics of chip cards, the chip software, and the process of EMV testing and certification, all of which are essential for a career in the payment industry.
Furthermore, card personalization and the various approaches taken to issuing EMV chip cards are also covered in our course, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the industry.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills that will give you a competitive edge in future jobs. Enroll in our EMV chip card course today and set yourself up for success.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The EMV Company and Specifications
Lecture 3: Segregation of EMV standards and technologies
Lecture 4: Adoption of EMV The Statistics
Lecture 5: Why not magnetic
Lecture 6: Additional benefits of using an EMV chip card
Chapter 2: Transaction processing through magnetic stripe cards and EMV chip cards
Lecture 1: Transaction processing through magnetic stripe cards and EMV chip cards
Chapter 3: Processes for securing a transaction with an EMV card
Lecture 1: Processes for securing a transaction with an EMV card
Chapter 4: Role of EMVCo and International payment networks
Lecture 1: Role of EMVCo and International payment networks
Lecture 2: Functions of payment networks in transaction processing
Chapter 5: Basic segregation of EMV transactions
Lecture 1: Basic segregation of EMV transactions
Lecture 2: Authentication and authorization in EMV transactions
Chapter 6: EMV card structure
Lecture 1: EMV card structure
Lecture 2: Tracks of magnetic
Lecture 3: Fields present in Track 1
Lecture 4: Fields present in Track 2 & Track 3
Lecture 5: Field- Service code
Chapter 7: Characteristics of EMV chip cards
Lecture 1: Characteristics of EMV chip cards
Lecture 2: Types of chip card-based on data transmission
Lecture 3: Types of chip card- Physical characteristics
Lecture 4: Types of chip card-Electrical characteristics
Lecture 5: Contactless communications
Lecture 6: Chip Software
Lecture 7: Payment application structure
Chapter 8: EMV Testing and certification process
Lecture 1: EMV Testing and certification process
Lecture 2: Summary
Chapter 9: Card personalization
Lecture 1: Card personalization
Lecture 2: Issuer models
Lecture 3: Methods for card personalization
Chapter 10: The personalization device, store data command, and data grouping
Lecture 1: The personalization device, store data command, and data grouping
Lecture 2: Personalization data
Chapter 11: Input and output data during card personalization
Lecture 1: Input and output data during card personalization
Lecture 2: Output data segregation
Chapter 12: Understanding the Message Structure with MTI, Bitmaps, and Data Elements
Lecture 1: Understanding the Message Structure with MTI, Bitmaps, and Data Elements
Chapter 13: EMV application template and application data profile
Lecture 1: EMV application template and application data profile
Lecture 2: EMV cardholder data
Chapter 14: NFC and Secure Element in mobile payments
Lecture 1: NFC and Secure Element in mobile payments
Lecture 2: Personalization of NFC cards
Chapter 15: EMV Transaction Processing -The Flowchart
Lecture 1: EMV Transaction Processing -The Flowchart
Lecture 2: Cardholder Verification in EMV Transactions
Lecture 3: CVM code
Lecture 4: CVM condition code
Lecture 5: PIN Verification and Retry Counter in EMV Transactions
Lecture 6: Pre-requisites for CVM
Lecture 7: Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method (CDCVM)
Chapter 16: Payment devices
Lecture 1: Payment devices
Lecture 2: Categorization of Payment Devices According to the EMV Specification
Lecture 3: Understanding terminal capabilities
Lecture 4: EMV Transaction Processing Levels
Chapter 17: Summary
Lecture 1: Summary
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 28 votes
- 5 stars: 70 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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