Juniper JNCIA Junos JN0-105 and 7 Hours of BGP-ISIS-OSPF L2
Juniper JNCIA Junos JN0-105 and 7 Hours of BGP-ISIS-OSPF L2, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 112 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 333 reviews, and has 6458 subscribers.
You will learn about An understanding of the Juniper Junos OS and how it fits into modern networking with both enterprise and service provider environments, JNCIA JN0-105 success How networking is the same across multiple vendors, once you know a protocol or concept you will see how easy it is to transfer your learned skills to Junos You will be confident in dealing with Juniper equipment in your work place and stand out from the others who can't or won't you will see Extra content from the JNCIS-ENT and the JNCIS-SP like BGP, OSPF, ISIS, and Layer 2 so you can succeed in further studies or at the work place A good foundation into the Juniper JNCIS Enterprise and JNCIS Service Provider , Bring these skills to the workplace Advanced Juniper JNCIS topics not included in any other JNCIA course, see how Cisco and Juniper can work well with each other JNCIA certification will open doors at work and is the cornerstone of Juniper certification, progress from the JNCIA to the JNCIS and higher This course is ideal for individuals who are Network Engineers of all levels that want to learn Juniper Junos. this course is the foundation for your further studies or Engineers that want to further their study into the Juniper JNCIS -SP or JNCIS -ENT as the Extra content will be a great help or network engineers who want to complete the JNCIA certification program and learn the fantastic Junos OS It is particularly useful for Network Engineers of all levels that want to learn Juniper Junos. this course is the foundation for your further studies or Engineers that want to further their study into the Juniper JNCIS -SP or JNCIS -ENT as the Extra content will be a great help or network engineers who want to complete the JNCIA certification program and learn the fantastic Junos OS.
Enroll now: Juniper JNCIA Junos JN0-105 and 7 Hours of BGP-ISIS-OSPF L2
Title: Juniper JNCIA Junos JN0-105 and 7 Hours of BGP-ISIS-OSPF L2
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 114
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: £22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- An understanding of the Juniper Junos OS and how it fits into modern networking with both enterprise and service provider environments, JNCIA JN0-105 success
- How networking is the same across multiple vendors, once you know a protocol or concept you will see how easy it is to transfer your learned skills to Junos
- You will be confident in dealing with Juniper equipment in your work place and stand out from the others who can't or won't
- you will see Extra content from the JNCIS-ENT and the JNCIS-SP like BGP, OSPF, ISIS, and Layer 2 so you can succeed in further studies or at the work place
- A good foundation into the Juniper JNCIS Enterprise and JNCIS Service Provider , Bring these skills to the workplace
- Advanced Juniper JNCIS topics not included in any other JNCIA course, see how Cisco and Juniper can work well with each other
- JNCIA certification will open doors at work and is the cornerstone of Juniper certification, progress from the JNCIA to the JNCIS and higher
Who Should Attend
- Network Engineers of all levels that want to learn Juniper Junos. this course is the foundation for your further studies
- Engineers that want to further their study into the Juniper JNCIS -SP or JNCIS -ENT as the Extra content will be a great help
- network engineers who want to complete the JNCIA certification program and learn the fantastic Junos OS
Target Audiences
- Network Engineers of all levels that want to learn Juniper Junos. this course is the foundation for your further studies
- Engineers that want to further their study into the Juniper JNCIS -SP or JNCIS -ENT as the Extra content will be a great help
- network engineers who want to complete the JNCIA certification program and learn the fantastic Junos OS
This Juniper JNCIA JN0-104 covers the full JN0-105 blueprint and is my first outing into video training – please be gentle on me, I have designed this course to cover all the topics on the JNCIA and I have included the PowerPoint presentations that I use.
I have included 7 hours of EXTRA content found on the Juniper JNCIS-ENT and Juniper JNCIS-SP covering basic juniper Vlans, juniper switching, juniper BGP and OSPF as well as ISIS and RIP mainly because when i done the Juniper JNCIA I was lucky that I was working with Juniper devices in a service provider environment so I was familiar with layer 2 and routing protocols but the JNCIA Junos JN0-105 does not provide this information.
Juniper certification is rewarding and a very intresting take on networking and after following my Juniper JNCIA junos jn0-104 certification course you will be ready to take the JN0-105 exam and move on to Juniper JNCIS.
In the work place you will be able to show that you know how to monitor and configure the likes of Spanning Tree, BGP and OSPF, ISIS, RIP and more.
I believe that this course will cover two things, it will provide a solid level of knowledge if you do intend to progress to the Juniper JNCIS and it will allow you to have confidence going into your work place by being able to demonstrate that you can preform configuration on and monitor a live production network.
We will look at configuration on devices like the Juniper SRX Firewall , Juniper vMX Router and the Juniper QXF Switch
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Juniper JNCIA Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Juniper JNCIA Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Juniper Certification
Lecture 2: JN0-105 Blueprint Unchanged from JN0-104
Lecture 3: JNO-104 Exam Blueprint
Lecture 4: Get 75% off your exam
Lecture 5: How to Lab
Lecture 6: Juniper Vlabs Registration
Lecture 7: Using Juniper Vlabs
Lecture 8: Summary
Chapter 3: Juniper Networking Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Networking Fundamentals Module Introduction
Lecture 2: OSI and TCP/IP Models
Lecture 3: MAC Address Overview
Lecture 4: Collision and Broadcast Domains – Lab
Lecture 5: Broadcast Domains with Vlan- Lab
Lecture 6: What is an IPV6 address
Lecture 7: What is an IPV4 address
Lecture 8: Subnetting
Lecture 9: Decimal to Binary Conversion
Lecture 10: Subnet Masks
Lecture 11: Supernetting
Lecture 12: Longest Match Routing
Lecture 13: TCP vs UDP
Lecture 14: Class of Service
Lecture 15: Summary
Chapter 4: Juniper OS Fundamentals
Lecture 1: OS Fundamentals Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Juniper Junos – Software Architecture
Lecture 3: Protocol Daemons
Lecture 4: Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine
Lecture 5: Transit and Exception Traffic
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 5: Juniper CLI Interface
Lecture 1: CLI Interface Module Introduction
Lecture 2: CLI Functionality
Lecture 3: CLI Modes
Lecture 4: CLI Navigation
Lecture 5: CLI Help
Lecture 6: Information Levels
Lecture 7: Filtering Output
Lecture 8: Active vs Candidate Configuration
Lecture 9: Configuration Modes
Lecture 10: Commit Options
Lecture 11: Rollback Configuration
Lecture 12: Configuration Files
Lecture 13: The Juniper J-Web
Lecture 14: Summary
Chapter 6: Configuration Basics on Juniper Devices
Lecture 1: Configuration Basics Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Factory Default
Lecture 3: Initial Configuration
Lecture 4: User Accounts
Lecture 5: Login Classes
Lecture 6: Login Authentication
Lecture 7: Interfaces
Lecture 8: Interface Configuration
Lecture 9: Extra Content – Interface IPV6 Configuration
Lecture 10: Configuration Groups
Lecture 11: NTP
Lecture 12: Syslog
Lecture 13: Syslog Lab
Lecture 14: SNMP
Lecture 15: Tracing aka Debugging
Lecture 16: Rescue Configuration
Lecture 17: Basic DHCP Config
Lecture 18: DHCP via J-web
Lecture 19: Summary
Chapter 7: Juniper Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
Lecture 1: Operational Monitoring Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Show and Monitor commands
Lecture 3: Network Tools
Lecture 4: Root Password Recovery
Lecture 5: Shutting Down The Device
Lecture 6: Software Naming
Lecture 7: OS Upgrade, Snapshot and USB Mounting
Lecture 8: Unified ISSU
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 8: Juniper Routing Fundamentals and Policies
Lecture 1: Routing Fundamentals and Policies Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Static Routes
Lecture 3: Route Preference
Lecture 4: Routing Tables
Lecture 5: Routing Instances
Lecture 6: Default Routing Policy
Lecture 7: Routing Policy Filters
Lecture 8: Firewall Filters
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 9: The Extra Content Sections
Lecture 1: Purpose of the Extra Content Videos
Chapter 10: Extra Content – Juniper Layer 2 Switching
Lecture 1: Layer 2 Switching Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Juniper Vlan Configuration
Lecture 3: Inter Vlan Routing
Lecture 4: Spanning Tree
Lecture 5: Spanning Tree Protection
Lecture 6: Layer 2 Bridging
Skill Nuggets
We love networking and we hope you do
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 92 votes
- 5 stars: 224 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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