Fundamentals of Building a Remote Access Tool (RAT1) in C#
Fundamentals of Building a Remote Access Tool (RAT1) in C#, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 34 lectures, based on 148 reviews, and has 1649 subscribers.
You will learn about Networking Essentials Socket Programming Running Multiple Commands Handling Client-Server Disconnections Multitasking Using Threads to run commands concurrently Two-way full-duplex Client-Server communication Remote command execution methods Creating a GUI based client control center Creating a Portbinding shell Reverse connection shell Firewall penetration Creating invisible and hidden trojans Executing commands in a Reverse Connection System Command and Control Methods Passing data between threads and more . . . This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wishing to learn C# programming in a fun way or Malware analysts, reverse engineers and developers or Ethical hackers, pen testers and red teamers or Students who like to get started on the career path to become malware analysts or penetration testers It is particularly useful for Anyone wishing to learn C# programming in a fun way or Malware analysts, reverse engineers and developers or Ethical hackers, pen testers and red teamers or Students who like to get started on the career path to become malware analysts or penetration testers.
Enroll now: Fundamentals of Building a Remote Access Tool (RAT1) in C#
Title: Fundamentals of Building a Remote Access Tool (RAT1) in C#
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 34
Number of Published Lectures: 34
Number of Curriculum Items: 34
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Networking Essentials
- Socket Programming
- Running Multiple Commands
- Handling Client-Server Disconnections
- Multitasking
- Using Threads to run commands concurrently
- Two-way full-duplex Client-Server communication
- Remote command execution methods
- Creating a GUI based client control center
- Creating a Portbinding shell
- Reverse connection shell
- Firewall penetration
- Creating invisible and hidden trojans
- Executing commands in a Reverse Connection System
- Command and Control Methods
- Passing data between threads
- and more . . .
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wishing to learn C# programming in a fun way
- Malware analysts, reverse engineers and developers
- Ethical hackers, pen testers and red teamers
- Students who like to get started on the career path to become malware analysts or penetration testers
Target Audiences
- Anyone wishing to learn C# programming in a fun way
- Malware analysts, reverse engineers and developers
- Ethical hackers, pen testers and red teamers
- Students who like to get started on the career path to become malware analysts or penetration testers
If you want to build a RAT from scratch and understand every bit of code, instead of modifying some complex RAT that you find on the Internet without knowing how things work, then this is the course for you.
Remote Access Tools also known as RATs are used to remotely control another PC over the Internet or the Local Area Network. This course shows you in an easy and simple step-by-step approach to start writing such a tool from scratch. RATs are used in network management, remote surveillance, system administration, classroom teaching systems, and so on. It is also commonly misused as a malware known as Remote Access Trojans. This course is about C# programming and networking but learning it in a fun exciting way by building a Remote Access Tool.
Even though there are existing open source RATs on the Internet. They are quite complex and the authors do not explain from beginning how they work. This course is created to fill that gap. It assumes you have zero knowledge of networking and coding and is suitable for absolute beginners. The emphasis of this course is to teach the fundamentals of networking, client-server communication, multi-tasking, control and management of server processes, command creation and handling and so on. This will enable you to better understand more complex client-server or RAT projects out there. We focus on the basic building-blocks of any RAT and client-server technology.
You will learn first-hand from a Malware Developers’ perspective what it is like to write a remote access tool from scratch.
This course is based on the classic RATs development book entitled How to Write Your Own Remote Access Tools in C#, which is authored by me in 2007 and published in Amazon in 2011. All source code are taken from that book and updated to make them current in 2021.
Build programs that simulate Windows Remote Access Trojans from scratch.
Learn C# and networking.
The best way to understand how Remote Access Trojans work is to write one.
Everything is highly practical. No boring theory or lectures. More like walk-throughs which you can replicate and follow along.
By the end of this course, you will have the basic knowledge to further your studies in RAT development by looking at existing open source RATs on the Internet. This knowledge and skills are suitable for those aspiring to be Red Teamers. Even if you have no intention of creating malware, the insider knowledge and skills you gain from this course will make you a better security professional.
Also, having practical knowledge of RAT development will give you a better understanding of how to reverse engineer malware. By the end of this course, you would have gained a solid foundation for understanding how RATs work from the inside out.
Free Tools:
We will use free tools provided by Microsoft Visual Studio 2019/2022 Community Edition.
I will also teach you how to enable the Telnet windows feature in Windows 10
Suitable for:
Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis Students
Programmers who want to know how Malware is created
Students planning on entering Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering, or Penetration Testers as a Career Path
Penetration Testers and Ethical Hackers
Windows PC
Basic programming knowledge is helpful but not mandatory
Basic networking concepts is helpful but not mandatory
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installing the tools
Lecture 1: Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Lecture 2: Enabling telnet in windows 10
Chapter 3: Creating an invisible and hidden program
Lecture 1: Creating an invisible program
Lecture 2: Hiding your program from the task bar
Chapter 4: Introduction to RAT (Remote Access Tool) Networking
Lecture 1: Introduction to networking essentials
Lecture 2: Simple RAT – part 1
Lecture 3: Simple RAT – part 2
Chapter 5: Multi-command RATs
Lecture 1: Introduction to multi-command RATs
Lecture 2: Practical on multi-command RAT – part 1
Lecture 3: Practical on multi-command RAT – part 2
Chapter 6: Multi-tasking threads in RAT development
Lecture 1: Introduction to multi-tasking threads
Lecture 2: Practical on multi-tasking threads for RAT development – part 1
Lecture 3: Practical on multi-tasking threads for RAT development – part 2
Chapter 7: Create a two-way communications RAT
Lecture 1: Introduction to two-way communications
Lecture 2: Creating a two-way communications RAT: part 1
Lecture 3: Creating a two-way communications RAT: part 2
Chapter 8: Build an unlimited commands RAT
Lecture 1: Introduction to unlimited commands RAT
Lecture 2: Practical on unlimited commands RAT – part 1
Lecture 3: Practical on unlimited commands RAT – part 2
Chapter 9: Portbinding Shells RAT
Lecture 1: Introduction to portbinding shells
Lecture 2: Practical on portbinding shell RAT – part 1
Lecture 3: Practical on portbinding shell RAT – part 2
Chapter 10: Reverse Connection RATs
Lecture 1: Introduction to reverse connection shells
Lecture 2: Reverse connection RAT: Server part
Lecture 3: Reverse connection RAT: client part 1 (Concepts)
Lecture 4: Reverse connection RAT: client part 2 (UI Design)
Lecture 5: Reverse connection RAT: client part 3 (Coding)
Lecture 6: Test running the reverse connection RAT system
Chapter 11: Lab Project: A Reverse Connection RAT with GUI Client and Command Buttons
Lecture 1: Introduction to Lab Project
Lecture 2: Lab Project: The Server Part
Lecture 3: Lab Project: The Client Part
Lecture 4: Test Running The Lab Project
Chapter 12: Resources For Further Study
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Paul Chin
College lecturer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 41 votes
- 5 stars: 91 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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