FPGA Embedded Design, Part 4 – Microprocessor Design
FPGA Embedded Design, Part 4 – Microprocessor Design, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4, with 129 lectures, based on 108 reviews, and has 1267 subscribers.
You will learn about How a CPU works. How to design a CPU core of your own. How to design an Instruction Set Architecture How to design a CPU core in Verilog. How to synthesize a CPU core for Altera and Xilinx FPGAs. This course is ideal for individuals who are Embedded designers who want to dive deeper into Soft-Processor design. or Intermediate FPGA enthusiasts who are curious about CPU design. or Anyone are taking the FPGA Embedded Design series by Closure Labs. It is particularly useful for Embedded designers who want to dive deeper into Soft-Processor design. or Intermediate FPGA enthusiasts who are curious about CPU design. or Anyone are taking the FPGA Embedded Design series by Closure Labs.
Enroll now: FPGA Embedded Design, Part 4 – Microprocessor Design
Title: FPGA Embedded Design, Part 4 – Microprocessor Design
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 129
Number of Published Lectures: 129
Number of Curriculum Items: 129
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 129
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How a CPU works.
- How to design a CPU core of your own.
- How to design an Instruction Set Architecture
- How to design a CPU core in Verilog.
- How to synthesize a CPU core for Altera and Xilinx FPGAs.
Who Should Attend
- Embedded designers who want to dive deeper into Soft-Processor design.
- Intermediate FPGA enthusiasts who are curious about CPU design.
- Anyone are taking the FPGA Embedded Design series by Closure Labs.
Target Audiences
- Embedded designers who want to dive deeper into Soft-Processor design.
- Intermediate FPGA enthusiasts who are curious about CPU design.
- Anyone are taking the FPGA Embedded Design series by Closure Labs.
It’s time to take on a Challenge! How does designing a CPU sound?
In this fourth part of the FPGA Embedded Design series, we’ll design a CPU from scratch to finally get it up and running on several platforms.
We’ll write most of the code in the Vivado Design Suite, but you’ll have the chance to see it working as well in Quartus Prime, EDA Playground or LabsLand, so you can follow along with your favorite tools. The FPGA boards we’ll use are the BASYS3, by Digilent (with a Xilinx FPGA), and the DE0-CV from Terasic (with an Intel FPGA).
This course consists of three main parts:
Foundations of Computer Architecture, where we’ll cover the essentials of CPU design and jargon.
Design of our own CPU, where we’ll make several design decisions to come up with a soft processor that meets our needs.
Hands-On Development, where we’ll write the code, simulate and finally get our CPU into an FPGA board. No purchases are required for this part, but it sure helps to have your own board to follow along, and keep on tinkering in the future with your new soft processor.
What are you waiting for? Let’s have fun designing a CPU!!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Instructor Introduction
Lecture 3: Motivation 1
Lecture 4: Motivation 2
Lecture 5: Motivation 3
Chapter 2: A Crash Course on Computer Architecture
Lecture 1: Parts of a Microprocessor-Based System
Lecture 2: Why we need a Bus Architecture
Lecture 3: The Bus Architecture
Lecture 4: The Data Bus
Lecture 5: The Address Bus
Lecture 6: The Control Bus
Lecture 7: How is it possible to drive a bus?
Lecture 8: The Memory Subsystem
Lecture 9: The Input/Output Subsystem
Chapter 3: Inside the CPU
Lecture 1: Parts of a CPU
Lecture 2: Arithmetic Logic Unit
Lecture 3: Registers
Lecture 4: Special Registers
Lecture 5: The Data Path
Lecture 6: Control Logic
Lecture 7: Instruction Encoding
Lecture 8: Instruction Execution
Chapter 4: Some Design Approaches
Lecture 1: CPU Design Criteria
Lecture 2: Structural vs. Behavioral Approaches
Lecture 3: Instruction Set Architecture
Lecture 4: Addressing Modes
Lecture 5: Some Addressing Mode Examples
Lecture 6: Number of Operands per Instruction
Lecture 7: CISC vs RISC Architectures
Lecture 8: Harvard vs. Von Neumann
Chapter 5: Let's Design a CPU!
Lecture 1: A Quick and Dirty Approach
Lecture 2: Program 1: Add Two Numbers
Lecture 3: Program 2: Fibonacci Sequence
Lecture 4: Program 3: Calculate a Factorial
Lecture 5: The Instructions we Need
Lecture 6: Your Personal Preferences
Lecture 7: Really, make your own choices!
Lecture 8: How many operands per instruction?
Lecture 9: CISC or RISC?
Lecture 10: Harvard or Von Neumann?
Lecture 11: System Design
Lecture 12: CPU Registers
Lecture 13: Memory Model
Lecture 14: Input/Output Model
Chapter 6: Instruction Set Design
Lecture 1: Instruction Set Design
Lecture 2: Instruction Encoding Spreadsheet
Lecture 3: Instruction Set Encoding
Lecture 4: Assembly Code for Program Example #1 (Adding Two Numbers)
Lecture 5: Assembly Code for Program Example #2 (Fibonacci Number)
Lecture 6: Assembly Code for Program Example #3 (Factorial)
Lecture 7: A Review of Addressing Modes
Lecture 8: A Review of Used Instructions
Lecture 9: Room for Growth
Chapter 7: Writing Our Own CPU RTL Code
Lecture 1: Writing your CPU RTL Code
Lecture 2: A bit of RTL and lots of Behavioral Code
Lecture 3: Registers
Lecture 4: State Machine Design
Lecture 5: Vivado Code
Lecture 6: The states of Jimmy
Lecture 7: The Opcodes
Lecture 8: Extracting the Opcode from the Instruction
Lecture 9: The Fetch Cycle
Chapter 8: Instruction Set Implementation
Lecture 1: Instruction Set Implementation
Lecture 2: Implementing the Instructions
Lecture 3: Addition
Lecture 4: Multiplication
Lecture 5: Update on MUL
Lecture 6: Register Transfer
Lecture 7: No Operation
Lecture 8: Load Immediate
Lecture 9: Compare Immediate
Lecture 10: Decrement
Lecture 11: Port Input
Lecture 12: Port Output
Lecture 13: Unconditional Branching
Lecture 14: Branch if Higher
Lecture 15: Branch on Equal
Chapter 9: System Design
Lecture 1: System Design
Lecture 2: Finishing up the System
Lecture 3: Coding in our own Machine Language
Lecture 4: Writing the Program Memory RTL
Lecture 5: Writing the Example Program #1 in our Memory
Lecture 6: Writing the Example Program #2 in our Memory
Lecture 7: Writing the Example Program #3 in our Memory
Chapter 10: Synthesis and Simulation
Lecture 1: A word on Synthesis
Lecture 2: Simulated Hardware for Program #1
Lecture 3: Simulated Hardware for Programs #2 and #3
Lecture 4: Vivado Simulation for Program #1
Lecture 5: Vivado Simulation for Program #2
Lecture 6: Vivado Simulation for Program #3
Eduardo Corpeño
Electrical & Computer Engineer -
Marissa Siliezar
Telecom Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 58 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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