IBM APIC 10 – Full lifecycle API management
IBM APIC 10 – Full lifecycle API management, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.47, with 64 lectures, based on 92 reviews, and has 453 subscribers.
You will learn about API lifecycle Management Understand the API Gateway concepts Working with API Manager API analytics , Developer portal Creating different kinds of API proxies Message transformation Techniques Routing Techniques Managing products & APIs Traffic Management Error handling This course is ideal for individuals who are IT professionals who want to switch to API management jobs or Beginners who want to start their career in API management tools. It is particularly useful for IT professionals who want to switch to API management jobs or Beginners who want to start their career in API management tools.
Enroll now: IBM APIC 10 – Full lifecycle API management
Title: IBM APIC 10 – Full lifecycle API management
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.47
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: ₹6,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- API lifecycle Management
- Understand the API Gateway concepts
- Working with API Manager
- API analytics , Developer portal
- Creating different kinds of API proxies
- Message transformation Techniques
- Routing Techniques
- Managing products & APIs
- Traffic Management
- Error handling
Who Should Attend
- IT professionals who want to switch to API management jobs
- Beginners who want to start their career in API management tools.
Target Audiences
- IT professionals who want to switch to API management jobs
- Beginners who want to start their career in API management tools.
This course is designed to understand the complete API Lifecycle Management from the creation of the API to the Retirement of the API. The concepts are explained in simple language to help students understand clearly what is the use of API management tools. Along with practicals, students will be equipped with clear concepts.
I suggest please go through both theory and practicals for better understanding.
The implementation/configuration stage for each lifecycle is explained with the practicals. The focus of the course is to understand the API Lifecycle concepts with proper examples and to build the integration flows using the built-in policies.
The API Manager which is part of the Provider organization provides the UI to create, manage, secure, versioning, and retire the APIs. The APIs can be designed in the API manager or the APIs can be imported. These are the different ways used to create an API proxy.
From Target Service
From Existing Open API Service
From existing WSDL service (SOAP proxy)
From existing WSDL service (REST proxy)
New OpenAPI
Implemented API proxies using both the API Type (OpenAPI 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0). OpenAPI specification is explained in detail.
Implemented different Transformation techniques and Routing Techniques using the built-in policies.
The APIs are available in the Developer portal when the Product containing APIs is published. There are multiple visibility and subscribability options available while publishing the Product. The consumers of this API, register with the Developer portal by creating an application. The developer portal is part of the consumer organization.
API manager governs the API by creating the proxy endpoint and applying the different kinds of policies. Based on the business requirements, the required policies like rate limiting, Client ID enforcement, etc. can be configured. It has the option to create integration flows using different policy actions like a switch, Invoke, map, etc. It provides the Analytics feature at the APP level, Catalog level, and Space level.
Error Handling in Assembly is explained in details and also the use of the throw policy. Rate Plan and Rate Limit concepts are explained in the Traffic Management section.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is API Connect
Chapter 2: APIC Environment
Lecture 1: Provision API Connect in AWS
Lecture 2: Provider Organization
Lecture 3: API Manager
Lecture 4: Catalogs
Lecture 5: Space
Lecture 6: Members of the Provider Organization
Lecture 7: Consumer Organization
Lecture 8: What is Developer Portal ?
Lecture 9: Account in Developer Portal
Lecture 10: App in Developer Portal
Lecture 11: API Gateway
Chapter 3: Open API Specification – OAS
Lecture 1: OpenAPI Specification Version 3
Lecture 2: Difference between OAS V3 and OAS V2 (Swagger)
Chapter 4: Create API Proxies
Lecture 1: Backend Service for API Testing
Lecture 2: Example: Backend Service/API simulation
Lecture 3: What is an API proxy?
Lecture 4: What is an Assembly?
Lecture 5: Create from target service – OAS 2.0
Lecture 6: Create from target service – OAS 3.0
Lecture 7: Create from existing OpenAPI service – OAS 2.0
Lecture 8: Create from existing OpenAPI service – OAS 3.0
Lecture 9: Create new OpenAPI – 3.0
Lecture 10: Create API by importing OpenAPI – 2.0 & 3.0
Lecture 11: Create from existing WSDL service (SOAP proxy)
Lecture 12: Create from existing WSDL service (REST proxy)
Chapter 5: Invoke Policy in Detail & Message Template Policy Implementation
Lecture 1: Create a new Space (Generic) in Developement Catalog
Lecture 2: Introduction – Invoke Policy
Lecture 3: Pass Authentication in Invoke Policy
Lecture 4: Modify the HTTP method in Invoke Policy
Lecture 5: Block/Allow Headers & Parameters
Lecture 6: Create Mock Service using Message Template Policy
Lecture 7: Response Object Variable in Invoke Policy
Lecture 8: Use Stop on Error feature in Invoke Policy
Chapter 6: Transformation
Lecture 1: Message transformation JSON >XML
Lecture 2: Message transformation XML >JSON
Lecture 3: Map Policy – JSON to another JSON format
Chapter 7: Routing Techniques
Lecture 1: Operation Switch Policy
Lecture 2: Switch Policy
Chapter 8: Error Handling
Lecture 1: Handling Errors in Assembly?
Lecture 2: How to use Throw policy
Chapter 9: Packaging, Publishing APIs and Traffic Management
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Product and configure Plan
Lecture 3: Subscriptions & Traffic Management
Chapter 10: Traffic Management – Part 2
Lecture 1: Rate Plan configured for 2 APIs in a Product
Lecture 2: Customize the API list in the Product
Lecture 3: Configure Rate Limit at Operation level
Chapter 11: Managing Products and APIs
Lecture 1: Product Versioning
Lecture 2: Create a new version of the Product and API
Lecture 3: Deprecate the API
Lecture 4: Retire the API
Lecture 5: Restage the Product
Lecture 6: Republish the Product
Lecture 7: Supersede an existing Product – Success scenario
Lecture 8: Supersede an existing Product – Failed scenario
Lecture 9: Replace an existing Product – Success scenario
Lecture 10: Replace an existing Product – Failed scenario
Lecture 11: Lifecycle Approvals
Chapter 12: API Analytics
Lecture 1: Reading the Analytics – Dashboard/Discovery
Lecture 2: Analytics for Catalog
Lecture 3: Analytics for Space
Lecture 4: Analytics for App
Lecture 5: Activity Log
Prashant Naik
Integration Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 33 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
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