Helm Kubernetes Packaging Manager for Developers and DevOps
Helm Kubernetes Packaging Manager for Developers and DevOps, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 109 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 2934 reviews, and has 25396 subscribers.
You will learn about What and Why to use Helm as your Kubernetes packaging manager Use Helm commands to add repositories and use charts Do releases to Kube cluster using helm install Upgrade releases using helm upgrade Learn about release records Understand the helm release workflow Use advanced helm commands Learn how to check release history and do rollbacks Do atomic installations and forceful upgrades Create your own charts Master the folder structure and files that make a chart Package charts Dive deep in to the helm templating syntax Use functions, conditional statements, loops and more Add chart dependencies Run chart tests Host and use chart repositories Secure you charts using signatures and hashes Work on a Usecase and deploy a Micro Service to Kubernetes using helm with in minutes All in easy steps This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who have completed my Devops and AWS for java micro-service developers course or Experienced Kubernetes Users who want to master Helm or Developers and Devops Engineers with Kubernetes experience It is particularly useful for Students who have completed my Devops and AWS for java micro-service developers course or Experienced Kubernetes Users who want to master Helm or Developers and Devops Engineers with Kubernetes experience.
Enroll now: Helm Kubernetes Packaging Manager for Developers and DevOps
Title: Helm Kubernetes Packaging Manager for Developers and DevOps
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 109
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What and Why to use Helm as your Kubernetes packaging manager
- Use Helm commands to add repositories and use charts
- Do releases to Kube cluster using helm install
- Upgrade releases using helm upgrade
- Learn about release records
- Understand the helm release workflow
- Use advanced helm commands
- Learn how to check release history and do rollbacks
- Do atomic installations and forceful upgrades
- Create your own charts
- Master the folder structure and files that make a chart
- Package charts
- Dive deep in to the helm templating syntax
- Use functions, conditional statements, loops and more
- Add chart dependencies
- Run chart tests
- Host and use chart repositories
- Secure you charts using signatures and hashes
- Work on a Usecase and deploy a Micro Service to Kubernetes using helm with in minutes
- All in easy steps
Who Should Attend
- Students who have completed my Devops and AWS for java micro-service developers course
- Experienced Kubernetes Users who want to master Helm
- Developers and Devops Engineers with Kubernetes experience
Target Audiences
- Students who have completed my Devops and AWS for java micro-service developers course
- Experienced Kubernetes Users who want to master Helm
- Developers and Devops Engineers with Kubernetes experience
Are you a developer using Kubernetes to deploy your applications use helm then this course is for you.Are you a Devops engineer who want to understand the fundamentals of Helm and use it to manage your Kubernetes installations and upgrades then this course is for you as well.
This course is for beginners who wants to master Helm and use it one their projects and also for the experienced who want to get the fundamentals of Helm right. Adding Helm to your resume will not only increase the number of opportunities you will get but also the salary. Thousands of companies including Oracle, SalesForce, LinkedIn, Dell use Helm to do releases and upgrades to Kubernetes . From this course you will
Learn What and Why to use Helm as your Kubernetes packaging manager
Use Helm commands to add repositories and use charts
Do releases to Kuberenetes cluster using helm install
Upgrade releases using helm upgrade
Learn about release records
Understand the helm release workflow
Use advanced helm commands
Learn how to check release history and do rollbacks
Do atomic installations and forceful upgrades
Create your own charts
Master the folder structure and files that make a chart
Package charts
Dive deep in to the helm templating syntax
Use functions, conditional statements, loops and more
Add chart dependencies
Run chart tests
Host and use chart repositories
Secure you charts using signatures and hashes
Work on a Usecase and deploy a Micro Service to Kubernetes using helm with in minutes
All in easy steps
What are the requirements?
Good Knowledge and Experience working with Kubernetes
Setup Minikube or access to a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubectl
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to make the best of this course
Lecture 3: Helm Docs
Lecture 4: Download Slides
Chapter 2: Helm Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Before Helm
Lecture 2: What is Helm
Lecture 3: After Helm
Lecture 4: Charts and Repos
Chapter 3: Helm in action
Lecture 1: Install Helm
Lecture 2: Work with chart repositories
Lecture 3: The magic of helm
Lecture 4: Using same installation name
Lecture 5: List and UnInstall
Lecture 6: Providing Custom Values
Lecture 7: Helm Upgrade
Lecture 8: More about upgrade
Lecture 9: Release Records
Lecture 10: Assignment Update
Chapter 4: Advanced Commands
Lecture 1: helm release workflow
Lecture 2: helm –dry-run
Lecture 3: helm template
Lecture 4: More about release records
Lecture 5: helm get
Lecture 6: helm history
Lecture 7: helm rollback
Lecture 8: create namespace
Lecture 9: install or upgrade
Lecture 10: Generate Release Names
Lecture 11: Wait and Timeout
Lecture 12: Atomic install
Lecture 13: Forceful upgrades
Lecture 14: Clean Up on failed updates
Chapter 5: Create Charts
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create first chart
Lecture 3: Install the chart
Lecture 4: Chart YAML Part 1
Lecture 5: Chart YAML Part 2
Lecture 6: Templates in brief
Lecture 7: Helpers File
Lecture 8: Values yaml
Lecture 9: helm package
Lecture 10: helm lint
Chapter 6: Templates Deep Dive
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Template Actions
Lecture 3: Template Information
Lecture 4: Pipelines
Lecture 5: Functions
Lecture 6: Use Conditional Logic
Lecture 7: Use With
Lecture 8: Define Variables
Lecture 9: Use Loops
Lecture 10: Loop Dict Types
Lecture 11: Looping Assignment
Lecture 12: Debugging the templates
Lecture 13: helm get manifest
Lecture 14: _helpers.tpl again
Lecture 15: Create and Use Custom Template
Chapter 7: Advanced Charts
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Add Dependencies
Lecture 3: Using Version Range
Lecture 4: Using repo name
Lecture 5: Use Dependencies Conditionally
Lecture 6: Use Multiple Conditional Dependencies
Lecture 7: Pass values to dependencies
Lecture 8: Read Values from child charts
Lecture 9: Use values not exported
Lecture 10: Hooks
Lecture 11: Create and Use a Hook
Lecture 12: Testing Introduction
Lecture 13: Test your chart
Chapter 8: Repositories
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setup a local repository
Lecture 3: Install Python
Lecture 4: Host the repository on a web server
Lecture 5: Use the repository
Lecture 6: Install using helm pull
Lecture 7: Update repositories
Lecture 8: Use Github pages
Lecture 10: OCI Repositories
Lecture 11: Use OCI Repo
Bharath Thippireddy
IT Architect and Best Selling Instructor- 700000+ students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 23 votes
- 2 stars: 49 votes
- 3 stars: 248 votes
- 4 stars: 1058 votes
- 5 stars: 1556 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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