Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course – Part 1
Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course – Part 1, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 136 lectures, 57 quizzes, based on 4070 reviews, and has 27358 subscribers.
You will learn about Obtain the knowledge of the advanced topics that form questions in the 1Z0-819 exam Master the tricky syntax and other unusual code tricks that appear in the exam Obtain the skills and confident to pass Oracle's Java SE 11 1Z0-819 exam in style Receive the confidence to sit the exam knowing you have everything needed to pass it. This course is ideal for individuals who are Java Students or Professional developers who want an easy way to prepare for Oracles Java 11 1Z0-819 exam It is particularly useful for Java Students or Professional developers who want an easy way to prepare for Oracles Java 11 1Z0-819 exam.
Enroll now: Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course – Part 1
Title: Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course – Part 1
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 136
Number of Quizzes: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 132
Number of Published Quizzes: 55
Number of Curriculum Items: 193
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 187
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Obtain the knowledge of the advanced topics that form questions in the 1Z0-819 exam
- Master the tricky syntax and other unusual code tricks that appear in the exam
- Obtain the skills and confident to pass Oracle's Java SE 11 1Z0-819 exam in style
- Receive the confidence to sit the exam knowing you have everything needed to pass it.
Who Should Attend
- Java Students or Professional developers who want an easy way to prepare for Oracles Java 11 1Z0-819 exam
Target Audiences
- Java Students or Professional developers who want an easy way to prepare for Oracles Java 11 1Z0-819 exam
Becoming Java certified is a great way to help improve your career options with more job opportunities and more pay.
That’s because Oracle’s Java certification program, unlike many other certifications out there, has real value in the industry. One of the main reasons is that it’s an official Oracle certification, but second, the exam is quite difficult to pass.
Employers see programmers who are Java certified as more valuable than programmers who are not certified. So it’s totally worth getting Java certified to take advantage of this.
This course has been designed to pass on the exact knowledge you need to pass Oracle’s 1Z0-819 exam.
So what exam does this course cover?
This course focuses on the Java SE 11, 1Z0-819 exam, from Oracle. It’s Part 1 of a 2-course series. It’s highly recommended that you complete Part 2 of my 1Z0-819 exam course after completing this one.
Oracle helpfully publishes the complete list of topics that questions in the exam come from. I’ve taken extreme care to ensure that a full 100% of the material you need to know, in order to pass the exam is covered in either this course or Part 2.
There are only two courses you need to get Java certified, this one, and my Part 2.
I won’t waste your time on any Java features that are not going to come up as a question on the exam.
Why Get Certified in Java 11, aren’t there newer versions available?
Java 11 is designated as the LTS or Long Term Support version of Java – it’s going to be supported by Oracle and JDK vendors until at least 2026, unlike Java 9, Java 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, etc all of which are no longer supported by Oracle.
Large companies have large codebases, and it takes them a long time to upgrade that code to new versions of Java – for years Java 8 was the main version used by companies, and with the release of Java 11, and Oracle’s commitment to supporting it for many years as well as them designating it as the long term support version, this means that the majority of the industry will be moving, or already have moved to Java 11. Particularly now that Java 8 support is ending soon.
Oracle does not have a certification program for Java 9, 10, 12, or Java 13, etc. This is by design. Because Java 11 is Oracle’s long term supported version of Java. For this reason, Java 11 is the version of Java you need to become certified in. And this course will help you achieve that.
What’s the difference between this course and your Part 2 1Z0-819 exam course?
Firstly, the courses have completely different content, there is pretty much no overlap of content in the two courses. Think of this course as the “Core Java” concepts, and my Part 2 course, as the “Advanced” content. Both courses are targeted for the 1Z0-819 exam and help you to pass it.
Why are there two courses for the 1Z0-819 exam?
In October 2020, Oracle decided to move from their old exams, the 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 to a single exam, the 1Z0-819.
The thing is, the 1Z0-819 exam, still targets the exact same topics that were in the old 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 exams, minus a few topics that have removed.
Previously you needed to pass both exams to get Java certified. Now, you only need to pass the 1Z0-819 exam. So that’s a bonus for you.
This Part 1 course originally targeted the 1Z0-815 exam, and my other just released Part 2 course, was originally going to target the 1Z0-816 exam. What I’ve done now is updated and renamed both courses, and ensured they are both targeting the material you need to pass the new 1Z0-819.
Hopefully, that makes sense as to why you need to take two courses.
Do I really need to take a “Java exam course” to pass the exam?
Being completely upfront, it is possible to pass the exam without studying a specific exam course like this one. But it’s not easy. Keep in mind that the exam does not just test your knowledge of Java, but actively tries to trip you up by asking questions that sometimes use obscure, rarely used syntax that you may never have come across before. The sorts of things that most Java courses or textbooks will never teach you.
This course shows you all the standard Java stuff you need to know, as well as this more obscure stuff to ensure you really are ready to pass the exam.
Who is this course suitable for?
If you have been through at least some of my Java Masterclass on Udemy, or another Java course and/or have some professional programming experience in Java or another programming language then this course is for you.
This course is definitely NOT for beginner programmers. If you are a beginner, you will struggle with this course. In that case, grab my Java Masterclass and go through all or a significant amount of that course before attempting this one.
You don’t teach Java in this course?
That’s right, I don’t teach you Java as such. The course assumes you know Java, and are looking for the knowledge to pass the exam. It’s a subtle but important distinction.
And remember, the course only focuses on topics that may come up as a question in the 1Z0-819 exam.
Yes, you will learn a ton of new things by going through this course. But I do assume you know Java, and won’t waste your time by having you watch me type in code.
Rather, I paste in a code snippet, explain its purpose, and execute it. This is the best way to pass on the required knowledge to me. As an aside, the
It’s designed to give you the exact information and skills you need to pass Oracle’s Java 11 1Z0-819 exam.
If you already have Java 7 or Java 8 certification and want to upgrade your skills to Java 11, this is for you.
The great thing about the course is that it’s relatively short (at least compared to my almost 80 hour Java Masterclass), so it’s great if you need to cram before taking the exam.
What this course is not.
This course is not a “rebadged” Java 8 Certification course – the 1Z0-819, Java 11 certification is a lot different from the 1Z0-808 (Java 8) exam (for starters it covers many features not included in Java 8, a few of which are listed above).
If you only have Java 8 experience it’s going to be pretty hard for you to pass the Java 11 exam. You need to be up to speed with Java 11 features (as well as the older stuff) and that’s what you will learn in this course.
I created this course, from scratch, in Java 11 to give you the tools you need to pass Oracle’s 1Z0-819 exam (formally the 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 exams).
Who Am I?
My name is Tim Buchalka, a professional software developer with close to 40 years of experience, starting out with Java way back in the 1990s. I am the creator of the biggest and most comprehensive Java course on Udemy, the Java Masterclass which has been a best seller for many years and has close to 500,000 students and literally tens of thousands of glowing reviews.
I’d like to think I know a thing or two about Java!
You can be assured that the quality of the course is second to none and that the information contained in it will help you pass the 1Z0-819 exam.
Ready to get started?
Click on the enroll button and get started on your road to Java certification, better job opportunities, and more pay!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Creating a Simple Java Program
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Info
Lecture 3: Why Java 11?
Lecture 4: Java Certification – Which Courses do I need?
Lecture 5: Oracle Exam Codes – What you need to Know
Lecture 6: Which Vendors JDK 11 Should you Use?
Lecture 7: Which IDE should you Use?
Lecture 8: Packages and Imports
Lecture 9: Fully Qualified Class Name, Single Type Import and Type Import on Demand
Lecture 10: Fully Qualified Class Name, Static Type Import and Static Import on Demand
Lecture 11: Imports and Packages: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 12: Static Imports and Packages: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Chapter 2: Understanding Java Technology and the Environment
Lecture 1: Understanding Java Technology and the Environment
Chapter 3: Working With Java Primitive Data Types and String APIs
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Primitive Data Type Recap
Lecture 3: Declaring Primitive Types
Lecture 4: Local Variable Initialization
Lecture 5: Narrowing and Widening
Lecture 6: Casting
Lecture 7: Declare and Initialize Variables: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 8: Scope
Lecture 9: More on Scope
Lecture 10: Local Variable Scope: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 11: Local Variable Type Inference
Lecture 12: Local Variable Type Inference: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 13: String Recap
Lecture 14: Creating Strings
Lecture 15: String Concatenation
Lecture 16: Manipulating Strings
Lecture 17: Text Search in String
Lecture 18: Other String Manipulation
Lecture 19: Replacement Methods and Text Transformation
Lecture 20: Creating and Manipulating Strings: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 21: Manipulate Data Using the StringBuilder
Lecture 22: StringBuilder: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Chapter 4: Using Operators and Decision Constructs
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Java Operator Overview
Lecture 3: Pre and Postfix Increment and Decrement Operators
Lecture 4: Binary Operators Overview
Lecture 5: Binary Operators Code Part 1
Lecture 6: Binary Operators Code Part 2
Lecture 7: Java Operators: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 8: if else Decision Construct
Lecture 9: switch Decision Construct
Lecture 10: Java Control Statements: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 11: Loop Structures
Lecture 12: for Loop: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Chapter 5: Working with Java Arrays
Lecture 1: Introduction to Working with Java Arrays
Lecture 2: Array Declaration and Initialization Overview
Lecture 3: Array Declaration and Initialization
Lecture 4: Manipulating Arrays
Lecture 5: Array Search Methods
Lecture 6: Manipulating Data in Arrays
Lecture 7: Array Data Transformation Methods
Lecture 8: Two Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 9: Arrays: Out of the Ordinary Concepts – Unboxing
Lecture 10: Arrays: Out of the Ordinary Concepts – Lists
Lecture 11: Arrays: Out of the Ordinary Concepts – Summary of Copying
Chapter 6: Describing and Using Objects and Classes
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Declare and Instantiate
Lecture 3: Coding Classes and Garbage Collection
Lecture 4: Defining the Structure of a Class
Lecture 5: More Declaration Examples and Initializer Blocks
Lecture 6: Initializers and Static Initializers in Code
Lecture 7: Class Structures: Out of the Ordinary Concepts
Lecture 8: Read or Write to Object Fields
Lecture 9: Read or Write to Object Fields Code Examples
Chapter 7: Creating and Using Methods
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Tim Buchalka
Java Python Android and C# Expert Developer – 1.58M students -
Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy
Professional Programmers and Teachers – 2M students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 63 votes
- 2 stars: 90 votes
- 3 stars: 401 votes
- 4 stars: 1416 votes
- 5 stars: 2100 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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