Fundamentals of Unix and Linux System Administration
Fundamentals of Unix and Linux System Administration, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 109 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 1099 reviews, and has 8307 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to perform advance Linux/Unix operations and manage infrastrcuture Develop Professional Linux Administration Skills Be a Linux power user Master Shell Scripting Get a complete understanding of Linux computing environment This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to become System Administrators will find this course a guide for life It is particularly useful for Students who want to become System Administrators will find this course a guide for life.
Enroll now: Fundamentals of Unix and Linux System Administration
Title: Fundamentals of Unix and Linux System Administration
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 109
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 113
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 113
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to perform advance Linux/Unix operations and manage infrastrcuture
- Develop Professional Linux Administration Skills
- Be a Linux power user
- Master Shell Scripting
- Get a complete understanding of Linux computing environment
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to become System Administrators will find this course a guide for life
Target Audiences
- Students who want to become System Administrators will find this course a guide for life
Have you dreamt of having a single resource which takes you from being a simple linux user to a wizard with an ability to operate, control and manage the complete backend infrastructure while handling system processes, users and software? Well, the wait is over. We have worked hard in researching and creating a comprehensive course which will cover all aspects on Linux/Unix System administration. We have included tips & tricks of professional administrators and potential pitfalls to help you all the way to build a solid foundation and conceptual understanding of Linux.
Our course starts with an introduction to the Linux system administration, as well as familiarizing you with the Bash Shell and even Unix and Linux shell scrips. It follows up with topics such as package management, Linux shell scripting guide, Unix and Linux commands, user management, and so on. The focus of this course is to cover everything that is required to become a great systems programmer. The course has been created with inputs from various professionals working in the banking, healthcare, and financial industries. So we have included topics which are important not only from a theoretical perspective but also have a tremendous practical utility.
The Linux tutorial will also cover things such as: where to start with Linux, its basic components such as unix scripting, package management, kernel, unix and linux shells, how to boot the system, control access, working with controlling processes, the file system, log files, adding new users, storage, etc. We will also cover security and how to secure your system, along with managing the network and debugging it.
This course includes everything that you need to know about getting started with Linux administration, learning Linux programming, and managing large backend infrastructure. Enroll now and let Linux show you the way.
What are the requirements?
Basic knowledge of Linux is essential to take this course
What am I going to get from this course?
Learn to perform advance Linux/Unix operations and manage infrastrcuture
Develop Professional Linux Administration Skills
Be a Linux power user
Master Shell Scripting guide, along with learning the BASH Script
Get a complete understanding of Linux computing environment
What is the target audience?
Students who want to become System Administrators will find this course a guide for life
What you get with this course?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Where to Start
Lecture 1: Linux Unix Administration Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Getting help on Linux
Lecture 3: Advance man command
Chapter 3: Package Management
Lecture 1: Introduction to package management
Lecture 2: Installing from RPM
Lecture 3: Making a local apt-get repo
Lecture 4: Making local yum repo
Lecture 5: Tips and tricks
Chapter 4: Shell Scripting Guide
Lecture 1: Introduction to shell scripting
Lecture 2: Using variables
Lecture 3: The sort command
Lecture 4: Basics of BASH Script
Lecture 5: Shell Functions
Lecture 6: Looping
Lecture 7: Perl
Lecture 8: Perl Arrays
Lecture 9: Perl Script Arguments
Lecture 10: Python Scripting – Part A
Lecture 11: Python Scripting – Part B
Chapter 5: Booting and Shutting Down
Lecture 1: Starting up and Shutting Down Machines
Lecture 2: Startup Daemons
Lecture 3: Booting a second OS
Lecture 4: System Run levels
Lecture 5: Lab Exercise: Creating a custom Daemon
Chapter 6: User Access Control
Lecture 1: User Access Control Fundamentals
Lecture 2: The Power of Root
Lecture 3: Delegating Root Powers with Sudo
Lecture 4: Delegating Root Powers with Sudo – Part B
Lecture 5: System Accounts
Chapter 7: Controlling Processes
Lecture 1: Process Control Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Ownership
Lecture 3: Process Spawning and Termination
Lecture 4: Terminating a process
Lecture 5: Using the /proc filesystem
Chapter 8: The File System
Lecture 1: The File System Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Important Directories
Lecture 3: Device File Numbers
Lecture 4: File Deletion with RM
Lecture 5: What do permissions offer?
Lecture 6: Changing File ownership
Chapter 9: Adding New Users
Lecture 1: User Management Part A
Lecture 2: User Management Part B
Lecture 3: UID – User Identification
Lecture 4: The login shell
Lecture 5: The useradd command
Chapter 10: Storage
Lecture 1: Storage
Lecture 2: The basics – adding a disk Part A
Lecture 3: The basics – adding a disk Part B
Lecture 4: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)
Lecture 5: LAB: create a RAID5 array on Red Hat Linux
Lecture 6: Logical Volume Management (LVM)
Lecture 7: Logical volume resizing Part A
Lecture 8: Logical volume resizing Part B
Lecture 9: SCSI ovet IP (iSCSI)
Chapter 11: Periodic Processes
Lecture 1: Cron and at jobs
Lecture 2: The command field
Lecture 3: The crontab command
Lecture 4: The at command
Chapter 12: Backups
Lecture 1: Backups part A
Lecture 2: Backups part B
Lecture 3: LAB: Calculate the frequency by which file change
Lecture 4: Using tar
Lecture 5: Using dump Part A
Lecture 6: Using dump Part B
Chapter 13: Syslog and Log files
Lecture 1: Log management
Lecture 2: Severity levels
Lecture 3: Lab: using logAnalyzer for central log management
Lecture 4: Log rotation
Chapter 14: TCP/IP Networking
Lecture 1: TCP/IP overview
Lecture 2: the Link layer
Lecture 3: Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR)
Lecture 4: Routing
Chapter 15: Netfilter and IP tables
Lecture 1: Netfilter
Lecture 2: The LOG action
Lecture 3: IP tables configuration
Lecture 4: Lab: configure a Linux box to act as a NAT device
Chapter 16: DNS: The Domain name system
Lecture 1: DNS
Lecture 2: Caching Part A
Lecture 3: Caching Part B
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 38 votes
- 2 stars: 50 votes
- 3 stars: 182 votes
- 4 stars: 378 votes
- 5 stars: 451 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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