Create a Neural Network in Java
Create a Neural Network in Java, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 196 lectures, based on 93 reviews, and has 773 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a neural network from scratch in Java Understand how to use neural networks for handwritten digit recognition Implement the backpropagation algorithm Use neural networks for categorisation This course is ideal for individuals who are Java programmers who want to get started with artificial intelligence It is particularly useful for Java programmers who want to get started with artificial intelligence.
Enroll now: Create a Neural Network in Java
Title: Create a Neural Network in Java
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 196
Number of Published Lectures: 196
Number of Curriculum Items: 196
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 196
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a neural network from scratch in Java
- Understand how to use neural networks for handwritten digit recognition
- Implement the backpropagation algorithm
- Use neural networks for categorisation
Who Should Attend
- Java programmers who want to get started with artificial intelligence
Target Audiences
- Java programmers who want to get started with artificial intelligence
Learn how to create and use neural networks in your Java programs. This course teaches you not only how to implement machine learning AI with your own artificial neural networks (ANNs), but also the principles of how artificial neural networks work — to the point that you can implement your own.
You’ll need only a knowledge of Java programming and basic algebra; in this course you’ll learn the relevant linear algebra, information theory and calculus, and together we’ll build a fast and efficient neural network from scratch, able to recognise handwritten digits and easily adapted to other tasks.
Among other things, we’ll cover:
What artificial neural networks are and how to write them yourself
How matrixes and linear algebra can be used to create efficient neural networks
The basic principles of the calculus needed to train your networks
Writing and organising fast, efficient, multithreaded neural network code
The fundamental information theory concepts that can enable us to evaluate our neural network performance
Training your network on the freely-available MNIST hand-written digit database
After taking the course, artificial neural networks won’t be a mystery to you any more. You’ll be able to write your own neural networks and integrate them seamlessly into your Java programs, and understand in detail how they work.
Whether you’re completely new to neural networks and the relevant mathematics, or you’re using neural network libraries and you know some mathematics but you just don’t know how it all actually works and fits together, this course aims to clear up all the mystery.
Artificial intelligence is an increasingly important technology in the modern world, and this course will teach you the fundamentals of perhaps the most important building block of it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and Perceptron
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why Write a Neural Network?
Lecture 3: Getting the Most Out of This Course
Lecture 4: Java vs Python
Lecture 5: Neurons
Lecture 6: Perceptron
Lecture 7: A Project With JUnit Support
Lecture 8: Coding Perceptron
Lecture 9: Where to Find the Source Code
Lecture 10: Eclipse Formatters
Lecture 11: Logic Gates
Lecture 12: Perceptron AND
Lecture 13: OR, NOR, NAND
Lecture 14: XOR and XNOR
Lecture 15: Linear Separability
Lecture 16: Some Layer Terminology
Lecture 17: Labelling Weights
Lecture 18: Matrices
Lecture 19: Some Mathematical Terminology
Chapter 2: Matrix Mathematics
Lecture 1: A Matrix Class
Lecture 2: Initialising the Matrix
Lecture 3: Matrix toString Method
Lecture 4: Testing the toString Method
Lecture 5: Modifying Matrices
Lecture 6: Multiplying Matrices By a Value
Lecture 7: Comparing Matrices
Lecture 8: Using the Equals Method
Lecture 9: Adding Matrices
Lecture 10: Motivation for Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 11: Multiplying the Tables
Lecture 12: Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 13: Matrix Multiplication Rule
Lecture 14: Matrix Multiplication Summary
Lecture 15: Matrix Multiplication Examples
Lecture 16: Assertions
Lecture 17: 2D to 1D
Lecture 18: Iterating Over Multiplicand Rows
Lecture 19: Completing the Multiplication Implementation
Lecture 20: Timing Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 21: Optimising Matrix Multiplication
Chapter 3: Activation Functions
Lecture 1: Neural Net Test Class
Lecture 2: Modifying Matrices
Lecture 3: Adding Bias
Lecture 4: Multiple Columns of Input
Lecture 5: ReLu
Lecture 6: A ReLu Test
Lecture 7: Matrix forEach
Lecture 8: Implementing ReLu
Lecture 9: Introducing Softmax
Lecture 10: Softmax Worked Example
Lecture 11: Summing Columns
Lecture 12: Implementing Softmax
Lecture 13: Testing Softmax
Lecture 14: The Engine
Lecture 15: Deciding Weight Matrix Sizes
Lecture 16: An Untrained Network
Lecture 17: Configuring Dense Layers
Lecture 18: Adding Multiple Layers
Lecture 19: Running the Engine
Chapter 4: Information Theory and Cross Entropy
Lecture 1: Mean Squares Loss
Lecture 2: What is Information?
Lecture 3: Symbol Spaces
Lecture 4: Entropy
Lecture 5: An Optimal Encoding Strategy
Lecture 6: Unequally Probable Symbols
Lecture 7: Calculating the Information Assoicated With a Symbol
Lecture 8: Entropy for Unequally Probable Symbols
Lecture 9: Introducing Cross Entropy
Lecture 10: Cross Entropy Example
Lecture 11: Cross Entropy as a Loss Function
Lecture 12: Implementing Cross Entropy
Lecture 13: A Cross Entropy Test
Lecture 14: Implementing the Cross Entropy Test
Chapter 5: Calculus and Backpropagation
Lecture 1: Training the Network
Lecture 2: Gradient Descent
Lecture 3: Gradients and Neural Networks
Lecture 4: A Calculus Class
Lecture 5: Implementing Differentiation
Lecture 6: Basic Mathematical Notation
Lecture 7: Partial Derivatives
Lecture 8: Overview of a 3 Layer Network
Lecture 9: The Network as a Transform
Lecture 10: Approximator
Lecture 11: Mock Expected Data
Lecture 12: Implementing the Transform
Lecture 13: Examining Loss
Lecture 14: An AddIncrement Method
Lecture 15: Completing the Approximator
Lecture 16: Recap and Natural Logarithms
Lecture 17: Finishing the Approximator Test
Lecture 18: Backpropagation
Lecture 19: Obtaining Softmax Cross Entropy Gradient
Lecture 20: Backpropagating Errors Through Weighted Sums
Lecture 21: Introducing the Chain Rule
Lecture 22: Programming the Chain Rule
John Purcell
Software Development Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 69 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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