Datapump EXPDP/IMPDP Realtime Course For Oracle DBA'S
Datapump EXPDP/IMPDP Realtime Course For Oracle DBA'S, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 65 lectures, based on 20 reviews, and has 158 subscribers.
You will learn about Learners can be able to get hands on experience on datapump utility Learners get confidence to use datapump utility in real time scenarios Learners can apply the techniques in their workplace Learners can get an advanced understanding of datapump This course is ideal for individuals who are Oracle DBA or Oracle developers or Oracle apps DBA It is particularly useful for Oracle DBA or Oracle developers or Oracle apps DBA.
Enroll now: Datapump EXPDP/IMPDP Realtime Course For Oracle DBA'S
Title: Datapump EXPDP/IMPDP Realtime Course For Oracle DBA'S
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Published Lectures: 65
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learners can be able to get hands on experience on datapump utility
- Learners get confidence to use datapump utility in real time scenarios
- Learners can apply the techniques in their workplace
- Learners can get an advanced understanding of datapump
Who Should Attend
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle developers
- Oracle apps DBA
Target Audiences
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle developers
- Oracle apps DBA
Practice makes perfect ! Master datapump utility by performing different hands on lab scenarios with this course
Oracle datapump tool boosts the migration of data and metadata from source database to destination database. It is also the most widely used utility in oracle database for data copy,refresh, etc and also used in cloud migrations. So learning this tool help you in your career.
This course is for oracle learners who want to learn datapump utility in oracle for performing different methods of data copy and refresh data
In this course, learners will perform hands on tasks as if like a real time scenario with different situation based tasks
All the parameters will be used in the practical box for different oracle versions
Oracle machine is built in virtual box for simulation of the tasks
Learners can be able to confidently face a request from application team after completing the course
Datapump is the core of this course. So only datapump utility will be explained
Hope the learner who applies for this course has a prior understanding of what oracle database is.
There are different oracle versions for datapump like 11g,12c and 19c. All these versions will be used and their efficiency will be compared.
You will learn how to export a database,schema,table,index,constraint,view and query etc.. and import them to a database using different methods
You will learn how to speed up the export and import with different parameters and different approaches.
Oracle Database Administration fundamentals
Linux operating system basics
PC with atleast 16 GB, 60 GB HDD, Windows 7,8,or 10 64-bit
CPU core(minimum) – 2
Student category:
Oracle DBA
For any questions, reach out to me at oracle community
Profile name- Kishan-Oracle
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Install and Configure Oracle linux Setup
Lecture 1: Install OEL 7.8 in virtualbox
Lecture 2: Virtual box configuration for OEL 7.8
Lecture 3: Configure network adapters
Lecture 4: Enable IP address in OEL server
Lecture 5: Configure putty
Lecture 6: Download Oracle 12c preinstall using yum
Chapter 3: Install Oracle database software
Lecture 1: Copy file from windows to linux vm
Lecture 2: Oracle database software installation
Chapter 4: Install Oracle database
Lecture 1: Install Oracle database 12cR1
Chapter 5: Scratching the basics
Lecture 1: Basic prechecks to perform
Lecture 2: Roles for datapump
Lecture 3: Mandatory parameters for datapump
Chapter 6: Clone vm for source database
Lecture 1: Clone vm for dpprod
Lecture 2: Configure ip address for dpprod
Lecture 3: Configure listener and tnsnames file for dpprod
Chapter 7: Rename database using NID utility
Lecture 1: Database rename from dptest to dpprod using NID
Lecture 2: Changing the init files to dpprod
Chapter 8: Monitor datapump job
Lecture 1: Create a sample table for monitoring
Lecture 2: Monitor datapump by different ways
Chapter 9: Diagnose datapump jobs
Lecture 1: Enable trace for master and worker process of datapump job
Chapter 10: Create a parameter file
Lecture 1: Creating parfile
Chapter 11: Halt,resume,terminate and influence parallel of datapump
Lecture 1: Working on datapump export/import command prompt
Chapter 12: Export data across multiple dumpfiles
Lecture 1: Export data across multiple dumpfiles
Chapter 13: Estimate the size of the dumpfile before export
Lecture 1: Estimate the object size with expdp
Chapter 14: Spread dumpfile across multiple disks
Lecture 1: Spread dumpfile across multiple disks
Chapter 15: Different scenarios of using datapump
Lecture 1: Different scenarios part 1 (export the data)
Lecture 2: Scenario 3 : Import table to same schema in different database server
Lecture 3: Scenario 4 (import table to different schema)
Lecture 4: Scenario 3,4 (import table to same-different schema with new name)
Lecture 5: INCLUDE and EXCLUDE parameter options
Lecture 6: Scenario 8(Export multiple tables except few)
Chapter 16: Export views in table structure
Lecture 1: Export views in the form of tables
Chapter 17: Issues encountered and how to troubleshooting them while using datapump
Lecture 1: ORA-00054 Locking issues during import
Chapter 18: Monitor progress for each object type
Lecture 1: Monitor datapump statistics after each object type completion
Lecture 2: Print timestamp for each step in datapump
Chapter 19: Load data over network
Lecture 1: Data transfer through network
Lecture 2: Monitor network traffic
Chapter 20: Analyze master table
Lecture 1: Import master table
Lecture 2: Find out datapump command history of job
Lecture 3: Peek the contents in master table for impdp job
Lecture 4: Check Parallel servers used from Master table
Chapter 21: Compress data using expdp
Lecture 1: Compression levels and their tradeoffs
Chapter 22: Configure NFS mount
Lecture 1: Configure and Enable NFS mount
Chapter 23: Distribute Workers across RAC nodes
Lecture 1: Distribute worker across all RAC instances in cluster
Lecture 2: Directory should be shared in RAC for CLUSTER
Lecture 3: Distribute the workers across specific RAC instances
Chapter 24: Scenario 13: Take consistent export backup
Lecture 1: Take a consistent table backup using expdp
Chapter 25: Exclude logfile
Lecture 1: Dont create logfile
Chapter 26: Different Access Methods
Lecture 1: Access methods to be used
Chapter 27: Schema definition clone
Lecture 1: User definition backup
Lecture 2: Import cloned user definitions
Chapter 28: Deposit of object definitions into SQL file
Lecture 1: Extract data from dumpfile and import to SQL file in SQL format
Lecture 2: Filter metadata while saving to SQL file
Lecture 3: Maintain a repository of mini production database
Lecture 4: Database sampling with reduced storage
Chapter 29: Data sampling
Lecture 1: Export a sample of data using EXPDP
Chapter 30: Data filtering methods
Lecture 1: Scenario 10: Query filter using EXPDP
Chapter 31: Data obfuscation
Lecture 1: Obfuscation of sensitive data
Chapter 32: Disable Archivelog generation while import
Lecture 1: Disable archivelogs during impdp
Chapter 33: Performance optimization of datapump
Lecture 1: Optimize EXPDP
Lecture 2: Optimize IMPDP
Lecture 3: Import indexes and constraints from sqlfile
Chapter 34: 19c and 21c New features
Lecture 1: Limit the parallel worker at database level
Lecture 2: Limit the parallel at pdb level
eX hydra
Generic Technology Enthusiast
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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