Introduction to Automotive engineering – Performance
Introduction to Automotive engineering – Performance, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.38, with 110 lectures, based on 849 reviews, and has 3477 subscribers.
You will learn about What is acceleration and top speed performance what limits it? What is Handling performance and what are the factors which contribute What is Braking performance and the Importance of ABS What is NVH and Ride vibrations, how are they dealt with What do you mean by vehicle durability and aspects related to structural strength What constitutes the factors affecting Fuel economy of an IC engine vehicle? This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineering students who want to build awareness about Automobile engineering or Enthusiasts who know basic Google level knowledge but want to understand the why behind each performance criteria of vehicle It is particularly useful for Engineering students who want to build awareness about Automobile engineering or Enthusiasts who know basic Google level knowledge but want to understand the why behind each performance criteria of vehicle.
Enroll now: Introduction to Automotive engineering – Performance
Title: Introduction to Automotive engineering – Performance
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.38
Number of Lectures: 110
Number of Published Lectures: 110
Number of Curriculum Items: 110
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 110
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What is acceleration and top speed performance what limits it?
- What is Handling performance and what are the factors which contribute
- What is Braking performance and the Importance of ABS
- What is NVH and Ride vibrations, how are they dealt with
- What do you mean by vehicle durability and aspects related to structural strength
- What constitutes the factors affecting Fuel economy of an IC engine vehicle?
Who Should Attend
- Engineering students who want to build awareness about Automobile engineering
- Enthusiasts who know basic Google level knowledge but want to understand the why behind each performance criteria of vehicle
Target Audiences
- Engineering students who want to build awareness about Automobile engineering
- Enthusiasts who know basic Google level knowledge but want to understand the why behind each performance criteria of vehicle
Automotive Design is driven by the targets set for performance. Understanding these performance metrics and characteristics is a very important part of the overall Vehicle design process.
This course aims to provide an idea of each of these specific areas of performance related to the Typical IC (internal combustion) engine Vehicle.
Topics covered
Mechanism of Acceleration of the Vehicle
Basic working principles of IC engine
Traction and Power limited acceleration
Limits of Top speed
Relations between tractive force and engine torque
Need for a transmission
Factors which affect Vehicle Handling
Importance of the Tire
Stiff vs Soft suspension
What is Road holding and Grip
Types of tests performed for handling
Steering performance
Basic Physics of Braking
Working mechanism of a Brake system
Stopping distance derived
Slip ratio and its affects
Anti lock braking system working
Relations between Braking and Handling behavior
What are vibrations,
Difference between Ride and NVH
Types of sources, paths
Types of Noise
Basic Concepts of Vibrations
Sensitive touch points related to NVH
How NVH performance is evaluated?
Different aspects of Vehicle Durability
Importance of Material properties to strength
Bending and Torsional stiffness
Trade off of strength vs Weight
Considerations for Design for durability in Vehicle design process
Flow of energy in an engine
Types of losses
Relative Contribution of those losses
Specific Fuel Consumption
What is Thermal efficiency and ways to improve it
Affect of Driving patterns and environment
Ways to improve Vehicle Fuel efficiency
The course is designed to be Beginner friendly and consists of minimal Math with a “First Principles” approach.
If you are a student, engineer working in Automotive industry or an enthusiast wanting to learn about Automobiles this course will give you a Holistic understanding of Performance Criteria which matters and build a conceptual intuitive understanding of underlying principles.
This course doesn’t deal in-depth in any of the area only deals with “what matters” .
This course may not be for you if you are looking for a highly analytical approach .
This course is suitable for you if already know some basics of cars but want to know the engineering connections in performance.
Knowledge compiled in the course is partly academic and partly related to my experiences and learning throughout my working stint at an Automotive manufacturer as a mechanical design engineer .
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to Vehicle performance
Lecture 3: Categorization of Performance
Chapter 2: Acceleration and Top speed Performance
Lecture 1: Basic Physics of Acceleration
Lecture 2: Concept of Power
Lecture 3: Drive System
Lecture 4: IC Engine Fundamentals
Lecture 5: Mechanism of Acceleration
Lecture 6: Two Factors which Limit Acceleration
Lecture 7: Tractive Force Relations
Lecture 8: Limit of Adhesion
Lecture 9: Relation between Torque and Tractive force
Lecture 10: Factors affecting Traction Limit
Lecture 11: Torque and Power Generation – Definitions
Lecture 12: Power Relations
Lecture 13: Brake Power of Engine
Lecture 14: Engine Characteristics
Lecture 15: Spark Ignition vs Compression Ignition
Lecture 16: Mean Effective Pressure
Lecture 17: Need for a Transmission
Lecture 18: Gear Ratio
Lecture 19: Gear Addition Based on Traction limit curve
Lecture 20: Marriage of Engine and Transmission
Lecture 21: Types of Transmissions
Lecture 22: Improving Acceleration performance
Lecture 23: Forced Induction of Air in Engines
Lecture 24: Air Fuel Ratio
Lecture 25: Fuel Injection – Throttle Response
Lecture 26: How to Increase Power of Engine – Summary
Lecture 27: Top speed Performance
Lecture 28: Tyre Limit and Aerodynamic Limits
Lecture 29: Power to Weight Ratio
Lecture 30: Peak Low rpm Torque vs High power
Lecture 31: Weight Transfer affects
Lecture 32: Affect of Type of Drive on Acceleration performance
Chapter 3: Handling and Steering Performance
Lecture 1: Introduction to Handling
Lecture 2: Prime Factors which Affect Handling
Lecture 3: Typical Suspension Setup
Lecture 4: Tire Construction and Properties
Lecture 5: Tire Section and Width
Lecture 6: Forces Generated on Tire
Lecture 7: Tire Lateral Slip angle
Lecture 8: Understeer and Oversteer
Lecture 9: Road Holding and Grip
Lecture 10: Stiff vs Soft Suspension
Lecture 11: Centre of Gravity and Weight distribution
Lecture 12: Wheel Alignment angles and their Implications
Lecture 13: Steady State Handling Test
Lecture 14: Double Lane Change test
Lecture 15: Tuning for Handling
Lecture 16: Steering Feel and Feedback
Lecture 17: Steering On centre Performance
Lecture 18: Improving Handling Performance- Summary
Lecture 19: Steering Ratio
Lecture 20: Turning Circle Diameter
Lecture 21: Steering Returnability Performance
Chapter 4: Braking Performance
Lecture 1: Basic Physics of Braking
Lecture 2: Working Principle of Braking system
Lecture 3: Brake Force Generation
Lecture 4: Relation between Braking Torque and Friction Force
Lecture 5: Kinetic Energy and Braking Power
Lecture 6: Work done By Braking system
Lecture 7: Stopping distance Calculations
Lecture 8: Slip Ratio and Performance
Lecture 9: Ill Effects of Wheel Lock-up
Lecture 10: Regulating braking force and ABS working principle
Lecture 11: Anti Lock Braking system Working Block diagram
Lecture 12: Weight Transfer during Braking
Lecture 13: Relation of Braking and Handling Behavior
Lecture 14: Total Braking Distance
Chapter 5: Ride and NVH performance
Lecture 1: Introduction to Vibrations in Vehicles
Lecture 2: What is Ride ?
Lecture 3: Excitation Sources for Ride
Lecture 4: Excitation sources for NVH
Lecture 5: Sources and Paths of Vibration and Noise
Lecture 6: Types of Noise
Lecture 7: What Constitutes NVH performance?
Lecture 8: Natural Frequency
Lecture 9: Resonance
Lecture 10: Damping, Types
Lecture 11: Vibration Transmissability
Lecture 12: Modes and Modal Alignment
Lecture 13: Spring and Damper
Lecture 14: Sensitive Touch points for NVH
Lecture 15: Noise absorption Materials
Lecture 16: Frequency Response test
Lecture 17: Evaluating NVH Performance
Chapter 6: Durability
Lecture 1: Aspects of Durability
Lecture 2: Mechanical properties of Materials
Lecture 3: Temperature Resistance
Lecture 4: Chemical resistance
Lecture 5: Stiffness – Concept
Lecture 6: Sections and Moment of Inertia
Lecture 7: Bending Stiffness of Vehicle
Mufaddal Rasheed
Mechanical engineer, Product designer , Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 134 votes
- 4 stars: 337 votes
- 5 stars: 348 votes
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